Working as a freelance developer työt
Sonar scan Jenkin pipeline JAVA
Edellytämme tarkkaa silmää ja pelisilmää jonka turvin toistat graafikon visiot yksityiskohtaisesti käyttäen Bootstrap:pia ainakin staattisen HTML:län, CSS:n ja Javascriptin voimalla ja hyvin mielellään osaat tottuneesti käyttää Vue.js:sää jolle tuotetaan sisältöä Ruby on Rails:llä rakennetulla backendillä. Olemme Suomessa johtavassa asemassa oleva, jo vuosikymmeniä toiminut, matkailualan ohjelmistoja tuottava yritys ja rakennamme vanhojen järjestelmien tukemana uutta helppokäyttöistä matkailun verkkokauppa ja toiminnanohjausjärjestelmää start-uphengessä. Työtä on osa-aikaisesti tuntityönä ja kommunikointi etätiimilä...
Työn kuvaus Traffic Lab etsii dynaamisia, itsenäisiä ja taitavia freelance-kirjoittajia tuottamaan erilaisia suomenkielisiä artikkeleita, tekstejä ja arvosteluja. Tekstien aihealueina ovat pääasiallisesti nettikasinot, kasinopelit ja muu rahapelaaminen. Katsomme eduksi jos aihealue on sinulle entuudestaan tuttu, mutta tämä ei ole lainkaan välttämätöntä. Tehtävänäsi on muun muassa kirjoittaa arvosteluja sekä erilaisia artikkeleita, joiden kohderyhmänä ovat suomalaiset kasinopelaajat. Materiaalin tarkoituksena on luoda internet-liikennettä sekä rekrytoida pelaajia suurimmille kasinosivustoille. Työpaikkanasi on koko maailma, voit työskennellä missä tahans...
Xibo CMS - developer / consultant for custom Widget needed We are looking for a freelancer with experience in the Xibo CMS platform configuration and Widget/Module development, for a Digital Signage product. In order to complete this assignment you would be need to be familiar with the following technologies: * PHP, JavaScript, CSS, * Amazon Web Services (existing CodeBuild & CodeDeploy and EC2 environment) * Linux (Ubuntu) * C++ basics (Not absolutely necessary, but might come handy) * Docker In addition of allowing you to use modern development tools, you have the opportunity to witness Digital Signage business from up close. DS is a natural evolution of traditional advertising business, which enables delivery of digital content exactly where the tar...
Työn kuvaus: Online markkinointi yritys etsii työkokemuksen omaavaa ja suomenkielistä online markkinoinnin ammattilaista auttamaan yrityksen pelialaan liittyvän sivuston mainonnassa. Annamme kuitenkin enemmän painoarvoa työkokemuksen sijaan oikeanlaiselle asenteelle ja suhtautumiselle työhön (työhön tarjotaan koulutus). Kyseessä on pitkäkestoinen projekti ja toivomme löytävämme työtehtävään luotettavan ja omistautuneen henkilön osaksi markkinointi tiimiämme. Vaatimukset: - Kokemus blogiyhteistyöstä ja vierasbloggaamisesta - Suomi äidinkielenä - Sujuva englannin kielen taito (kirjoittaminen sekä kommunikaatio) - SEO:n/ sisältömarkkinoinnin/ sosi...
Hei, Tahdotko lähteä mukaan mielenkiintoiseen seikkailuun, jossa pääset kehittämään ja kehittymään? Juuri tällä hetkellä etsimme sopivaa henkilöä mukaan kaupallistamaan suomalaista vauva-, lapsi- ja perheaiheista sivustoamme. Sivustollamme on jo kymmeniätuhansia kävijöitä kuukausittain, joten alkuvuodesta on tarkoitus ottaa seuraava askel sivuston kehityksessä. Teemme hommia tosissamme, mutta pilke silmäkulmassa. Meille on tärkeää, että viihdyt projektissa, ja koet sen omaksesi. Tunnistatko itsesi? - Olet ennakkoluuloton, rohkea ja kunnianhimoinen henkilö, jolla on kova halu tehdä ja kehittyä - Sinua ei tarvitse vetää eikä ty&...
