Final cut pro export plugin development työt
Hei, olen maisterivaiheen opiskelija Tampereen yliopistossa ja työstän parhaillaan pro gradu tutkielmaa alustalla virtuaalista keikkatyötä tekevien kokemuksista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää paremmin alustan toimintaperiaatteita, sekä alustalla toimivien freelancereiden ajatuksia virtuaalisesta keikkatyöstä. Olisiko sinulla kiinnostusta osallistua lyhyeen haastatteluun esim. marraskuun aikana? Haastattelu voidaan suorittaa etänä, esim. Teamsin välityksellä. Yhteydenottoa toivoen Sonja Anttila
Etsitään taitavaa ja visuaalista Wordpress-designeria, jolle Elementor Pro on tuttu. Etsimme oma-aloitteista ja näkemyksellistä suunnittelijaa projektiluonteiseen työhön freelancerina. Suunnittelijalle tarjoutuu samalla mahdollisuus oppia mielenkiintoista näkökulmaa käyttäytymis- ja neurotieteitä hyödyntävän Steinheide-yhteistyömme kautta ihmisten ostokäyttäytymisestä ja siitä, kuinka tiedettä voidaan hyödyntää myynnin lisäämisessä visuaalisilla ja viestinnällisillä ratkaisuilla.
...wordpress / elementor pro:n päälle tehty sivusto. Haluan sivustolle esim woocommercella tehdyn tuotekatalogin, jossa erottelen uudet veneet omaksi välilehdekseen, ja käytetyt omaan. Haluan itse pystyä päivittämään sivustoa, olen itse rakentanut nykyisen sivun, mutta kaupan integroimista ulkoasuineen en hallitse. UPDATE: I have a website , I have built it with wordpress 5 and elementor pro. I have basic knowledge about installing and maintaining the website but need help integrating woocommerce and building simple product catalog. For example this website of my competitor has quite simple catalog for used (brokerage) and new boats: Also this one is something I have been looking for: They have also
Meillä on kaksi yritystä järjestelmässä, joilla on omat varastokirjanpidot ja osto-&myyntitilauksensa. Lokaalina serverinä toimii Windows 7 ympäristössä, visma Nova pro 9 (Windows sql server). Mikäli työn suoritus vaatii jonkin tietyn ympäristön niin kysele. Haluaisimme ajoitettuina tehtävinä ajaa allamainitut skriptit jotka muodostavat CSV tiedostot jotka on tarkoitus lähettää sähköpostina eteenpäin. Skriptin asetusten muokkaus skriptin alussa. Muuttujat ja funktiot kommentoituna. Lisätyönä voi tarjota näiden tiedostojen automaattista lähettämistä (Tiedosto liitteenä + leipätekstissä luettavasti muotoltuna). --------------...
Sivustoni kaipaa joitain muutoksia Haluaisin että sivuni wwwjustfurry näyttäisi samalta kuin
Android -sovellus Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Musiikin kuunteluun tarkoitettu sovellus
Responsiivinen verkkosivusto (mobiili ja työpöytä) Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Hei, Pyytäisin tarjousta mobiilisovellukselle, joka tulisi sekä iOS että Android pohjalle. Sovellus olisi varauspalvelu, jossa pystyy vertailemaan eri palvelujen tarjoajia(yrityksiä) sijainnin, hinnan ja arvostelujen perusteella. Sovelluksen sisäänkirjautuminen tapahtuisi sähköpostilla. Jokainen käyttäjä luo oman profiilin sovellukseen. Sovellus olisi ilmainen ladata app storesta sekä google play- kaupasta. Käyttäjätilissä tulisi olla myös Visa/Mastercard maksutoiminnot. Sovellus olisi yhteydessä taustajärjestelmään, joka pystyttäisiin asentamaan jokaiselle yritykselle. Sov...
