Sql server 2000 data move oracle työt
Usealla isolla yrityksellä on käytössään Suomessa eräänlainen heidän alansa ERP-paketti, joka on koodattu Visual Basicillä. Tarvitsisimme VB-osaajaa ylläpitämään ohjelmistossa mahdollisesti tehtäviä muutostöitä. Tekniikka lyhyesti: • Visual Basic -koodia noin 280-290 000 riviä • Integraatio taloushallintoon ja palkan maksuun • raporttipuolella n. 50 000 riviä • Crystal Reports • Microsoftin SQL Server -kanta Työmäärät vaihtelee, mutta keskimäärin 1-2 päivää/viikko. Välillä hiljaista.
Tietojen siirto yhdestä domainhotellista toiseen. Sisältää useamman domainin, verkkosivun ja sähköpostin sisältöineen joiden välillä on myös keskinäisiä siirtoja. I need to move my domains and emails from one hosting provider to another one.
Etsimme autopesuyrityksellemme henkilöä, joka kääntäisi melko yksinkertaiset verkkosivumme suomesta ruotsiksi. Projekti ei ole erityisen kiireellinen, mutta mitä nopeammin valmis sen parempi tietenkin. Käännettävä sanamäärä arviolta 1500 - 2000 sanaa.
Meillä on kaksi yritystä järjestelmässä, joilla on omat varastokirjanpidot ja osto-&myyntitilauksensa. Lokaalina serverinä toimii Windows 7 ympäristössä, visma Nova pro 9 (Windows sql server). Mikäli työn suoritus vaatii jonkin tietyn ympäristön niin kysele. Haluaisimme ajoitettuina tehtävinä ajaa allamainitut skriptit jotka muodostavat CSV tiedostot jotka on tarkoitus lähettää sähköpostina eteenpäin. Skriptin asetusten muokkaus skriptin alussa. Muuttujat ja funktiot kommentoituna. Lisätyönä voi tarjota näiden tiedostojen automaattista lähettämistä (Tiedosto liitteenä + leipätekstissä luettavasti muotoltuna). -------...
Verkkosivuille 2000 sanaa. Sanamäärä jakaantuu 4:lle sivulle. Toimeksiantoja on useampia, aiheet vaihtelevat autokorjaamoista aina matkailusivustoihin. Tekstiin tulisi sisällyttää muutama sisäinen linkki, eli sivujen tulisi linkittyä toisiinsa.
Webservicen luominen sql tietokannalle. Perus toiminnot webservicelle ja kehitys ympäristön pystytys. Tarkempi speksi on saatavilla NDA:n kirjoituksen jälkeen. Kehitys mielellään Eclipse ympäristössä.
Sisällöntuottoa nettisivuille. Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät liitteistä.
Kyseessä on tapetointiaiheinen nettisivusto, jonne tarvitaan sisältöä 2000 sanan verran, sanamäärä tulee jakaa 4:lle sivulle. Liitetiedostosta löytyy tarkempia ohjeita.
Tarvitsen sisältöä autokorjaamo aiheiselle sivustolle. Sanamäärä on 2000 sanaa ja se pitäisi jakaa neljälle sivulle. - Etusivu, yleinen kuvaus yrityksestä - Palvelut, mitä yritys tarjoaa - Asiakkaiden antamaa palautetta (testimonials sivu) - Yrityksen historia Voit käyttää vapaasti luovuuttasi / mielikuvitustasi kirjoituksessasi. Liitteistä löytyy tarkempi kuvaus tehtävästä.
Olemme perustamassa sähkösopimusten vertailusivua ja tarvitsemme sitä varten tekstisisältöä. Sinun ei tarvitse tietää sähköstä yhtään mitään, koska tietoa on netti pullollaan vastaavilla sivuilla. Luovuutta kuitenkin tarvitaan, että huomaat mitä tietoa ...kysymykset -Tietoa sähkön kilpailuttamisesta -Sähkön siirto -Yösähkö -Sähkösanastoa Olemme mediatoimisto, joka samalla etsii pidempiaikaista kumppania tuottamaan sisältöä nettisivuille ja mainoskampanjoihin laadukkaasti, luovasti ja kohtuullisella hinnalla. Vaadimme hyvää kieliopin tuntemusta ja hyviä kommunikaatiokykyjä. Meidänkin kanssamme on mukava tehdä t...