online jobs, data entry, offline jobs, html jobs
Periodista y fotoperiodista freelance para barcelona y badalona
Test order,2600 likes 26 start number need 200 1072 start number need 200 1 start number need 200 45 start number need 200 368 start number need 200 66 start number need 600 732 start number need 1000
...meidän uutta ja mielenkiintoista projektia. Tehtäviisi kuuluu tuotenäytteiden jakamista, kertoa asiakkaille eri tuotemerkeistä ja osallistua myyntikampanjoihin mitä ko. liikkeet kulloinkin tekevät (esim. tuotemyyntiä tai näytejakeluja tai asiakkaiden kannustamista ottaa osaa kilpailuihin). Työajat ovat joustavat mikä tekee työstä houkuttelevan esimerkiksi niille, jotka hakevat lisätienestiä freelance-tuloihin tai opiskelijabudjettiin tai joilla on jo yksi työ. Kuukausipalkkasi tulee olemaan 1100-1200€ riippuen viikonloppuvuoroista (13€-15€/tunti n. 20h per vko) + kannustimet. Työ alkaa tammikuun puolessa välissä. Työskentely Helsinki-Vantaa lentokent&au...
simple jobsimple jobsimple jobsimple jobsimple jobsimple jobsimple job
Haussa osaaja! Osaat tyylitellä taitavasti CSS:n ohjeistuksen mukaiseksi, ja tunnet jokaisen Wordpressin haasteen ja mahdollisuuden tarkkaan. Apua tarvitaan ensin vain yhteen projektiin, johon suurin osa CSS-tyylittelyistä on jo tehty, mutta muutama ongelmakohta kaipaa vielä kokeneempaa tyylittelijää. Jos sopiva freelance-tekijä löytyy, tarjolla on tulevaisuudessa niin Wordpressiin kuin muihinkin CMS-järjestelmiin liittyvää työtä. Hinnoittelumalli sovittavissa.
Mencari freelancer 3D modelling on project basis.
Overview We are looking for an experienced Kotlin Developer to enhance the TmlCompose project. TmlCompose is a Jetpack Compose-inspired DSL for generating Apache Tapestry TML files dynamically using Kotlin. This project aims to modernize Tapestry UI development, making it more declarative, reusable, and maintainable. We need a motivated developer to add new features, improve integration, and refine the project structure to make it production-ready. Responsibilities -Extend TmlCompose DSL to support npm integration for frontend use. -Implement JavaScript (JS) generation capabilities to handle Tapestry interactions and dynamic behavior. -Enhance CSS styling support, allowing users to define styles dynamically and output valid CSS files. -Modify the library setup...
Hi , I would like a professional retoucher for some natural colour correcting for food shots ( white tablecloth and grey shadows no colour casts plus a couple of dark corners lightened . One shot has womans hand please remove hair and smooth skin please? Remove marks bottom right of shot in last screen shot And I need all of these by 2 hours please there are 11 photos.....
I need a seasoned Visual Developer with substantial experience working with DevExpress Grid. This project requires creating a grid entirely through code and linking it to a SQL Server data source, also through code. Key Project Features: - Implement item selection via double-click or using the F1 key, which opens a help form for item selection. The selected item's data and price should return to the grid row. - Enable item data retrieval through barcode or item code input. - Incorporate a parameter for the saving process, utilizing a function that performs calculations through a query for item cost using both FIFO (First In, First Out) and Average Cost methods. - Facilitate returning selected data from another grid using...
I'm looking for a dedicated Software Developer for a full-time role in the Information Technology sector. This is a fantastic opportunity for a qualified individual, whether you're from India or elsewhere. Key Responsibilities: - Develop, test, and implement software applications. - Collaborate with other IT professionals to enhance our software offerings. - Troubleshoot and resolve software issues in a timely manner. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience as a Software Developer. - Proficient in various programming languages and software development tools. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Strong communication and teamwork abilities. Visa and travel requirements will be giv...
? Job Overview: We need a coder/programmer to build an automated web scraping and messaging tool. This tool will: 1️⃣ Scrape user data from a specific website. 2️⃣ Check for duplicate entries in a Google Sheet. 3️⃣ Send automated messages to selected users. 4️⃣ Run automatically every 15 minutes, 24/7. Our current process is done using Browserflow, but this tool will be **custom-built**—you don’t need experience with Browserflow, just the ability to replicate the workflow. --- ?️ What We’re Looking For: ✅ Experience in Web Scraping & Automation (Python, Puppeteer, Selenium, or similar tools). ✅ Ability to work with Google Sheets API (to store & update data). ✅ Knowledge of scheduling scripts to run every 15 minutes (Cron job...