Responsiivinen verkkosivusto (mobiili ja työpöytä) Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Hei, Pyytäisin tarjousta mobiilisovellukselle, joka tulisi sekä iOS että Android pohjalle. Sovellus olisi varauspalvelu, jossa pystyy vertailemaan eri palvelujen tarjoajia(yrityksiä) sijainnin, hinnan ja arvostelujen perusteella. Sovelluksen sisäänkirjautuminen tapahtuisi sähköpostilla. Jokainen käyttäjä luo oman profiilin sovellukseen. Sovellus olisi ilmainen ladata app storesta sekä google play- kaupasta. Käyttäjätilissä tulisi olla myös Visa/Mastercard maksutoiminnot. Sovellus olisi yhteydessä taustajärjestelmään, joka pystyttäisiin asentamaan jokaiselle yritykselle. Sov...
Responsiivinen verkkosivusto (mobiili ja työpöytä) Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Hei, Pyytäisin tarjousta mobiilisovellukselle, joka tulisi sekä iOS että Android pohjalle. Sovellus olisi varauspalvelu, jossa pystyy vertailemaan eri palvelujen tarjoajia(yrityksiä) sijainnin, hinnan ja arvostelujen perusteella. Sovelluksen sisäänkirjautuminen tapahtuisi sähköpostilla. Jokainen käyttäjä luo oman profiilin sovellukseen. Sovellus olisi ilmainen ladata app storesta sekä google play- kaupasta. Käyttäjätilissä tulisi olla myös Visa/Mastercard maksutoiminnot. Sovellus olisi yhteydessä taustajärjestelmään, joka pystyttäisiin asentamaan jokaiselle yritykselle. Sov...
Tarvitsen uuden verkkosivuston Suunnittele ja rakenna se Verkkokauppa
Tarvitsen uuden verkkosivuston Suunnittele ja rakenna se Pienyrityksen verkkosivut pieni b&b tarvitsee oman sivun
Nettisivuni kaipaavat korjausta Sivutoimisen yrittäjän kotisivujen optimointi hakukoneille näkyvämpään muotoon.
Tarvitsen uuden web-sivuston Suunnittele ja rakenna se Pienyrityksen websivusto Hei, olen nuori kääntäjä, joka auttaa kaikissa asioissa jos tarvitaan tulkkia. Autan virolaisia kääntämään tuomiokirjoja, koulukirjoja ja kaikenlaista mitä asiaks itse haluaa. Voin myös tulla tulkkaaman paikan päälle!
I need someone to create a Woocommerce payment gateway to service From them I can get technical material. Also I need delivery gateways for Finnish Posti and Matkahuolto. For these two I will also provide info about technical details and interface wht I can get from them. I would be great I these plugins/gateways could have Licensing system that I would be able to sell the plugin for my clients but they won´t be able to give it forward. Suggestion are welcome how to do this. The one that I shall pick is going to get more jobs for Woocommerce in future similar like this.
iPhone/iPad -sovellus iPhone ja iPad Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Olen 18 vuotias nuori Helsingistä, opiskelen lukiossa ja haluaisin jo nuorena tehdä jotain omaa. Niimpä päätin että haluan tehdä oman apin, mutta eihän minulla löydy tarvittavia taitoja vaan pelkkä idea, joka on vielä ihan alkuvaiheessa. Mutta kuitenkin ideani liittyy musiikkiin ja sen etsimiseen. Kaikkien on joskus vaikea löytää mieleistään musiikkia niimpä mietin että voisi tehdä semmoisen sovelluksen mikä tekee sen puolestasi sen perusteella mitä olet viimeeksi kuunnellut ja sen voisi vielä yhdistää muihin musiikki sovelluksiin kuten (spotify,apple music,youtube) olen koittanut itse etsi&a...
