Visual basic connect mysql database source download työt


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2,000 visual basic connect mysql database source download löydetyt työt

...moitteettomasti päivityksen jälkeen (3 eri). Apache-järjestelmä on käytössä. ## Työnkuvaus: - Ubuntu version päivittäminen 20.04 LTS -> 22.04 LTS - Tarkista ja varmista, että nettisivuserveri toimii päivityksen jälkeen: - PHP laajennukset - Turvallisuusliitännäiset - MYSQL - PHPmyadmin - Raportoi mahdollisista ongelmista minulle ja tee parhaasi ratkaistaksesi ne ## Edellytykset: Odotan sinun olevan perehtynyt seuraaviin taitoihin ja kokemukseen: - Ubuntu LTS -käyttöjärjestelmän päivitykset - Apache-web-serverit - PHP, MYSQL, PHPmyadmin laajennusten, optimoinnin ja ylläpidon - Serverin turvallisuuteen liittyvät tekijät - Kyky kommunikoida s...

€141 Average bid
€141 Keskimäär. tarjous
9 tarjoukset

...image link. You should get automated product cards from this information. The product card is basically an A4-sized PDF document, one page containing one product. I mention InDesign here because I know how to use it and I thought that if I could define the positions of the fields in InDesign, would it be possible for the Excel data to import into these fields with the help of a script. The visual appearance and design would then be easily adjusted by me. BUT, if there is a more efficient way to do this than InDesign, please let me know! ...

€73 / hr Average bid
€73 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
15 tarjoukset

Usealla isolla yrityksellä on käytössään Suomessa eräänlainen heidän alansa ERP-paketti, joka on koodattu Visual Basicillä. Tarvitsisimme VB-osaajaa ylläpitämään ohjelmistossa mahdollisesti tehtäviä muutostöitä. Tekniikka lyhyesti: • Visual Basic -koodia noin 280-290 000 riviä • Integraatio taloushallintoon ja palkan maksuun • raporttipuolella n. 50 000 riviä • Crystal Reports • Microsoftin SQL Server -kanta Työmäärät vaihtelee, mutta keskimäärin 1-2 päivää/viikko. Välillä hiljaista.

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
2 tarjoukset

Hello, I would like to receive an offer for logo design work for my company. Designing a brand and other visual look may also be necessary if the collaboration is going well and the company is satisfied with the work done. Cabigo is a short, catchy and eye catching name that stems up from the word Cab. This is synonymous with "taxi" and connects to efficiency and comfort. My company will sell white-label applications for transport companies Hei, haluaisin saada tarjouksen logon suunnittelutyöstä yritykseni käyttöön. Myös brändin ja muun visuaalisen ilmeen suunnittelu voi olla tarpeen yhteistyön sujuessa hyvin ja yrityksen ollessa tyytyväinen tehtyyn työhön.

€542 Average bid
€542 Keskimäär. tarjous
16 tarjoukset

...elementor pro:n päälle tehty sivusto. Haluan sivustolle esim woocommercella tehdyn tuotekatalogin, jossa erottelen uudet veneet omaksi välilehdekseen, ja käytetyt omaan. Haluan itse pystyä päivittämään sivustoa, olen itse rakentanut nykyisen sivun, mutta kaupan integroimista ulkoasuineen en hallitse. UPDATE: I have a website , I have built it with wordpress 5 and elementor pro. I have basic knowledge about installing and maintaining the website but need help integrating woocommerce and building simple product catalog. For example this website of my competitor has quite simple catalog for used (brokerage) and new boats: Also this one is something I have been looking for: They have also a simple configurator

€359 Average bid
€359 Keskimäär. tarjous
35 tarjoukset

Tehtäväpohjainen työajanseuranta. (php mysql html5) Käyttäjät puhelimella (selainpohjainen) - tehtävien vastaanotto ja työajan kirjaus (kellokortti) - tehtävien kuittaus Pääkäyttäjät tehtävien lisäys ja tuntien seuranta. - Koosteraportit tunneista - tehtävien priorisointilistaus (esim 3 luokkaa vanhemmuusjärjestykseen) Sopivan henkilön löydettyä tarkempi käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu jonka pohjalta arvioidaan projektin kesto ja kustannukset.

