How to screenshot on iphone 5s työt
Tietojen siirto yhdestä domainhotellista toiseen. Sisältää useamman domainin, verkkosivun ja sähköpostin sisältöineen joiden välillä on myös keskinäisiä siirtoja. I need to move my domains and emails from one hosting provider to another one.
Etsinnässä pikaisella aikataululla kehitääjä joka taitaa Ruby on Rails ohjelmointikielen. Projekti alkaisi aikalailla heti ja vaatii tekijältä kokemusta kyseisestä teknologiasta. Työmäärä n. kolme työpäivää / viikko. laskutus sovittavissa tuntikirjanpitoon pohjautuen per tunti. Kehittäjältä vaaditaan kykyä työskennellä itsenäisesti ja kykyä hallita dokumentaatio. ------ Searching for a Ruby on Rails developer for one of our clients ongoing development. The project will start immediately after finding the right person. Required expertise: experience with Ruby on Rails (level: excellent). Three working days / week. billing negotiable based on hou...
Hi, I would need onsite SEO for for keywords: iphone huolto helsinki iphone huolto töölö iphone huolto tuusula iphone huolto tampere ipad huolto helsinki ipad huolto tuusula ipad huolto tampere
Tarkoituksena on rakentaa sovellus, jossa seuraavat komponentit: - Käyttäjä profiili, kirjautuminen sähköpostilla - Käyttöliittymä tiedon keräämiseen (käyttöliittymän vedos valmiina) - Raportit kerätyn tiedon osalta, mahdollisesti HTML -pohjaisena (raporttien vedokset valmiina) - Tietokanta sovelluksessa (myöhemmin tiedon kopiointi pilveen)
...palvelu johon yritykset voivat rekisteröityä ja ilmoittaa ilmaiseksi "palveluistaan". He kuitenkin maksavat palvelun käytöstä kuukausimaksua. Yksityishenkilöt (joiden myös on rekisteröidyttävä palveluun) näkevät ilmaiseksi sivuilta ks. ilmoituksia/palveluita ja voivat ostaa niitä sieltä suoraan. Ks. maksusta jää "tosite" hänen profiiliinsa ja yritys voi esimerkiksi haluamallaan koodilla kuitata maksun asiakkaan puhelimesta nähdyksi, kun asiakas menee käymään siellä yrityksessä paikanpäällä. Hankala selittää kovin selvästi paljastamatta liikaa idean pointtia, koska vastaavaa ei vielä markkinoilta löydy, m...
Applikaatioiden kehittämistä. Etsin koodaamisessa pätevää henkilöä, jolla on applikaatioiden luomisesta kokemusta. Olen itse 15 vuotias ,mutta olen jo kokenut liiketoiminta alalla. Työntekijän iällä ei ole niin väliä jos on pätevä työssään. Voitot jaamme puoliksi.
iPhone/iPad -sovellus iPhone ja iPad Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Olen 18 vuotias nuori Helsingistä, opiskelen lukiossa ja haluaisin jo nuorena tehdä jotain omaa. Niimpä päätin että haluan tehdä oman apin, mutta eihän minulla löydy tarvittavia taitoja vaan pelkkä idea, joka on vielä ihan alkuvaiheessa. Mutta kuitenkin ideani liittyy musiikkiin ja sen etsimiseen. Kaikkien on joskus vaikea löytää mieleistään musiikkia niimpä mietin että voisi tehdä semmoisen sovelluksen mikä tekee sen puolestasi sen perusteella mitä olet viimeeksi kuunnellut ja sen voisi vielä yhdistää muihin musiikki sovelluksiin kuten (spotify,apple music,youtube...
iPhone/iPad -sovellus iPhone ja iPad Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Olen 18 vuotias nuori Helsingistä, opiskelen lukiossa ja haluaisin jo nuorena tehdä jotain omaa. Niimpä päätin että haluan tehdä oman apin, mutta eihän minulla löydy tarvittavia taitoja vaan pelkkä idea, joka on vielä ihan alkuvaiheessa. Mutta kuitenkin ideani liittyy musiikkiin ja sen etsimiseen. Kaikkien on joskus vaikea löytää mieleistään musiikkia niimpä mietin että voisi tehdä semmoisen sovelluksen mikä tekee sen puolestasi sen perusteella mitä olet viimeeksi kuunnellut ja sen voisi vielä yhdistää muihin musiikki sovelluksiin kuten (spotify,apple music,youtube...