iPhone/iPad -sovellus iPhone ja iPad Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Olen 18 vuotias nuori Helsingistä, opiskelen lukiossa ja haluaisin jo nuorena tehdä jotain omaa. Niimpä päätin että haluan tehdä oman apin, mutta eihän minulla löydy tarvittavia taitoja vaan pelkkä idea, joka on vielä ihan alkuvaiheessa. Mutta kuitenkin ideani liittyy musiikkiin ja sen etsimiseen. Kaikkien on joskus vaikea löytää mieleistään musiikkia niimpä mietin että voisi tehdä semmoisen sovelluksen mikä tekee sen puolestasi sen perusteella mitä olet viimeeksi kuunnellut ja sen voisi vielä yhdistää muihin musiikki sovelluksiin kuten (spotify,apple music,youtube) olen koittanut itse etsi&a...
iPhone/iPad -sovellus iPhone ja iPad Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Olen 18 vuotias nuori Helsingistä, opiskelen lukiossa ja haluaisin jo nuorena tehdä jotain omaa. Niimpä päätin että haluan tehdä oman apin, mutta eihän minulla löydy tarvittavia taitoja vaan pelkkä idea, joka on vielä ihan alkuvaiheessa. Mutta kuitenkin ideani liittyy musiikkiin ja sen etsimiseen. Kaikkien on joskus vaikea löytää mieleistään musiikkia niimpä mietin että voisi tehdä semmoisen sovelluksen mikä tekee sen puolestasi sen perusteella mitä olet viimeeksi kuunnellut ja sen voisi vielä yhdistää muihin musiikki sovelluksiin kuten (spotify,apple music,youtube) olen koittanut itse etsi&a...
PSD file should be encoded in HTML5 as a page, where the game area is a canvas area and the game has three different colored coins that come down along a predetermined path. The database is a MySQL database, which is pre-coded. Player makes bitcoin transfer us, and the transfer is calculated to 20-digit binary number which determines a coin shop. 0 = right and 1 = left. Binary and This would be good to manage HTML5, Canvas Advanced Animation Toolkit, jQuery, Windows animateframe, maybe socket open. Mysql database is complete, 20-digit binary number and the database is ready, but the game on the site is not yet as a PSD file. The coin must looking good when it comes down to. The coin must move a the same way as site and the end of the multiplier must be the final effect...
your final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is re...
Buscamos un dev pro activo, mucho trabajo, buena remuneracion. El dashboard, esta en git, es un proyecto en laravel con vue (php 7.4) mysql 5.7, para comodidad del proyecto contamos con un VPS para el desarrollo y certificacion. Se busca corregir el funcionamiento de unas vistas, y sus consultas a las db, asi como agregar mas funciones al dashboard.
Please RE-DRAW the attached image. (See attached images) Please try to keep it looking EXACTLY the same in ALL ways except straighten ...RE-DRAW the attached image. (See attached images) Please try to keep it looking EXACTLY the same in ALL ways except straighten things out like the circle and the gun lines etc. Make the circle fully round and the gun lines straight. 911 is the number in the circle. Please FULLY RE-DRAW the images (not just copy/paste) as we need a clean, crisp new image on a transparent background. Please make final images at least 14” wide and hi-res suitable for printing (300dpi). Put ALL items grouped on SEPARATE LAYERS (so we can move/re-size). PLEASE MAKE IMAGE SUITABLE FOR USE ON BOTH LIGHT AND DARK BACKGROUNDS. TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND PLEASE....
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a comprehensive website for doctors. Each doctor will have their own dedicated page, facilitating direct communication with patients and enabling appointment bookings at their clinic. Key features include: - Multiple Communication Channels: Patients should be able to interact with doctors via live chat, video calls, and a message board. -A page for requesting a subscription for the doctor on the website, asking him for his personal and academic data and the certificates he obtained to verify them and then confirm his subscription to the website. - Doctor's Page: Each doctor's page should support live chats, video calls, and appointment bookings. - Appointment Booking: The system should collect patient's name, contact detai...