PSD file should be encoded in HTML5 as a page, where the game area is a canvas area and the game has three different colored coins that come down along a predetermined path. The database is a MySQL database, which is pre-coded. Player makes bitcoin transfer us, and the transfer is calculated to 20-digit bin...and mainsite should be encoded bit in the same style as has been done site. This would be good to manage HTML5, Canvas Advanced Animation Toolkit, jQuery, Windows animateframe, maybe socket open. Mysql database is complete, 20-digit binary number and the database is ready, but the game on the site is not yet as a PSD file. The coin must looking good when it comes down to. The coin must move a the same way as site and the end of the multiplier must be the final effect.
Excel Add-In that retrieves and uploads table-data from and to Azure SQL database . Add-In also modifies the Excel sheets and controls user interaction. For mosts of the sheet mofdification there is available VBA script that need to be traslated to C#-code. Initial Visual Studio 2015 Project code is available and the Project needs to be done using Visual Studio. Azure SQL database management and required SQL queries are not in the scope of the Project.
Excel Add-In that retrieves and uploads table-data from and to Azure SQL database . Add-In also modifies andthe Excel sheets and controls user interaction. For mosts of the sheet mofdification there is available VBA script that need to be traslated to C#-code. Initial Visual Studio 2015 Project code is avaiable and the Project needs to be done using Visual Studio. Azure SQL database and required SQL queries are and database management is not in the scope of the Project.
Excel Add-In joka hakee ja tallentaa taulukkomuodossa olevaa dataa Azure SQL-kannasta/-taan. Lisäksi ohjelmallista Excel muokkausta ja hallintaa C#-koodilla. Osaan Excel muokkauksista valmis VBA-script, joka muutettava C#-kielelle. Visual Studio 2015 alkukoodi, SQL Azure tietokanta ja kyselyt valmiina.
Java, J2EE, JDBC, SQL, java Threading,GWT,Html,CSS
Moro, Mulla olisi sulle työtarjous! Jos voisit tehdä mulle simppelin tietokannan ~5 taululla, ja kerrot vähän perusjuttuja sql serverin toiminnoista jne, niin ota yhteyttä ja jutellaan tarkemmin. Arvioisin, että tässä ei montaa tuntia menisi. Riippuen toki kuinka hyvin nuo sql perusjutut osaat ;)
Moi! Osaatko kuinka hyvin sql:n perusasiat? Onnistuuko asentaa tietokannan hallintajärjestelmä, luoda ja hallinnoida tietokantoja sekä käyttäjätilejä ,seurata ja optimoida tietokannan toimintaa. Jos perusasiat hoidossa niin ota yhteyttä :)
Moro, Mulla olisi sulle työtarjous! Jos voisit tehdä mulle simppelin tietokannan ~5 taululla, ja kerrot vähän perusjuttuja sql serverin toiminnoista jne, niin ota yhteyttä ja jutellaan tarkemmin. Arvioisin, että tässä ei montaa tuntia menisi. Riippuen toki kuinka hyvin nuo sql perusjutut osaat ;)
I need CAD drawings for 4 units, each 20 ft by 8 ft, arranged in a U-shape surrounding a pool. Additionally, 2 shed units of 10 feet by 8 feet need to be included. The site plan is provided as a photo. The drawings must be done in AutoCAD. We include an example "Number of bedrooms, front, back, side elevations and structural engineering to move forward with permitting," plans which are acceptable by the county. Key Requirements: - The CAD drawings must have detailed measurements and annotations. - Basic interior details are not required, only the exterior of the units and their layout. - The final deliverable should be CAD compatible with AutoCAD. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is crucial for this project. - Previous experience in creating detailed CAD drawings f...
...number, Instagram, or both. Additionally, I need a feature to enable a speed dating mode, allowing participants to click yes or no on the event night, and enabling me to post events Need a countdown timer for the time to move around & to the next person as can come up with the photo and name of each person Please include an admin panel or dashboard to manage users and events. The app should be available on any platform. The app should have a basic design with minimal branding. Please use the following technology stack: Any. communication Implement basic encryption for user data and interactions. The app should include push notifications for user updates and event reminders. Include a matching algorithm for the speed dating mode. Implement email verification for use...
I'm looking for a Windows 10 compatible macro for an Online 2D Pixel Art game. The macro needs to control a player and manage various tasks, including mining, fighting spiders, and handling mine collapses. Key Features of the Macro: - Control a player near the screen center - Mine a rock wall with varied inputs - Move to the side and repeat mining - Return to the original position after a few cycles - Handle random events like spiders appearing or mines collapsing - If a spider appears, swap weapons and attack it - If a mine collapses, quickly head to the exit, re-enter and return to original position - Implement dynamic movement patterns to avoid detection from anti-cheat systems/game Admins lurking. Detection Methods: - Use pixel color detection to identify events Addition...
