Bash Scripting is a popular computer programming language used by developers to develop high quality, reliable software tools and applications. It is an extremely versatile, universally supported language which makes it ideal for making diverse applications like weather data retrieval programs, complex network configuration tools and remote access scripts. When it comes to experienced Bash Developers, they are often well-versed in utilizing the language's many powerful features, such as conditionals and looping.

Here's some projects our expert Bash Developers made real:

  • Setting up sophisticated network infrastructure components that improve the scalability and reliability of applications
  • Automating mundane tasks like performance monitoring, data backups and system maintenance
  • Writing scripts that help protect codebase integrity by improving code readability and overall quality
  • Deploying complex operating systems onto different hardware platforms quickly and hassle-free

Bash scripting is an incredibly powerful solution for businesses when it comes to creating robust software applications. From setting up secure networks to automating tedious tasks to deploying intricate operating systems onto different hardware platforms in an efficient manner, Bash developers are truly invaluable when it comes to helping companies reach IT goals with ease. Companies can easily post their projects on and hire a passionate Bash Developer who can make their dreams into reality.

Asiakkaamme antoivat 14,475 arvostelussa keskimääräisen arvosanan Bash Developers 4.94 / 5 tähteä.
Palkkaa Bash Developers

Bash Scripting is a popular computer programming language used by developers to develop high quality, reliable software tools and applications. It is an extremely versatile, universally supported language which makes it ideal for making diverse applications like weather data retrieval programs, complex network configuration tools and remote access scripts. When it comes to experienced Bash Developers, they are often well-versed in utilizing the language's many powerful features, such as conditionals and looping.

Here's some projects our expert Bash Developers made real:

  • Setting up sophisticated network infrastructure components that improve the scalability and reliability of applications
  • Automating mundane tasks like performance monitoring, data backups and system maintenance
  • Writing scripts that help protect codebase integrity by improving code readability and overall quality
  • Deploying complex operating systems onto different hardware platforms quickly and hassle-free

Bash scripting is an incredibly powerful solution for businesses when it comes to creating robust software applications. From setting up secure networks to automating tedious tasks to deploying intricate operating systems onto different hardware platforms in an efficient manner, Bash developers are truly invaluable when it comes to helping companies reach IT goals with ease. Companies can easily post their projects on and hire a passionate Bash Developer who can make their dreams into reality.

Asiakkaamme antoivat 14,475 arvostelussa keskimääräisen arvosanan Bash Developers 4.94 / 5 tähteä.
Palkkaa Bash Developers


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    3 löydetyt työt

    I need help with my set of .sh scripts that (re)install and configure a dockerised NGinx/PHP/MariaDB web server (LEMaP) on a RPi 3B+ running Raspbian Bookworm. The scripts require debugging, feature completion, and testing. You will be given SSH access to an RPi 3B+ for testing. It needs debugging and completion of features: - Public site configuration: both with SSL - Dev site configuration: , with SSL Currently the scripts are hanging when setting up SSL certificates, and it is not clear what is wrong. The scripts probably need to be altered to enable separate testing. The scripts needs tidying in the way it deals with re-installing over existing files if already installed,. The scripts also need optimised SSL certificicate generation and configuration etc so it's only d...

    €47 Average bid
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    I'm in need of a Raspberry PI + Bash expert to help create a benchmark library specifically designed for performance testing. Please when you apply I need you to be a real person and answer these questions: 1. Do u have a device where you can test a code 2. Your experience with bash 3. Your experience with single bench computers. 4. How free are you on these weekends?

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    €97 Keskimäär. tarjous
    11 tarjoukset

    Complete Conway's Game of Life using Tensorflow - Using 2D convolution, complete the template Conway's Game of Life using built-in Tensorflow functions. - The template is provided. You just need to complete it. - Initial states are provided. - Script to read the initial states are provided. NOTE: This project uses tensorflow for non-deep-learning topic. Should be easy to implement if you have understanding in convolutions and what it does. Deliverables: 1. One template file completed that implements the game. The program should also record the total compute time of the GPU (just use `()`).

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Keskimäär. tarjous
    8 tarjoukset

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