iPhone/iPad -sovellus iPhone ja iPad Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Olen 18 vuotias nuori Helsingistä, opiskelen lukiossa ja haluaisin jo nuorena tehdä jotain omaa. Niimpä päätin että haluan tehdä oman apin, mutta eihän minulla löydy tarvittavia taitoja vaan pelkkä idea, joka on vielä ihan alkuvaiheessa. Mutta kuitenkin ideani liittyy musiikkiin ja sen etsimiseen. Kaikkien on joskus vaikea löytää mieleistään musiikkia niimpä mietin että voisi tehdä semmoisen sovelluksen mikä tekee sen puolestasi sen perusteella mitä olet viimeeksi kuunnellut ja sen voisi vielä yhdistää muihin musiikki sovelluksiin kuten (spotify,apple music,youtube...
CSS fix on WP site2CSS fix on WP site2CSS fix on WP site2CSS fix on WP site2CSS fix on WP site2CSS fix on WP site2CSS fix on WP site2CSS fix on WP site2CSS fix on WP site2CSS fix on WP site2
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Webbisivusto kaipaa varaustyökalua. Työkalun tulisi tehdä seuraavaa: - Näyttää varauskalenteri kahdelle tilalle sekä tilojen varaustilan...Käyttäjän oma sivu, misää näkyy voimassa olevat tehdyt varaukset sekä myös aiemmat varaukset. - Käyttäjä voi perua varauksia. - Käyttäjä saa varausmuutoksista vahvistusviestin. - Käyttäjä saa muistutusviestin tulevasta varauksesta. - Varaus pitää pystyä tekemään yleisimillä selaimilla sekä ainakin joistakin matkapuhelimista/tableteista esim iphone. - Palvelu tehdään osaksi olemassa olevaa sivustoa. - Admin tunnuksella pitää päästä näkemää...
I have a SaaS project integrated with OpenAI's GPT-4o API, designed to create personalized Pilates programs. It works perfectly on my local environment, but once deployed to Vercel, it encounters a JSON error followed by a timeout issue after approximately 10 seconds. I'm looking for an experienced developer who can quickly identify and resolve this deployment-specific issue. Familiarity with Vercel, OpenAI API integrations, and debugging JSON/time-out errors is required. If you're confident you can help me troubleshoot and fix this issue, please get in touch! Thanks.
I am looking for an expert freelancer to work on my VPS and fix two existing Chrome extensions. I developed them myself, but they are not working properly and need debugging and fixes.
I am looking for an experienced crypto trader with deep knowledge of Cryptohopper and Binance to help me set up a fully automated trading strategy. My goal is to execute fast buy and sell trades with minimum profit per trade, while keeping risk at a minimum.
I need an expert in Photoshop to help me with my online store. The project involves photoshopping various fabrics onto different types of furniture, specifically chairs, sofas, and beds. Key Responsibilities: - Photoshop velvet, Chenille, and Naples fabrics onto the furniture products. - Ensure the photoshopped images are realistic and visually appealing, suitable for an online store. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Photoshop, with a strong portfolio of similar work - Attention to detail, ensuring the fabric looks realistic on the furniture - Experience with e-commerce product photography This project is crucial for enhancing the visual appeal of my online store, ultimately driving sales.
I'm looking for a skilled iOS app developer who can create an application similar to InkZone and InkCase. This app's primary function is to update the case image using NFC, without any provided SDK. Not provided case. I just want app same with inkzone and inkcase can update the case. Need in 7 days. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in iOS app development - Proficiency in NFC technology integration - Ability to develop custom solutions without SDKs - Prior work on similar e-book or note-taking applications The user interaction for this app involves a manual selection within the app to update the case image via NFC. Therefore, the freelancer should also focus on creating a user-friendly interface that allows for...
...Focus) Job Description: I am looking for a skilled PowerPoint slide creator to produce one slide per week on the global energy landscape, with a specific focus on FOSSIL FUELS. Key Requirements: ✅ Compensation: $10 per slide ✅ Frequency: 1 slide per week (on average) ✅ Content: Each slide must be visually engaging and data-driven, focusing on topics related to fossil fuels. ✅ Candidate Task: Propose a theme for a slide before creating it. Provide a title, source of data, and a short description of what the slide will cover. Use credible sources such as: ExxonMobil Global Outlook BP Energy Outlook IEA World Energy Outlook 2023 Ideal Candidate: ✔ Strong research skills and experience in energy sector analysis ✔ Ability to design profess...