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
11 tarjoukset

...the game area is a canvas area and the game has three different colored coins that come down along a predetermined path. The database is a MySQL database, which is pre-coded. Player makes bitcoin transfer us, and the transfer is calculated to 20-digit binary number which determines a coin shop. 0 = right and 1 = left. Binary and bitcoin transfer calculation are encoded completed, but the playing area and mainsite should be encoded bit in the same style as has been done site. This would be good to manage HTML5, Canvas Advanced Animation Toolkit, jQuery, Windows animateframe, maybe socket open. Mysql database is complete, 20-digit binary number and the database is ready, but the game on the site is not yet as a PSD file. The coin must looking goo...

€1385 Average bid
€1385 Keskimäär. tarjous
3 tarjoukset

Excel Add-In that retrieves and uploads table-data from and to Azure SQL database . Add-In also modifies the Excel sheets and controls user interaction. For mosts of the sheet mofdification there is available VBA script that need to be traslated to C#-code. Initial Visual Studio 2015 Project code is available and the Project needs to be done using Visual Studio. Azure SQL database management and required SQL queries are not in the scope of the Project.

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
4 tarjoukset

Excel Add-In that retrieves and uploads table-data from and to Azure SQL database . Add-In also modifies andthe Excel sheets and controls user interaction. For mosts of the sheet mofdification there is available VBA script that need to be traslated to C#-code. Initial Visual Studio 2015 Project code is avaiable and the Project needs to be done using Visual Studio. Azure SQL database and required SQL queries are and database management is not in the scope of the Project.

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
3 tarjoukset
Laadi ohjelmisto
Loppunut left

Excel Add-In joka hakee ja tallentaa taulukkomuodossa olevaa dataa Azure SQL-kannasta/-taan. Lisäksi ohjelmallista Excel muokkausta ja hallintaa C#-koodilla. Osaan Excel muokkauksista valmis VBA-script, joka muutettava C#-kielelle. Visual Studio 2015 alkukoodi, SQL Azure tietokanta ja kyselyt valmiina.

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
2 tarjoukset

as agreed Custom help java + mysql Custom help java + mysql Custom help java + mysql Custom help java + mysql

€40 Average bid
€40 Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset

Hei, Sen verran hyvät meriitit löytyi Sinun esittelystä, että oli pakko ottaa välittömästi yhteyttä! Meillä on Wordpress pohjalla oleva laajennus, joka palvelee käyttäj...oli pakko ottaa välittömästi yhteyttä! Meillä on Wordpress pohjalla oleva laajennus, joka palvelee käyttäjiä tallentamaan monenlaista sisältöä oman profiilin alle ja näitä voi sitten toiset käyttäjät tutkia&vertailla. Ikävä kyllä valmis pohja kovin puutteellinen ja tarvitsisi useilta kohdin muokkauksia ja parannuksia. Muokkaukset tehtävä niin wordpressin puolella, kuin myös tietokannan puolella (mysql). Alkuun varmaan usealle p&au...

€920 Average bid
€920 Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset
Rakenna web-sivusto
Loppunut left

Olen aloittanut nettisivun tekemistä (), mutta taitoa ei riitä sen viimeistelemiseen. Haluan tehdä seuraavat muutokset: 1) Etusivulle: Connect with me icons etusivulle vasemmalle reunalle tai alareunaan (facebook, sähköposti). Tähän myös "certified sleep sense consultant" merkki samalle paikalle joka on tällä hetkellä isona etusivulla. 2) Etusivulle: Kohta mihin kävijä laittaa nimi sekä sähköpostiosoitteen saadakseen ilmainen univinkki download ja halutessaan pääsee minun maili listalle. Tämä voisi laittaa esim. kuvan oikealle puolelle. 3) Etusivulle: "Soita 15 minuutin arviointipuhelu" teksti siirtää yhteystiedot sivulle. Etusivulle linkk...

€203 Average bid
€203 Keskimäär. tarjous
5 tarjoukset

Visual FoxPro ka ek kaam hai

€46 Average bid
€46 Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset
€2258 Keskimäär. tarjous
6 tarjoukset

Käytössämme on WordPress teema, johon haluamme muuttaa ja lisätä muutamia toimintoja. Tehtävä ei vaadi lainkaan visuaalista osaamista, vaan tehtävänäsi ...lainkaan visuaalista osaamista, vaan tehtävänäsi on parantaa/lisätä sivuston toimivuutta. Esimerkiksi: Hakukentän teko dropdowneilla ja checkboxeilla... Toimintomme sivustolla muistuttavat paljon :n toimintoja. Vaadittavat taidot: -WordPress -PHP -Javascript -jQuery We are currently using WordPress theme, and we would like to add and modify a few functions. Job doesn't require any visual expertice. Your job is only to improve/increase the website's functionality. For instance: Create a search box with dropdowns (Categories and Loc...