I need a credit repair service built using PHP and MySQL. The platform should encompass the following core functionalities: - User Account Management: The system should allow users to create, manage, and secure their accounts. - Credit Report Analysis Tools: These tools will help users understand their credit reports and identify areas of improvement. - Dispute Tracker: A feature to help users track disputes they have raised regarding their credit reports. The platform will also require integrations with certain third-party services, specifically: - Credit Bureaus: The system should interact with credit bureaus for real-time credit report access and updates. - Payment Gateways: As this will be a paid service, a reliable and secure payment gateway integration is essential for processing...
...both platforms. Engage with followers and respond to comments where necessary. Occasionally help brainstorm content ideas based on trends and insights. Skills Required: Strong experience in content creation and editing for TikTok and Instagram. Ability to repurpose content for both platforms while maintaining engagement. Proficiency with video editing tools (e.g., CapCut, Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro). Knowledge of social media trends, hashtags, and content strategies for TikTok and Instagram. Excellent communication skills and attention to detail. Experience working with content calendars and posting schedules. Desired Experience: Proven track record of managing TikTok and Instagram accounts, especially for personal brands or small businesses. Famili...
:We are looking for a skilled developer or team to create a feature-rich web app for book writing, editing, and generation. This app will use Mistral AI 7B (hosted on our cloud) to handle content generation and editing tasks. The web app must include advanced options for book creation, grammar checking, copyright checking, and export functionalities. Below are the detailed requirements: Core Features: 1. Book Creation Options: Users can customize their book with the following options: Trim Size: Select the book’s trim size. Page Setup: Bleed or non-bleed pages. Format: Choose between PDF (Print), PDF (Standard), and Word. Category: Define the book category/genre. Author Name: Input the author’s name. Chapters and Text Content: Add chapters and write content directly. T...
I'm seeking a professional web developer to build a transportation services website. The primary functi...should have a user-friendly interface to place bids on posted jobs. - Service Information: The site needs to prominently display service options, transporter profiles, etc. - User Roles: The website will have three main user roles - Client, Transporter, and Administrator. Each role should have a tailored interface and access to specific features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development with a strong portfolio. - Experience in creating interactive and user-friendly interfaces. - Knowledge in implementing secure and efficient bidding systems. - Familiarity with designing for multiple user roles. - Good understanding of displaying service information in a...
As discussed, i am waiting for the final notes and the exe file! Thank you!
...stacked, icon-only, and reversed/white versions Inspiration: - Luxury brands - Modern gaming and entertainment logos - Sophisticated typography and color schemes Deliverables: - Vector files (AI, EPS, SVG) - Raster files (JPEG, PNG) - Color palette with hex codes - Design concept explanation Timeline: - Initial design concepts: 3-5 business days - Revisions and feedback: 2-3 business days - Final delivery: 5-7 business days Agreement: By participating in this project, you acknowledge agreement with our terms, including ownership transfer and non-disclosure. Please confirm your understanding and acceptance of these requirements. Best regards, Alphonse Create an entirely new design without incorporating any existing logos or branding elements. Focus primarily on the ele...
I'm a beginner seeking guidance on building a WordPress website using Hostinger. I need someone to teach me the process step-by-step, helping me understand the intricacies of website building. Skills & Experience Required: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with Hostinger - Excellent teaching skills - Patience and ability to explain technical concepts simply.
I'm seeking a seasoned web developer with extensive e-commerce and Laravel ...Aliexpress, and Amazon. Key Requirements: - The site must be built on a robust CMS and PHP framework, specifically Laravel. - A crucial feature of the site is the capability to incorporate an External Importer plugin for seamless product imports from 1688. - The website should be user-friendly, responsive, and optimized for search engines. - Implementation of secure payment gateways and a reliable order tracking system is a must. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CMS and PHP - Extensive experience with Laravel - Previous e-commerce site development - Familiarity with External Importer plugin - SEO and Security implementation skills Please provide your portfolio highlighting similar...