...Capturing is mandatory, but if the player does not capture when possible, they lose the piece – the program does not force the capture but simply removes the piece if the player fails to make the move. Capturing can be both forward and backward. A king (damka) moves across the entire diagonal and can capture in any direction by jumping over opponent's pieces. No need for a two-player mode, only a game against AI is required. 3. Explanation of the "if you miss a capture, you lose a piece" rule This is the most important rule in the project! If a player has a capture available but makes a different move, the program does not force the capture but instead immediately removes the player's piece as a penalty. Example: If a player can capture b...
...program shall send groups of 16 characters at the time using SCIC TX The program shall monitor the receive-FIFO on SCIB and trigger an interrupt to be handled by the ISR ‘bufferIsFull’ when 16 characters have been received The bufferIsFull ISR shall stop the ‘timeIsUp’ timer from free running The bufferIsFullI SR shall set FlagA = ‘HIGH” The bufferIsFull ISR shall set the RED LED ‘off’ The ISR shall move the characters from the receive-FIFO to a memory array named ‘newMessage’ The bufferIsFull ISR shall flush the receive-FIFO The bufferIsFull ISR shall start the ‘timeIsUp’ timer The bufferIsFull ISR shall exit If the 100 millisecond timeIsUp timer expires it shall trigger an interrupt. The ISR associat...
... Customer reviews and ratings. Responsive design for mobile and desktop. SEO optimization for better visibility. 2. Choose a Technology Stack Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React.js, Vue.js, or Angular for dynamic interfaces). Responsive design frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS. Backend: Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, or Laravel for server-side logic. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for storing product and user data. E-commerce Platform: Use an existing platform like Shopify, WooCommerce (WordPress), or Magento for faster development. Alternatively, build a custom solution for more flexibility. Hosting: Cloud hosting providers like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. Content Delivery Network (CDN) for faster loading times. 3. Design the Website W...
I'm looking for an architect to help design a traditional style residential home. The specifications are as follows: - Bedrooms: The house should accommodate more than 5 bedrooms. - Layout: I prefer a design with separate rooms rather than open-plan spaces. - Total Area: Specify the total square footage of the house. Skills and experience needed: - Strong background in tra...separate rooms rather than open-plan spaces. - Total Area: Specify the total square footage of the house. Skills and experience needed: - Strong background in traditional architectural design - Proven experience in residential home design - Excellent understanding of designing with separate rooms - Ability to create functional, aesthetic and comfortable living spaces. The desired size of the home is 2000...
I need a skilled developer to create a series of cartoonish human characters for use in the Reallusion system. These characters should be designed with full-body movement capabilities. Key Req...system. These characters should be designed with full-body movement capabilities. Key Requirements: - Design of cartoonish, human characters - Incorporation of full-body movement functionality - Expertise in developing for the Reallusion system Ideal Skills: - Character design - Animation - Proficiency in Reallusion software The characters will be used in various scenarios and should be able to move realistically throughout. The successful freelancer will be able to deliver high-quality, engaging characters that meet these specifications. The project involves creating 4-6 characters. Di...
...gestión de usuarios: Creación de roles (Admin/Usuario), permisos y autenticación JWT. Integración con Power Automate: Configurar notificaciones automáticas (ej: emails o Teams) al actualizar reclamos. Mantenedores en componente existente: Ampliar CRUDs para categorías/prioridades de reclamos en Angular. ? Estado actual: Backend (.NET Core) y frontend (Angular) funcionando, con base de datos en SQL Server. Documentación disponible en historias de usuario (se entregarán al freelancer). ? Requisitos técnicos: Angular 12+, .NET Core 3.1+, Entity Framework Core. Experiencia con integración de APIs de Microsoft 365 (Power Automate). ? Colaboración: Trabajo en equipo con un desarrollador backen...
...an online SQL server. This will be used to setup two software packages, People Inc and CMX databases. I need to have access to the software and my client PCs. Key requirements: - Configuring the SQL server for both software-specific and SQL management access - Setting up Windows Authentication for user access - Hosting the server on Windows Server Ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with SQL server management - In-depth knowledge of Windows Server - Prior experience with configuring databases for software packages - Excellent communication skills for remote assistance Please ensure standard encryption is applied to the SQL server. Remote Desktop should be used for ongoing maintenance ...