€820 Average bid
€820 Keskimäär. tarjous
8 tarjoukset

c/c++ | c# | java | mysql | ngxin

€485 Average bid
€485 Keskimäär. tarjous
3 tarjoukset

Moikka, huomasin profiilisi ja ajattelin kysyä olisiko sinulla kiinnostusta tehdä etätyönä PHP/MySQL/JS koodia erilaisiin projekteihin jotka on tehty Yii Frameworkin päälle? Yst. Terv. Mika Saarinen Puh. 040 480 6791 mika@

€45 - €45
€45 - €45
0 tarjoukset

Java Mysql Project

€138 Average bid
€138 Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset

Etsimme pitkäaikaiseen yhteistyöhön suomenkiltä osaavan koodarin. Tarvittavia taitoja on php, mysql, html ja wordpress osaaminen.

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
4 tarjoukset

I am looking for a talented UI/UX designer with a strong background in game design. The task involves creating a style logo and UI icons for an multiplayer social deduction game aimed at the PC platform. Ideal candidates should: - Have extensive experience in designing for PC games - Possess a strong portfolio of cartoonish style designs - Have the...extensive experience in designing for PC games - Possess a strong portfolio of cartoonish style designs - Have the ability to create engaging and user-friendly UI/UX elements - Be able to deliver a professional game logo and a set of UI icons A keen understanding of the adventure game genre and a solid grasp of PC gaming standards is essential. The designer should be able to create a cohesive visual style that enhances the gameplay e...

€203 Average bid
€203 Keskimäär. tarjous
42 tarjoukset
Modern Interior Design for Two Floors
6 päivää left

I'm looking for a talented interior designer to transform the aesthetics of my first and second floor into a sleek, modern style. The redesign should focus on enhancing the visual appeal of the spaces, with a keen eye for detail and a strong understanding of modern design principles. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive design for both floors, focusing on modern aesthetics - Use of preferred materials: Wood, Metal, Glass - Ability to create a cohesive design across both floors Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in modern interior design - Proficient in working with wood, metal, and glass - Strong visual and spatial awareness Please provide your portfolio showcasing relevant past projects.

€107 Average bid
€107 Keskimäär. tarjous
10 tarjoukset
Website Design for a Publishing Platform
6 päivää left

I need a professional, fast, and SEO-optimized website for a publishing and media platform focused on investigative non-f...(black/grey/muted blue). Classified document overlays, aerospace schematics, subtle intelligence theme. ? Technical & Functional Requirements ✔ SEO Best Practices (Meta descriptions, speed optimization). ✔ Email Signup Integration (Mailchimp/ConvertKit). ✔ Podcast Embedding (Spotify, Apple Podcasts). ✔ eCommerce Ready (Optional). ? Deliverables Fully designed & functional website. Easy-to-manage CMS backend. Basic SEO optimization. Social media & newsletter integration. Documentation or quick training on site management. ? Budget & Timeline Budget: Open to quotes, seeking high-quality work at a reasonable price. Timeline: 3-6 weeks for full dev...

€893 - €1785
Sinetöity Salassapitosopimus
€893 - €1785
70 tarjoukset
Wix E-Commerce Site Redesign & SEO
6 päivää left

I need a seasoned web designer and SEO specialist to revamp my e-commerce site on Wix. The focus is on enhancing readability, user-friendliness, and visual appeal. Key Areas for Improvement: - Homepage layout: Special attention needed on the banner, hero section, featured products, and call-to-action buttons. - Product pages: Optimizing layout and design for clarity and engagement. - Navigation menu: Refining for seamless user experience. Design Style: - A modern and minimalistic approach is preferred. SEO Expertise Required: - Keyword optimization - Meta tag improvements - Backlink strategy - Overall boost to search engine rankings Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with Wix - Proven track record in web design and SEO - Ability to deliver a modern, minimalistic design - St...