I am seeking an experienced screenwriter to help bring my basic concept to life in the form of a gripping horror/thriller movie script. Key Requirements: - Expertise in screenwriting, particularly for horror/thriller genres - Ability to transform a basic...screenwriter to help bring my basic concept to life in the form of a gripping horror/thriller movie script. Key Requirements: - Expertise in screenwriting, particularly for horror/thriller genres - Ability to transform a basic plot idea into a detailed script - Creativity and innovative thinking to enhance the storyline - Strong understanding of screenplay structure and pacing - Excellent character development skills Please provide samples of your previous work in your proposal. I look forward to collaborating with you on thi...
I'm seeking a talented...streams. - Save time and energy through intuitive processes. - Assist in achieving consistent, scalable financial growth. Furthermore, part of this project will involve automating certain processes to save time and energy, particularly focusing on social media management. The U.M.M should be capable of managing my Instagram account efficiently. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in software development, particularly in creating automation tools. - Familiarity with social media management applications. - Strong understanding of financial growth strategies. I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a high-quality product that will help me take control of my financial future. With the right expertise, the possibilities are endless, and success ...
I need a Shopify plugin that provides return/exchange protection, like shipping insurance, and automated gift card creation for customers. I already have a shopify developer/partners account. Key Features: - Return/Exchange Protection: This is the primary focus of the project. The plugin should charge sellers a fixed monthly fee of $5, and calculate the return/exchange protection fee as a percentage of the total order value (10%). - Similar to the Insurance Module: Offer protection to customers on a per order/item basis. - Automated Gift Card Creation: The plugin should create a gift card on the seller's site for the customer to use, which should be mostly automated. This features will be being able to create a gift card on the seller's site for the custome...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to create a minimalistic and clean business website for me. Key Features: -Convert an existing Website to WordPress platform - Contact Form: The site should have a functional contact form for customer inquir...skilled WordPress developer to create a minimalistic and clean business website for me. Key Features: -Convert an existing Website to WordPress platform - Contact Form: The site should have a functional contact form for customer inquiries. - Service Showcase: A dedicated section to showcase our services is essential. - Online Payment & Scheduling Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Web development experience - Understanding of minimalistic and clean design principles Please include examples of previous simila...
I'm looking for a skilled HTML devel...TikTok. The page should be designed to detect whether the user is on an Android or iOS device and respond accordingly. Key Requirements: - Utilize user agent detection for Android and iOS on TikTok. - Create different templates for TikTok traffic. - Implement device-specific graphics, content layout, and functionality. - Use provided affiliate links. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and web development - Experience with user agent detection - Ability to create device-specific templates - Familiarity with TikTok traffic patterns and requirements. I will provide the exact method for the detection and template creation, your role will be to implement the HTML based on this guidance. Please ensure that the templates are easy to understan...
...carrier!" - "Not just another IT company, we are your innovation partner!" - Emphasize services like Website Pro, Brand Creation, Digital Marketing, Web Applications, Mobile App Development, and Learning Management Systems (LMS). - Include a compelling "Get Started Now" section for user engagement. 2. **About Us Page:** - Introduce S3A Technologies as a leading IT solutions company offering scalable, innovative services. - Highlight the vision to empower businesses with digital success. - Mention the core principles: Observe, Create, Shape, and Shine. 3. **Services Pages:** - Detail specific services, including: - **Website Pro:** Responsive web design with cutting-edge animations. - **Dig...
Ideal candidate: - Proficient in Python - Has extensive experience with web scraping and 3commas API integration - Understanding of crypto trading and DCA bots and DCA bots orders. - Capable of delivering real-time tracking and performance analytics - If you don't know about web scraping let me know and I can include a specialist about in the team, for that specific function. First phase 1- I need monitoring my 3commas DCA bots via 3commas API, In-depth performance analytics to assess the bots' efficiency, performance and profitability. 2- I need a chart show me real-time data of all kind of orders in each cycle of each bot. (see SS) 3- The DCA bot cycles must be separated in columns inside each bot chart (see SS) 4 - The chart must show real-time data related with the bot and...