I'm searching for a talented UI designer to create a modern, user-friendly design for an E-commerce Android/iPhone app and a corresponding web interface for PC screens. Key Features: - User Authentication: The design should facilitate a smooth sign-up and login process. - Product Search and Filtering: An intuitive layout for product browsing, with filters to streamline the search. - Payment Gateway Integration: Seamless and secure payment process within the design. - Cart: A visually engaging and easy-to-use cart interface for users to keep their selected items. - Wishlist: A dedicated space for users to store their desired products. Design Style: The desired design aesthetic is modern. The UI should be clean, simple, and easy to nav...
...Indeed to assist with posting job listings on Indeed. The responsibilities for this role include: Posting Jobs: You will receive job titles and descriptions from me, and your task will be to post these jobs on Indeed using your own employer account. Managing Applications: Once candidates apply to the posted jobs, you will need to export their information and send it to me. Requirements: Indeed Employer Account: You must have your own Indeed employer account, as I will not provide one. Experience: Ideally, you have experience posting jobs and managing applications on Indeed. Ongoing Availability: This is an ongoing project, so availability for continuous collaboration is essential. Next Steps: To ensure that you have the n...
Hi , I would like a professional retoucher for some natural colour correcting for food shots ( white tablecloth and grey shadows no colour casts plus a couple of dark corners lightened . One shot has womans hand please remove hair and smooth skin please? Remove marks bottom right of shot in last screen shot And I need all of these by 2 hours please there are 11 photos.....
...Trails Multi-World Hiking Simulation Objective: Create a realistic-looking world that runs smoothly on Samsung Galaxy S22 and iPhone 13 or better. Requirements: 1. Large Lake: Located in the middle of the world. Include realistic water and coastal effects. 2. Mountain Area: Located west of the lake. Realistic mountains with a waterfall emptying into the lake. Exciting trails extending at least 100 meters up the mountain. Trails to include switchbacks, rock crevices, a wooden bridge across a chasm, and a wooden catwalk on the mountain side. At least one trail should go under the waterfall. 3. Theme: Magical Middle Ages, similar to "The Princess Bride" (not dark or spooky). 4...
Rekisteröidy tai kirjaudu sisään nähdäksesi tiedot.
I'm looking for an Azure Subject Matter Expert to guide me on the necessary infrastructure setup for hosting a small to medium sized .NET web application with a SQL Server backend and file downloads. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Azure services and infrastructure - Experience applications and SQL Server -Knowledge on security - Ability to provide tailored infrastructure setup recommendations - Knowledge of best practices for hosting similar web applications on Azure. -Detailed knowledge of costs, and how to reduce these
I need a freelancer to help with text updates on my website. Pay will be 5$. Apply who is willing to do a small task in this budget. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in content management systems - Excellent attention to detail - Good command of English for editing purposes - Experience in website content updates
I need a freelancer to modify a PNG image by changing a phone number on it. - I will provide the new phone number that needs to be added to the photo. - The image is in PNG format. Ideal candidates should have experience with image editing, particularly with PNG files. Proficiency in using software such as Photoshop or GIMP is a plus. Please ensure you can deliver high-quality work with minimal distortion to the original image.
...talented graphic designer to create a unique, abstract logo for This logo should not only reflect our Swiss roots—potentially incorporating subtle elements like the Alpine mountains or the Swiss cross—but also capture the dynamic and competitive spirit of the eSports and gaming community. What is is a central hub for all gaming platforms (PC, console, and mobile), where players can find tournaments and league formats. The platform connects Swiss gamers, eSports teams, gaming event locations (such as gaming bars), and sponsors of the eSports scene—all in one place. Key Logo Requirements: + Modern, bold & easily recognizable + Versatile for different platforms & media + Abstract design + Color scheme: Black, White, Red + Invertible for use...
I'm seeking an experienced ...Social Media Manager specialized in Instagram to enhance my brand's engagement through captivating video content and reels. The main objective is to boost overall interaction on the platform and increase visibility among potential followers. Ideal candidates should possess: - Proven expertise in managing Instagram accounts. - Exceptional skills in creating and editing engaging video content. - Strong understanding of Instagram's algorithms and best practices for increasing engagement. - Experience in community management and responding to comments and messages in a timely manner. If you have a creative, data-driven approach and can tailor strategies to meet brand goals, I would love to hear from you....