I'm looking for a skilled Flutter developer who can seamlessly integrate the AI vireo Generator API into my app. The primary AI functionality needed is image recognition, specifically object detection and image classification. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Flutter development - Experience with integrating third-party APIs, specifically Google Cloud Vision - Understanding of image recognition features such as object detection and image classification - Ability to implement and optimize AI functionalities within a mobile application The ideal candidate will have a strong background in mobile app development and a proven track record of working with AI APIs. If you have the skills and experience necessary to bring this project to li...
App Developer required to build fairly simple App. Needs to work on Android and Os and be available to download on App stores
Freelance Video Creator Needed for Retail Store Display Advertisement We are a small retail store seeking a creative and skilled freelance video creator to produce an engaging commercial video for our recently purchased Samsung 43" Professional Display QET Series LCD screen, mounted at the front of our store. The goal of this video is to attract foot traffic by highlighting key products and services in a visually appealing and dynamic way. Project Overview: We are looking for a professional specializing in AI video creation or commercial video production to design a high-impact, attention-grabbing advertisement. The video must be optimized for pedestrian engagement and effectively showcase our offerings in a fun, engaging, and ...
I'm seeking a seasoned Next JS expert to completely revamp my current WebUI. The focus will be on improving its performance and upgrading the user interface. Your role will involve: - Performance Optimization: Identifying and implementing strategies to enhance the application's speed and efficiency. - UI Upgrades: Revamping the user interface to make it more intuitive and visually appealing. While there may be opportunities for adding new features in the future, the primary aim of this project is to enhance the existing application. The ideal freelancer for this job should have extensive experience with Next JS, a strong understanding of performance optimization techniques, and a keen eye for UI/UX design.
We are seeking a skilled WebXR developer to create an prototype immersive experience representing an enterprise software platform capability map in a dynamic 3D city metaphor. The project aims to visually represent complex software functions in an engaging manner. Essentially, each main platform workflow area is represented as a “district,” subdistricts become neighborhoods for specific applications, and each application’s modules appear as individual buildings. We’re aiming for dynamic visuals, where the “buildings” reflect licensing status and activity levels (e.g., illuminated windows, height variations, etc.). The ideal candidate should have experience with 3D modeling, WebXR frameworks, and a strong u...
...Seeking Talented Front-End Developer for Mining Industry Podcast Website  Description: We are looking for an experienced front-end developer to bring the Gold Room Podcast’s online presence to life. This role involves creating a modern, user-friendly website that serves as a hub for mining industry news, company reports, and our podcast content. Responsibilities: • Develop a responsive and visually appealing user interface. • Integrate chat functionalities for user engagement. • Collaborate with our backend developer to ensure seamless data flow and API integration. • Implement AI tools to summarize financial reports and drill results.  • Ensure compatibility across various devices and browsers.  ...
I'm looking for a new or junior level Android developer from Pakistan. The project details are not yet fully fleshed out.
This proposal outlines the provision of a dedicated developer Support for AdFox customisation from Mar 1 to Mar 31 2025. The cost for these services over the 31-day period is $1000. Tasks can be assigned and managed through our project management tool, ensuring transparency and effective communication.
I'm looking to discuss our budding AI StartUp with experienced full-stack developers. Your insights will be invaluable in shaping our product and strategy. - Primary Area of Expertise: Developer, marketer, designer - Specialization: Full-stack Development - Proficient Languages: JavaScript, Python, Ruby If you're a full-stack developer proficient in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby, marketer, designer, video creator etc and are available for a 30-45 min call, please reach out. Your experience could help us define our final product and create a new project. Thank you:)
I’m looking for a budget‑conscious, experienced full‑stack developer to audit and enhance the first iteration (MVP) of my GroceryDeal platform. The current MVP is built with Flask/Python and integrates with the Kroger API to aggregate grocery deals. However, the app currently only has a few screens and is facing issues with API endpoint configuration and token management (e.g., 404/403 errors and invalid tokens). Project Goals for MVP: Screens (3–4): -Home/Search Page: A simple page where users can enter a product query and zip code. -Results Page: Display aggregated grocery deals from the Kroger API (or fallback dummy data) based on the search query and location. -Product Details Page: Show detailed product information including nutrition d...