We need a creative and professional logo for our SaaS business, Gosuite. About Gosuite: Gosuite is an all-in-one and sales software that simplifies business operations by integrating multiple tools into one platform for an affordable price. Instead of juggling multiple subscriptions, Gosuite provides everything in one place. Requirements: The logo should reflect innovation, simplicity, and affordability. It must align with the SaaS industry and communicate the idea of integration and value. Final files should include high-resolution vector formats (AI, EPS, PNG, and JPG). We are leaving this open to your creativity! Bring your best ideas to life, and let’s see how you envision Gosuite as a brand. We’re excited to see your creative de...
...recorded videos from all my wedding functions and I need a talented video editor to help me. - Your task will be to review my footage and create a fun and energetic highlight and reel. - You have full creative freedom to capture the moments you think are the most beautiful. - I would appreciate your expertise in selecting key moments that will translate well into a highlight and reel. - Your final deliverables will be a highlight video and a reel. Skills and experience I am looking for: - Proficiency in video editing software - Previous experience editing wedding videos or similar content - Ability to create engaging, energetic content - Creative in selecting beautiful moments from the footage - Good communication skills for discussing edits and changes. I’ll provid...
I'm seeking a marketing expert to assist with my crowdfunding campaign aimed at raising funds through Indiegogo and BackerKit. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy to engage the general public. - Optimize our campaign's visibility on Indiegogo and BackerKit. - Create compelling content to attract potential backers. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in crowdfunding campaigns, particularly on Indiegogo and BackerKit. - Strong marketing and content creation skills. - Ability to engage and attract a broad audience. Competitive Advantage, We are our only Competition! is the only website offering a seamless, curated experience that combines sex toys, cannabis accessories, lingerie, virtual dressing room, couples' vacations, and ...
... This project will include both frontend and backend development, as well as database management. Core Features: - User registration and login - Grocery store listing with search and filters - Shopping cart, checkout, and payment options - Real-time order tracking - Reviews and ratings Backend Features: - Vendor management system for store owners - Inventory management for partnered stores - Delivery management and route optimization Technology Stack: - Frontend: React.js - Backend: Python (Django/Flask) - Database: PostgreSQL - Payment Gateway: Razorpay, PayU, or Stripe (to be decided) - Real-Time Tracking: Google Maps API or Mapbox (to be decided) Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in React.js for frontend development - Expert knowledge of Python (Djang...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create an informational website using As a template. Key Features: - The new site should maintain ...web developer to create an informational website using As a template. Key Features: - The new site should maintain the structure and design elements of the template site. - The ability for visitors to refer the site to others is essential. This could be achieved through social share buttons or a more intricate referral system. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. - Experience with creating informational websites. - Knowledge of implementing referral systems. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past., smart contract logic, and recommended infrastructure (e.g., Ethereum, Polygon, etc.). Best-practice security measures, including steps to ensure proper custody of both the physical and digital asset. Recommendations for End-to-End Development: Roadmap outlining how to evolve the PoC into a production-ready platform, including considerations for KYC/AML compliance, user wallet integration, and future scalability. Including smart contract audits and other essential security measures. Suggestions on monitoring, maintenance, and ongoing development processes. I should note that low-code/no-code would be preferred, where suitable....
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I'm seeking an AI consultant to help me create a multifunctional chatbot and to map out the services for my marketing agency and to add additional services for us to sell. This chatbot will serve in customer support and assist with internal process automation, specifically scheduling appointments. Key agency and to add additional services for us to sell. This chatbot will serve in customer support and assist with internal process automation, specifically scheduling appointments. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a chatbot for customer support and internal process automation - Implement chatbot functionality across social media platforms Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development - Experience with process automation - Familiarity with social me...
I have an image that needs to be extended on top and bottom since partly cut off and needs to have different dimension