€404 Average bid
€404 Keskimäär. tarjous
172 tarjoukset

I would like to make a web application responsive. The web application is implemented using PHP, HTML, MySQL, and CSS and is designed to serve as a tournament manager for a tennis club. The goal is to ensure that all content within the web application (tables, input fields, tabs, etc.) is fully compatible with and user-friendly on all mobile devices. Additionally, the implementation should be designed in such a way that ongoing development and new features can be easily integrated into the existing design.

€437 Average bid
€437 Keskimäär. tarjous
238 tarjoukset

...*_gcl_au*MTQ0NTI1MTgxOS4xNzQwMjMxNTc3*_ga*MTI2MzYwMDc1Ni4xNzQwMjMxMjIz*_ga_FTPYEGT5LY*MTc0MTI3NDY4NS4xNi4xLjE3NDEyNzQ4MDUuMS4wLjA Development Options React.js + Node.js : OPEN TO OTHER SUGGESTIONS, SHOULD HOWEVER MAINTAIN FLUID RESPONSIVE REAL TIME UI MySQL Payment gateway integration (Stripe). Custom booking system with deposit logic and vendor subscription model. Secure and optimized backend. Full specs attached. Custom Development (Recommended Tech Stack) Frontend: React.js / Vue.js (for dynamic UI). Backend: Node.js (Express) or Laravel (PHP). Database: MySQL / PostgreSQL. Payment Integration: Stripe API. Hosting: AWS / DigitalOcean / Shared Hosting based on budget. Budget & Milestone Plan Milestone Plan: Milestone 1: $70 (Initial setup & demo UI)....

€170 Average bid
€170 Keskimäär. tarjous
75 tarjoukset

I am in need of a cybersecurity specialist to enhance my current spam filtering systems and implement necessary security protocols. Currently, my email systems are equipped with basic built-in filters and only DMARC has been implemented as a security protocol. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze and improve existing spam filtering systems - Implement additional security protocols (SPF, DKIM) - Develop strategies to minimize spam on various online platforms - Educate users on effective methods to avoid spam Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in cybersecurity, particularly in spam prevention - Familiarity with implementing and managing security protocols - Ability to develop effective anti-spam strategies - Excellent communication skills for user education

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
9 tarjoukset

... dynamic event templates, bulk uploads. Tracking & Analytics - Integrate Google Ads/GA4 tracking for ticket purchases, abandoned carts, and event page interactions. - Ensure UTM parameter passthrough and server-side event tracking compliance. Documentation & Knowledge Transfer - Create detailed technical documentation for the existing system and new changes. - Train internal teams on basic maintenance and updates. Critical Soft Skills - Urgency & Reliability: Available to dedicate 6-8 hours/day with daily progress updates (standup calls preferred). - Problem-Solving: Quickly grasp poorly structured code and propose efficient solutions. - Adaptability: Balance refactoring legacy code with implementing new features under tight deadlines. Bonus Skills ...

€24 / hr Average bid
Kiireellinen Salassapitosopimus
€24 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
97 tarjoukset
Google Tag Setup for Quiz App
6 päivää left

I'm looking for an experienced web developer with a solid understanding of Google Tag Manager. My website, a quiz app, has a couple of buttons that need tracking. Speci...for an experienced web developer with a solid understanding of Google Tag Manager. My website, a quiz app, has a couple of buttons that need tracking. Specifically, I need tracking set up for a download button which links to a ZIP archive. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Tag Manager - Web development experience - Understanding of e-commerce tracking - Familiarity with quiz app functionality - Able to set up tracking for specific buttons Your task will be to set up Google Tag on the download button so that I can monitor its usage. This will help me understand user engagement with the download...

€14 Average bid
€14 Keskimäär. tarjous
8 tarjoukset

We want a mobile app that helps Indian entrepreneurs (especially in Tier 2 & 3 cities) set up and manage their startups. It provides ...deck generator, and funding tracker. 7. Government Schemes – Eligibility checks, direct application to schemes, and notifications. 8. Virtual AI Advisor – 24/7 chatbot for legal, financial, and operational queries. 9. Startup Journey Map – Gamified progress tracker with rewards at key milestones. ⸻ Tech Requirements (Suggested): • Frontend: React Native • Backend: Node.js with MongoDB & MySQL • AI Services: TensorFlow Lite, Azure Cognitive Services • Hosting: AWS or Google Cloud • Integrations: MCA, GSTN, MSME, Startup India APIs • Payments: Razorpay or Stripe • Security: SSL, ...