We are seeking a talented and imaginative audiodrama scriptwriter to craft a chilling and immersive horror story based on the provided outline. The script will be developed into an audiobook, requiring engaging dialogue, vivid sound design cues, and strong narrative pacing to create a spine-tingling listening experience. The ideal candidate should have experience in writing horror or thriller scripts, a deep understanding of audio storytelling, and the ability to create atmospheric tension and psychological depth in their writing. Project Details: Genre: Horror / Psychological Thriller Format: Audiodrama script (approx. 30-50 minutes in length) Tone: Dark, eerie, suspenseful Setting: Bardejovské Kúpele, a historic spa town known for its he...
I'm in need of a seasoned web developer with at least 5 years of experience. The ideal candidate should be able to collaborate with team members, update, and maintain the project. Key requirements include: - Extensive experience in coding - Proficiency in WooCommerce - Able to integrate user reviews feature The primary goal of the website is e-commerce, thus a robust understanding of e-commerce platforms and their functionalities is crucial. The chosen freelancer should have ample time to dedicate to this project, ensuring timely updates and maintenance. Skills and experience required: - Minimum 5 years in web development - Strong coding skills - Prior experience with WooCommerce - Excellent team collaboration skills - Able to maintain a project over ...
...custom checkout page (Checkout Champ) which is not triggering automatic discounts from Shopify. The objective of this project is solely to fix this as quickly as possible. Need a high level developer who's had experience with these sort of issues in the past and is familiar with checkoutchamp and shopify extensively. If you know what to do this shouldn't be a long task, but i need this working asap, please only apply if you've dealt with this problem in the past and can fix this. For example, I've been wanting to use Kaching for quantity breaks and they give the aesthetic i want, but even the native quantity breaks on shrine theme as well as apps that create auto discounts, none of that final discount info ge...
I want to create dating app for both android and ios, fullstack. I have UI/UX designs ready with me. We also need to add payments option in this
I'm looking for a skilled MERN stack developer to help me enhance an existing internal business application. The task will primarily involve adding new features to this tool. Key Features to be Implemented: - Reporting Dashboard: I need a comprehensive dashboard that provides insights and analytics. - User Authentication: Enhancing security and user management through robust authentication systems. - API Integration: Connecting our tool with other software and services for seamless operation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in MERN stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js). - Experience in developing and adding features to internal business tools. - Knowledge in creating reporting dashboards. - Expertise in implementing user authentication systems. - Profi...
...Please be honest. Do not try and pass off the work of other developers as your own. • Please be honest about your skills and coding ability. You will not only waste our time and impact our project timeline, you will also not be paid. • We use JIRA and run sprints. You must be at peace with this. • Our culture within our team is important to us – so no toxic energy. Once you are okay with the above, please feel free to continue reading our job posting! Job Description: We are seeking an experienced cross-platform mobile app developer to build an AI-powered, offline-first enterprise-grade application for iOS and Android. The app will feature advanced AI/ML capabilities, work seamlessly in offline mode, and integrate with a secure enterprise back...
Job Listing: Freelance Lead Database Builders – Data Scraping & Lead Generation We’re looking for two skilled freelancers to build a high-quality leads database by scraping and verifying data from sources such as Yellow Pages, White Pages, business directories, and other relevant websites. Key Responsibilities: • Research and extract contact information (names, phone numbers, business names, etc.) from online directories and other sources. • Ensure the leads are accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to our target market. • Organize the data into Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets in a structured format. • Deliver the compiled list to our lead generators for outreach and qualification. Requirements: • Proven experience ...
I need a skilled WordPress developer to assist with content updates on my existing site. The ideal freelancer should have extensive experience with WordPress, and be able to manage and implement updates seamlessly. Key Responsibilities: - Regularly update the site with new content - Ensure all updates are in line with the site's overall design and functionality - Troubleshoot any issues that arise during the update process Skills Needed: - Proficiency in WordPress - Strong understanding of web design and functionality - Excellent problem-solving skills - Good communication skills for discussing updates and changes
I am seeking a skilled Flutter developer to build a web application. The project will primarily focus on implementing user authentication and a bill printing feature. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Flutter with experience in developing web applications - Strong understanding of implementing secure user authentication systems - Previous experience with creating print functionality within web applications Please provide examples of similar projects you have worked on in your proposal.
