Docker is an open-source platform used by developers to create and deploy distributed applications. Docker is the software that helps automation of deployment of applications in one or more machines. By using Docker, developers are able to separate their applications into isolated containers, which carry with them only the requirements needed to packages the application. This process is then referred to as containerization.

Put simply, a Docker Developer is a programmer specialized in developing applications for the Docker system or environment. With the help of Docker it’s easier for developers to maintain, deploy, and run their applications on any platform from any computer with access to internet. The hiring of a Docker Developer on is a no-brainer for anyone who wants to build their service on the cloud and set up multiple options for development and production environments.

Here's some projects that our expert Docker Developer made real:

  • Turned raw data from Azure Databricks into machine learning pipelines
  • Migrated and configured dedicated server resources with existing web services
  • Configured secure authentication protocols
  • Developed scripts to manage specific functions within a Python repository
  • Ensured Jenkins servers were working as intended on Ubuntu docker images
  • Built dockerfiles with autonomy and efficiency

In conclusion, clients can benefit greatly from hiring a Docker Developer via, since they have experience in various tasks related to deploying and running applications through Docker platforms. By hiring a freelancer they can automate deployment processes while also having the use of specialized scripts and processes tailor made for their products. Clients should consider posting their own project today in and hire an experienced Docker Developer!

Asiakkaamme antoivat 51,861 arvostelussa keskimääräisen arvosanan Docker Developers 4.9 / 5 tähteä.
Palkkaa Docker Developers

Docker is an open-source platform used by developers to create and deploy distributed applications. Docker is the software that helps automation of deployment of applications in one or more machines. By using Docker, developers are able to separate their applications into isolated containers, which carry with them only the requirements needed to packages the application. This process is then referred to as containerization.

Put simply, a Docker Developer is a programmer specialized in developing applications for the Docker system or environment. With the help of Docker it’s easier for developers to maintain, deploy, and run their applications on any platform from any computer with access to internet. The hiring of a Docker Developer on is a no-brainer for anyone who wants to build their service on the cloud and set up multiple options for development and production environments.

Here's some projects that our expert Docker Developer made real:

  • Turned raw data from Azure Databricks into machine learning pipelines
  • Migrated and configured dedicated server resources with existing web services
  • Configured secure authentication protocols
  • Developed scripts to manage specific functions within a Python repository
  • Ensured Jenkins servers were working as intended on Ubuntu docker images
  • Built dockerfiles with autonomy and efficiency

In conclusion, clients can benefit greatly from hiring a Docker Developer via, since they have experience in various tasks related to deploying and running applications through Docker platforms. By hiring a freelancer they can automate deployment processes while also having the use of specialized scripts and processes tailor made for their products. Clients should consider posting their own project today in and hire an experienced Docker Developer!

Asiakkaamme antoivat 51,861 arvostelussa keskimääräisen arvosanan Docker Developers 4.9 / 5 tähteä.
Palkkaa Docker Developers


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    LMS Automation
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    I'm looking for a skilled developer with expertise in DevOps to help me automate key aspects of a Library Management System (LMS). The primary focus of this project is on automating the lending process. Specific areas of automation include: - Book Cataloging: This involves automating ISBN scanning and metadata fetching, as well as categorization and tagging. - User Records Management: This will cover automating user registration and authentication, as well as user activity tracking. The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience with the following technologies: React.js, Flask, JSON, Terraform, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes (EKS), and AWS (EC2, S3). Proficiency in using CloudWatch and Prometheus for monitoring is also crucial. A strong understanding of Jenkins ...

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    €107 Keskimäär. tarjous
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