I need a skilled designer to help finalize a small 2D floor plan for a new home build, with a primary focus on layout optimization. Key Requirements: - Prioritize the design of the living areas - Offer a well-thought-out layout that maximizes space a...for a new home build, with a primary focus on layout optimization. Key Requirements: - Prioritize the design of the living areas - Offer a well-thought-out layout that maximizes space and flow Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D design software - Experience with home layout design - Strong understanding of spatial optimization The floor plan optimization should cater to a space between 1000 and 2000 sqft. The design should incorporate a traditional aesthetic. Ensure that the design includes distinct functionality for each room as ...
I'm currently working on a homework assignment for class that involves combining Java and SQL functionalities. The project is primarily focused on the integration of these two technologies and their application in a database management context. Ideal freelancer should have: - Proficient knowledge in Java and SQL - Experience with database management - Ability to explain complex concepts clearly - Prior experience with academic projects The goal is to successfully complete the project while also gaining a better understanding of these technologies. Please note that this is a class assignment and I would appreciate any help that could assist in my learning.
I'm looking for an AutoHotKey, PowerAutomate,UIPath or Macro Express professional to create a script for simulating mouse and keyboard events. Key Requirements: 0- Create a simple dialogn box with a) Button Start/Stop mouse capture b) enter the name of target program (text box) 1- capture mouse events for 10 second and save in a file ( precisely , clicks, moves, click+move etc etc , with timestamps) 2- play all these mouse events save in a file on a target program (word, paint, canva, etc etc) target program will be specificed 3- The events recorded in file must play exactly on the target window . This is simple 1 hour job, and might be more next week.. use any tool of your choice
I need assistance with data entry from online forms. The task involves processing solely numeric data and inputting it into a SQL database. Key Responsibilities: - Accurately transcribing numeric data from online forms. - Inputting data into a SQL database in the correct format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in handling and entering numeric data. - Prior experience with data entry from online forms. - Strong familiarity and experience with SQL databases. - Exceptional attention to detail to ensure data accuracy.
I am looking for an AWS DevOps developer. I Want to move Elastic Beanstalk environment, RDS with data, Route 53, Load balancer etc alongwith the necessary configuration from one account to another. Want to link to domain with SSL. RDS Mysql, Java spring boot (.war file) Note: We have just 1 hour
I'm looking for a talented Full Stack Developer to join my dynamic team. Your primary responsibility will be to develop and maintain web applications using .NET Core Web API and Angular. Key Responsibilities:...contribute to technical discussions Troubleshoot, debug, and upgrade existing applications Required Skills & Experience: 3+ years of experience in full stack development Strong proficiency in C# and .NET Core Web API Extensive experience with Angular (version 8+) and TypeScript Solid understanding of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Experience with RESTful APIs and microservices architecture Proficient in SQL Server or similar relational databases Version control with Git Strong problem-solving abilities and attention to detail The developer is required to work ...
I need assistance with setting up a Linux-based VPS (Virtual Private Server) on TMDHosting. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have extensive experience with server setup, specifically with VPS - Be proficient in Linux system - Have a good understanding of TMDHosting's platform I look forward to your bids.
...Primarily focused on developing new features - Daily collaboration with the team - Working towards adding new functionalities - Design user interfaces that are both functional and appealing Must-have Skills: - Proficiency in Typescript - Extensive experience with ReactJS - Familiarity with RTK Query Nice-to-have Skills: - Experience with Swagger - Proficiency in Visual Studio - Knowledge of SQL Server Management Studio Ideal Candidate: A team player with a knack for developing new features and improving software functionalities. Your main task will be to create new features that enhance our software's capabilities. Daily collaboration with our team is crucial, so strong communication skills are a must. This is a long-term project. The development process will foll...
I need an SQL expert to help me export specific query results from my SQL database into a CSV file. - Database Type: SQL - Export Format: CSV - Data to Export: Custom query results Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in SQL with experience in data extraction. - Familiarity with exporting data to CSV format. - Ability to understand and execute custom queries. - Attention to detail to ensure data is accurately exported. No additional data processing or transformation is required before exporting the data. The data needs to be exported at scheduled intervals. The data needs to be exported daily at scheduled intervals.
Need experienced expert on Ai to instalo Qwen best versión on hosting over 32gb Need recomend server and Also need install and give me access to it. If have test Qwen installed on server ll show me you have experience.
I need a quick modification to my PHP form for testing purposes. Specifically, I need the hashed passwords in to be updated to MD5. All necessary files and SQL are included, and this project should take no longer than 5-10 minutes. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficient in PHP - Experience with MD5 hashing - Familiar with SQL Please note, the MD5 hashing is only required in the file for this project. Existing passwords in the database do not need to be updated to MD5, only new passwords will need this hashing applied. Max Budget 10.00
My website is currently down due to some recent changes I made to my DNS settings. I have modified various DNS records, including A, CNAME, and MX. I am in need of an experienced professional who can: - Identify the root cause of the website issues - Repair the DNS and name server settings - Ensure that the website is up and running smoothly - Provide insights to prevent similar issues in the future Ideal skills for this job would include a deep understanding of DNS settings and name server configurations, as well as experience in troubleshooting website issues.