€699 Average bid
€699 Keskimäär. tarjous
20 tarjoukset

I'm in need of a dedicated car buying assistant in Finland as I want to buy a car in this country. Your main role will be to communicate with potential sellers over the phone over certain aspects of an Please only submit if you speak finish and you are in Finland! (I will have to ignore anything else) Key Responsibilities: - Contacting potential car sellers that I've filtered out - Inquiring about vehicle history and condition - Discussing price and payment terms Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication skills in Finnish and English - Negotiation skills might be great as well as some basic know-how about electric cars. - Ability to assess vehicle condition and history Experience: - experience is not a must, but if you've done anything similar in the...

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
10 tarjoukset

I'm looking for a dedicated virtual assistant to help with my WooCommerce store. The tasks will primarily involve listing physical goods. Key Responsibilities: - Listing physical goods on my WooCommerce store - Writing full product descript...for a dedicated virtual assistant to help with my WooCommerce store. The tasks will primarily involve listing physical goods. Key Responsibilities: - Listing physical goods on my WooCommerce store - Writing full product descriptions - Finding and uploading product images Ideal skills include: - Experience with WooCommerce - Excellent English writing skills - Proficiency in image sourcing and basic editing - E-commerce experience preferred I'm looking for a proactive individual who can take initiative and contribute to the growth...

€146 Average bid
€146 Keskimäär. tarjous
115 tarjoukset

I'm looking for a professional video editor who can help me create a comprehensive tutorial video. The video will be in Latin American audio, where I'll explain step by step how to generate considerable passive income by renting out your GPU for The video should: - Be over 10 minutes long. - Have an step how to generate considerable passive income by renting out your GPU for The video should: - Be over 10 minutes long. - Have an educational and didactic style. - Include visuals such as graphs and statistics, on-screen demonstrations, and explanatory animations. Ideal candidates should have experience in video editing, creating educational content, and a strong understanding of visual data representation. Please provide examples of similar projec...

€24 Average bid
€24 Keskimäär. tarjous
11 tarjoukset

I'm seeking a skilled video editor for my wedding footage. The final video should encapsulate a romantic mood, enhanced by suitable background music. Key aspects of the edit include: - Cutting and sequencing the footage into a cohesive narrative - Adding slow-motion effects at appropriate moments - Implementing color grading to enhance the visual appeal - Add background Music to it " Will Provide u" Experience with wedding videos and a good sense for pacing and emotional beats will be a significant advantage. Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal. Video is big i will give u drive Link after u hired Time Line: 1~3 days deliver Time Format MP4 Video Lenegth we can decide not to long just few min

€29 Average bid
€29 Keskimäär. tarjous
27 tarjoukset

...tasks include redesigning the interface for a modern look, optimizing performance for smooth navigation, and making the design visually appealing with a focus on stage lights. Key Requirements: 1. **Interface Redesign** – Update the overall interface of the website for a modern and sleek look. 2. **Performance Optimization** – Improve website performance for an enhanced user experience. 3. **Visual Appeal for Stage Lights** – Highlight stage lights attractively in the design. 4. **Best UI/UX Implementation** – Incorporate a professional and intuitive UI/UX design for seamless navigation and user interaction. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience in UI/UX design, web performance optimization, and creating visually appealing interfaces. Consiste...

€234 Average bid
€234 Keskimäär. tarjous
27 tarjoukset
Roblox Combat System Development
6 päivää left

I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a combat system for my Roblox game, inspired by The Stronger Battlegrounds (TSB). The system should encompass basic strikes, combos, and defensive maneuvers, with an intermediate level of complexity. Key Requirements: - Design and implement basic strikes and combo systems - Create a defense mechanism within the combat system - Develop a variety of special abilities, including magical powers, quick movements, and ranged attacks Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Roblox game development - Experience with combat system design - Creative thinking for unique ability creation - Able to implement an intermediate complexity level Please message me for more detailed information.

€28 - €230
€28 - €230
0 tarjoukset
iOS App Development for PLC Monitoring
6 päivää left

Objective: Freelancer will lead and assist in creating an iPhone (and if possible Android) iOS app that will connect to a Exor HMI Runtime running MQTT interface. The HMI Runtime is running on Windows10 and connected on LAN with Wago PLC running Codesys. The other LAN port is connected to WAN/internet gateway with Starlink. iOS App requirement is to read data values and alarms from Wago PLC. Signin or some authentication/login would be required to access PLC data.