Hi everyone, I need some sort of GUI that will pop up on my computer screen and allow me one click trading. I am using Trader Workstation from Interactive Brokers to place my trades and I am trading basic Stock Options strategy - buying CALLS & buying PUTS. I need this GUI Panel to allow me to enter and exit trades as fast as possible with a number of conditions through one click execution button. CONDITIONS: 1./ Delta must be above and closest to +0.5 for CALLS and below and closest to -0.5 for PUTS. (Delta value - adjustable feature, such as +0.6/-0.6 or +0.7/-0.7, etc.) 2./ Expiration must be closest to 0 days. 3./ Number of contracts calculated based on selected risk. 4./ Enter trade through a limit price order - abbreviat...
...experiencing an issue in my custom checkout page (Checkout Champ) which is not triggering automatic discounts from Shopify. The objective of this project is solely to fix this as quickly as possible. Need a high level developer who's had experience with these sort of issues in the past and is familiar with checkoutchamp and shopify extensively. If you know what to do this shouldn't be a long task, but i need this working asap, please only apply if you've dealt with this problem in the past and can fix this. For example, I've been wanting to use Kaching for quantity breaks and they give the aesthetic i want, but even the native quantity breaks on shrine theme as well as apps that create auto discounts, none of that final discount info ge...
I'm seeking a freelancer who can create a five-minute, animated interactive game aimed at teaching k...interactive web based game that can capture and hold the attention of young children. - The game should be based around an animated theme, appealing to the target age group. - It should convey the key messages about hygiene in an engaging and easy-to-understand way. Ideal Skills: - Experience in developing interactive games for children. - Strong skills in animation and game design. - Understanding of educational content creation for young children. - Ability to convey important messages in a fun and engaging way. This project is a fantastic opportunity for a creative professional who can combine their skills in animation and game design to make a fun, ...
I need an experienced video editor to update the logo on a series of t-shirts. The new logo is a graphic-based design. Key Requirements: - Proficient in video editing - Experience with apparel design - Ability to work from existing designs to create new logos - Strong attention to detail
Hola necesito a una persona que sea web master que ne ayude con el seo off y on page y redacte post en ingles y español para mi sitio web , la persona debe hablar español para un mejor entendimiento
I'm seeking a TradingView expert who can develop a short-term trading strategy for Forex based purely on price action. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in short-term Forex trading - Deep understanding of price action trading - Proficiency in using TradingView for strategy development - Ability to create clear, actionable trading signals based on price movements - Excellent understanding of risk management and trade execution in a fast-paced environment Looking forward to your proposals.
I'm seeking a skilled PowerPoint designer to create an engaging presentation aimed at educating the general public about historical facts. The presentation's primary purpose is to inform and educate the audience in an engaging and accessible way. Key requirements: - Expertise in PowerPoint design and animation. - Strong understanding of historical facts and ability to present them in an engaging way. - Experience designing for a general audience, with a focus on education. Your bid should include examples of previous PowerPoint presentations you've created, ideally with an educational focus.
I need a developer who can make a few quick changes on a WordPress site. - Modifications on the Contact Us page: I need a mailto link added to a button, corrections on button links, and a few other adjustments on other pages. - Product image addition: I need a product image added to the site. I'm not sure how to make these changes myself and currently, I don't have anyone managing the site. An ideal freelancer would be someone with strong WordPress skills, attention to detail, and good communication skills. Thank you!
...summarizing the key findings and insights. Use slides to highlight critical aspects of the IPO process and its implications for investors. A sample structure for your IPO Analysis Project. Here’s how you can approach it: 1. Introduction Briefly introduce the company you have chosen for analysis. State the objective of your IPO analysis. 2. Company Background Provide a brief history of the company. Discuss the company’s business model, products or services, and market position. 3. Financial Analysis Analyze the company’s financial statements prior to the IPO. Discuss key financial metrics and ratios. 4. IPO Valuation Discuss the valuation methodologies used in the IPO. Analyze the company’s valuation co...
react native app deploy on playstore end to end with test from first time deploy to test to make it live working on playstore and avail for users in India