I need an expert to clean up my web servers. The tasks include: - Deleting old, unused files and databases - Cleaning out log files, temporary files, old backups, and old sites - Removing unused development databases, old production databases, and test databases The ideal candidate for this project will have a strong background in server management and data cleanup, with the ability to efficiently identify and remove unnecessary files and databases, ultimately improving the performance and security of the servers. I have multiple servers, but I want to tackle to larger ones which have files unrelated to tthe current site. Place you bid on a per account basis, or as a day rate, and indicate which your bid represents. Failure to do so and your bid will be deleted/ hidden/ ...
I have 3 Drupal sites, some older than others! I need someoen to carefully move them from cpanel to DirectAdmin Hosting ensuring no errors due to DB variation/ Php version etc
I'm looking for a freelancer with a solid legal background, particularly in Intellectual Property (IP) Law, to assist with my research paper. The focus is on the ownership of inventions in employee contracts. The paper should be approximately 2000 words long, excluding the case study. Key requirements: - Thorough analysis of key legal principles and landmark cases related to the IP clause in employment agreements. - Well-structured and academically rigorous writing based on credible legal sources. - Use of the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion) method for case analysis. - Proper citation in OSCOLA format. The paper should primarily reference international laws, but also incorporate relevant case studies from various jurisdictions. I'm open to including any landm...
I want a news paper app for my newspaper EidsvollPuls. The newspaper is made in ASP. NET and the database is SQL server.
I'm looking for an expert in Power BI and SQL Server who can assist with data integration and transformation. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate various data sources into SQL Server - Transform and prepare data for analysis Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Power BI and SQL Server - Experience in data integration and transformation - Strong analytical skills Please note that specific data sources and transformation tasks may be discussed further. Your ability to handle and manipulate complex datasets will be crucial for success in this project.
...need of a seasoned DevOps professional to assist with setting up a DigitalOcean server for my web application. Key Responsibilities: 1. Server Setup: Configure a new DigitalOcean server, deploy the application code and database backups, while Dockerizing the application. 2. Integration: Fix the web server to eliminate 502 errors, ensuring seamless interaction with Cloudflare (already configured). 3. Security: Eliminate unauthorized access, fortify the server’s security, and set up necessary backups and monitoring systems. The ideal candidate for this job should have: • Extensive experience with DigitalOcean and Docker. • Proficiency in server management and security. • Ability to troubleshoot and resolve server error...
IMPORTANT: POSTING COVER LETTER WILL GET YOU DECLINED ONLY POST DRIBBBLE PROFILE LINK I am looking for a designer who has extensive experience making hero concepts. Example: Requirement: You need to have a Dribbble portfolio. If you don...week so as not to burn out. If you are passionate about design, and most importantly following directions then please apply with only a link to your dribbble profile. Your history, and rating experience on this platform will not be considered, only the work on your profile. If you have a new account, then this will be a great opportunity for you to get your first 5-star feedback regardless if you move on to a full-time position or not. I understand how important feedback is here. We do freelance work as well.
...StreamSets ETL Tech Consultant with a strong background in data integration, pipeline development, and real-time data streaming. The successful candidate will be responsible for the design, development, and optimization of ETL/ELT pipelines using StreamSets Data Collector (SDC). Key Responsibilities: - Integrate with Oracle databases - Develop ETL pipelines that interact with Clickhouse cloud platform - Utilize streamsets for big data technologies Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with StreamSets Data Collector (SDC) - Strong expertise in Oracle database - Proficiency in developing ETL pipelines for Clickhouse - Experience with streamsets in big data environments - Excellent skills in pipeline development and real-...
**Project Title**: Development of a Face Recognition and QR Code Scan...an option for manual attendance entry. - **Integration with Existing Systems**: Ensure seamless integration with existing systems. - **User-Friendly Interface**: Develop a user-friendly interface for ease of use. - **Secure and Scalable Architecture**: Design a secure and scalable architecture to handle large volumes of data. **Skills Required**: - Rust - Flutter - PostgreSQL - Docker/Podman - FastAPI - Python - API Development - Face Recognition **Budget**: - 1500-2000 INR **Timeline**: - 1 Month **Additional Information**: - we will provide you project and you have to implement task which we will provide and sample videos of project which will guide you . Also you have to give us update...