I am looking for a skilled Android developer with proficiency in Kotlin and hands-on experience integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) into mobile applications. The primary focus will be on implementing chatbot functionality and text analytics within the app. Key Responsibilities: Develop and integrate NLP-powered chatbots into the app. Implement text analytics for enhanced user interaction. Ensure multilingual support for chatbot functionalities. Ideal Candidate: Strong expertise in Kotlin and Android development. Proven experience in NLP implementation within mobile apps. Background in chatbot development and text analytics. Experience working with multilingual applications. This is a long-term opportunity, and compensation will be discussed based on e...
I want to develop my own phishing simulation tool. I already have training videos prepared. Please provide the best solution on how I can get started, similar to EC-Council Aware and KnowBe4.
Job Description: SAP Consultant Trainer (ABAP / FI / MM / SD) Company: EME Education Location: Bhubaneswar Experience: 3 - 8 Years Vacancies: 15 Employme...students to enhance their SAP expertise. Key Skills Required: Strong Communication & Presentation Skills SAP ABAP, FI, MM, SD, HR expertise Experience in Training & Teaching Ability to simplify complex SAP concepts for learners Qualifications: / / MBA/PGDM in any specialization SAP Certification (Preferred) Prior experience in SAP Training is a plus Why Join Us? Opportunity to work with a leading SAP Education Partner Career growth in SAP Training & Consulting Exposure to industry-relevant SAP programs If you're passionate about teaching SAP and want to make an impact in the education s...
I'm looking for a web developer to help with an ongoing website project. The successful candidate will need to have the following skills. 1. Have experience with React and 2. Can work with google ads, tag manager, and integrating both of these into a website 3. Has experience with deploying projects on AWS The most critical aspect of my website project right now is integrating Google Ads and Tag Manager. I specifically need help implementing Tag Manager on the website and setting up tracking and analytics. Skills and experience in setting up Google Ads campaigns, front-end development with React and , and AWS deployment and management will be advantageous.
Job Description: SAP Consultant Trainer (ABAP / FI / MM / SD) Company: EME Education Location: Bhubaneswar Experience: 3 - 8 Years Vacancies: 15 Employme...students to enhance their SAP expertise. Key Skills Required: Strong Communication & Presentation Skills SAP ABAP, FI, MM, SD, HR expertise Experience in Training & Teaching Ability to simplify complex SAP concepts for learners Qualifications: / / MBA/PGDM in any specialization SAP Certification (Preferred) Prior experience in SAP Training is a plus Why Join Us? Opportunity to work with a leading SAP Education Partner Career growth in SAP Training & Consulting Exposure to industry-relevant SAP programs If you're passionate about teaching SAP and want to make an impact in the education s...
I'm seeking a skilled game developer to create a mobile real-time strategy (RTS) game with a focus on online multiplayer. Core Features: - The game must include a robust multiplayer matchmaking system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in developing mobile games, particularly RTS titles. - Expertise in implementing multiplayer systems. - Knowledge of mobile game monetization strategies, even though in-game purchases are not a core feature, some insight into this would be beneficial. Please share your previous work that aligns with this project.
...bidder will be mark as spam and rejected immediately.. Ita a long term project and need to work with multiple same category website, that means all website task/requirements will be the same. Note : Must work remotely by AnyDesk to the selected pc. Don't apply or bid on the project if you cant do. I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer who can assist me with theme customization on a selected PC via AnyDesk. The project entails: - Layout and design alterations to an existing theme - Adding new features to the theme - Connecting and configuring a selected API and also a custom payment system (local- by cash option) The initial setup of the site has already been completed, so I need help with customization and API configura...
I'm looking for a web developer to join my startup and help enhance our platform by adding new features based on user requirements. The ideal candidate should be able to understand, implement, and deliver project needs efficiently. There are no strict working hours—they can work at their own pace. Most importantly, I want someone with a learning mindset who takes responsibility and strives to meet expectations. Most of the features are already implemented in application and just need some refinement Key Responsibilities: - Develop user-to-user Chat - Enhance the overall UI of the platform - Set up user login and authentication - More Features as per requirements The top priority is developing the chat functionality which enables user-to-use...
Job Title: Freelance SaaS Developer & Frontend Developer for Educational Management System Job Description: We are looking for an experienced freelancer to help design and develop a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for educational management. The project will involve building a robust and scalable platform that can manage various educational activities, such as course creation, student enrollment, grading systems, and administrative features. You will also work on frontend development to ensure an intuitive, responsive, and engaging user experience for both teachers and students. Responsibilities: 1. SaaS System Design & Architecture: Design and structure a SaaS platform focused on educational management. Ensu...