€614 Average bid
€614 Keskimäär. tarjous
59 tarjoukset

...✅ High Commission – Earn 20-50% per closed project (negotiable based on deal size). ✅ No Operational Work – Just close deals, and we handle everything else (development, delivery, client management). ✅ Long-Term Growth – Opportunity to become a key business partner or co-founder based on performance. ✅ Flexible Work – Work remotely and manage your own schedule. Your Responsibilities: ? Find & Connect with Clients – Generate leads for custom software, web & mobile app development. ? Negotiate & Close Deals – Convert prospects into long-term clients. ? Drive Business Growth – Build relationships with businesses in need of IT solutions. Ideal Candidate: ✔ Proven experience in IT sales / business development (freelancing or agen...

€601 Average bid
€601 Keskimäär. tarjous
16 tarjoukset

I'm searching for an experienced Django ...Django developer to create a straightforward Python application. The app should scrape mixed data from databases, store it in an SQL database (preferably PostgreSQL or MySQL), and expose it as a REST API with token-based authentication. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Python application using Django - Scrape mixed data from a website - scrapping scripts available , which are now writing to excel - Store the data in an SQL database - Expose the data as a REST API - Implement token-based authentication for the API Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python and Django - Experience with data scraping - Familiarity with SQL databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL) - Knowledge of REST API development - Understanding o...

€289 Average bid
€289 Keskimäär. tarjous
66 tarjoukset

? Brief – Creation of a Golf Performance Tracking Template for 2025 ? Context: I am Thomas Bruneau, a high-level golf coach, and I need a clear and efficient tool to track my player’s performances throughout the 2025 season. The goal is to analyze his statistical evolution tournament after tournament, while comparing this data to his 2024 averages. The tool should be visual, interactive, and easy to use, allowing me to quickly interpret performances and adjust training strategies accordingly. ? Project Objective: Create a dynamic and customizable tracking template that allows me to: Easily enter data after each tournament. Compare 2025 performances with 2024 averages through evolution curves. Show or hide specific statistics using a checkbox system. Have a clean and ...

€15 Average bid
2 työtä

I'm seeking a talented designer to help create a style guide and design promotional materials for my brand. The ideal candidate should be skilled in creating visually appealing designs and have experience in brand development. Your task...designer to help create a style guide and design promotional materials for my brand. The ideal candidate should be skilled in creating visually appealing designs and have experience in brand development. Your tasks will include: - Creating a comprehensive style guide - Designing a range of promotional materials Your understanding of brand aesthetics and your ability to translate brand messaging into visual elements will be crucial for this project. Please share your portfolio of similar projects, as well as any relevant experience you have i...

€26 Average bid
€26 Keskimäär. tarjous
21 tarjoukset

I need a freelancer who can create an interactive data visualization tool primarily for data analysis purposes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data visualization tools (Tableau, Power BI, D3.js, etc.) - Strong analytical skills - Experience in creating user-friendly interfaces I'd prefer a professiona...primarily for data analysis purposes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data visualization tools (Tableau, Power BI, D3.js, etc.) - Strong analytical skills - Experience in creating user-friendly interfaces I'd prefer a professional who can understand complex data sets and present them in an insightful, easy-to-navigate format. The main goal is to facilitate data analysis through this interactive visual, so a keen understanding of data interpretation and visualization te...

€156 Average bid
€156 Keskimäär. tarjous
42 tarjoukset

I’m developing a web-based platform and need short-term contract developers to help build a React.js-based web dashboard & Analytics tool with Node.js backend and PostgreSQL database. ? Frontend Developer: Build responsive UI in React.js ( preferred). ? Backend Developer: Develop REST APIs using Node.js, PostgreSQL, Express.js. ? Designer: Build UI/UX with Figma or Adobe XD. ⏳ Duration: 2-3 months (project-based) ? Budget: Competitive, based on experience ? Location: Remote (Preference for India-based candidates) Experience in the field of data visualization is a plus. Looking forward to seeing your proposals.

€1533 Average bid
€1533 Keskimäär. tarjous
44 tarjoukset
AI-Enhanced PDF Conversion Site Clone
6 päivää left

...(mobile & desktop). Improve Design: Modernize and improve the current design (cleaner UI/UX, better visuals, etc.). Add AI Features: Integrate AI-powered services not present in the original site (e.g., AI-powered PDF summarization, OCR, or document translation). API Integrations: Integrate PDF conversion APIs (e.g., ILovePDF, , or Smallpdf). Ensure seamless file upload, conversion, and download functionality. Hosting & Deployment: Deploy the site on a reliable hosting platform (your recommendation). Key Notes for Freelancers: Do NOT bid if: You lack experience in replicating complex websites. You cannot deliver within 7 days. You cannot work within a low budget. Quote ONLY if: You have read and fully understood the requirements. You have prior experience ...

€209 Average bid
€209 Keskimäär. tarjous
49 tarjoukset
C# Console App for File Downloading
6 päivää left

I'm in need of a C# console application that can download files from a provided list in a text file. The application also needs to be able to solve reCAPTCHA v2 when prompted. Key Requirements: - The console application must be compatible with Windows. - It needs to be able to read a text file containing the list of files to be downloaded. - The application must be able to handle reCAPTCHA v2, which may involve implementing a service or library that can solve these challenges. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# with experience in developing console applications. - Familiarity with file handling in C#. - Previous experience dealing with reCAPTCHA challenges. - Understanding of Windows platform development.

€45 Average bid
€45 Keskimäär. tarjous
11 tarjoukset

I'...varied and consistent in theme. This is crucial in maintaining a unified brand identity across my channel. - Engaging Content: The graphics you design should be able to capture the attention of my audience and encourage them to interact with my content. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in graphic design, particularly for social media platforms. - Strong understanding of YouTube's visual requirements and best practices. - Experience in creating a series of graphics that are both varied and consistent in theme. - Ability to create engaging and interactive content. If you have experience in graphic design and a good understanding of social media platforms, particularly YouTube, I'd love to hear from you. Please include samples of your previous wo...

€12 Average bid
€12 Keskimäär. tarjous
2 tarjoukset

I'm in need of a modern-styled package design for my mailer box. The design should be sleek and contemporary, embodying a modern aesthetic. Key Design Elements: - My company logo should be prominently displayed. - My tagline needs to be incorporated thoughtfully within the design. - Product advantages and specifications should be clearly and appealingly presented. Color Scheme: - T...advantages and specifications should be clearly and appealingly presented. Color Scheme: - The design should utilize neutral tones. I prefer a clean and understated palette that aligns with the modern style. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in modern design principles - Strong understanding of effective packaging design - Excellent graphic design skills - Experience with branding and v...

€51 Average bid
€51 Keskimäär. tarjous
25 tarjoukset
Long-term Laravel Developer Required
6 päivää left

I'm seeking an experienced Laravel developer for a long-term collaboration I'll pay r...responsible for: - Developing new features - Maintaining the application and fixing bugs I have an existing codebase for you to work on. However, please note that the current codebase is not documented at all, so your ability to understand and work with unstructured code will be crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Laravel - Strong debugging and problem-solving skills - Experience with database management - Ability to work with unstructured code - Good communication skills for discussing potential improvements and features Please provide examples of previous Laravel projects you have worked on, and any experience you have with unstructured code. if you are interested then start ...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
35 tarjoukset
Transform Demo to MVP
6 päivää left

Full-stack Developer About the job We're looking for a full-stack web developer with at least 5 years of working experience (preferably backend) to build and maintain a web application for tracking and accounting. You will integrate banking (open and closed systems), payment gateways and accounting APIs and implement app specifications into a fully-fledged system: from system architecture, database design, vendor integration to business logic. What you’ll be working on Develop Cutting-Edge Applications: Build a web application tailored for the financial and payment industries both for the full-stack development, upgrade, and maintenance of the official website and event pages. Architectural Contributions: Contribute to the evolution of front-end and back-end architectu...

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
90 tarjoukset

...administrators with the ability to oversee auctions, resolve disputes, monitor platform performance, and ensure regulatory compliance. The ideal candidate should have experience developing scalable admin dashboards with functionalities such as user management, transaction tracking, subscription management, API integrations, and security monitoring. Proficiency in React.js, , Laravel (PHP), MySQL, and AWS is highly desirable. The project requires implementing automated financial reporting, user activity logs, and integration with payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe. A solid understanding of role-based access control (RBAC) and data encryption standards is crucial. Prior experience building admin dashboards for SaaS, fintech, or e-commerce platforms is desirable. Please pro...

€520 Average bid
€520 Keskimäär. tarjous
159 tarjoukset