Final cut pro editor freelance india compensation työt
Hei, olen maisterivaiheen opiskelija Tampereen yliopistossa ja työstän parhaillaan pro gradu tutkielmaa alustalla virtuaalista keikkatyötä tekevien kokemuksista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää paremmin alustan toimintaperiaatteita, sekä alustalla toimivien freelancereiden ajatuksia virtuaalisesta keikkatyöstä. Olisiko sinulla kiinnostusta osallistua lyhyeen haastatteluun esim. marraskuun aikana? Haastattelu voidaan suorittaa etänä, esim. Teamsin välityksellä. Yhteydenottoa toivoen Sonja Anttila
Etsitään taitavaa ja visuaalista Wordpress-designeria, jolle Elementor Pro on tuttu. Etsimme oma-aloitteista ja näkemyksellistä suunnittelijaa projektiluonteiseen työhön freelancerina. Suunnittelijalle tarjoutuu samalla mahdollisuus oppia mielenkiintoista näkökulmaa käyttäytymis- ja neurotieteitä hyödyntävän Steinheide-yhteistyömme kautta ihmisten ostokäyttäytymisestä ja siitä, kuinka tiedettä voidaan hyödyntää myynnin lisäämisessä visuaalisilla ja viestinnällisillä ratkaisuilla.
Työn kuvaus Traffic Lab etsii dynaamisia, itsenäisiä ja taitavia freelance-kirjoittajia tuottamaan erilaisia suomenkielisiä artikkeleita, tekstejä ja arvosteluja. Tekstien aihealueina ovat pääasiallisesti nettikasinot, kasinopelit ja muu rahapelaaminen. Katsomme eduksi jos aihealue on sinulle entuudestaan tuttu, mutta tämä ei ole lainkaan välttämätöntä. Tehtävänäsi on muun muassa kirjoittaa arvosteluja sekä erilaisia artikkeleita, joiden kohderyhmänä ovat suomalaiset kasinopelaajat. Materiaalin tarkoituksena on luoda internet-liikennettä sekä rekrytoida pelaajia suurimmille kasinosivustoille. Työpaikkanasi on koko maailma, voit työskennellä missä tahans...
...wordpress / elementor pro:n päälle tehty sivusto. Haluan sivustolle esim woocommercella tehdyn tuotekatalogin, jossa erottelen uudet veneet omaksi välilehdekseen, ja käytetyt omaan. Haluan itse pystyä päivittämään sivustoa, olen itse rakentanut nykyisen sivun, mutta kaupan integroimista ulkoasuineen en hallitse. UPDATE: I have a website , I have built it with wordpress 5 and elementor pro. I have basic knowledge about installing and maintaining the website but need help integrating woocommerce and building simple product catalog. For example this website of my competitor has quite simple catalog for used (brokerage) and new boats: Also this one is something I have been looking for: They have also
Meillä on kaksi yritystä järjestelmässä, joilla on omat varastokirjanpidot ja osto-&myyntitilauksensa. Lokaalina serverinä toimii Windows 7 ympäristössä, visma Nova pro 9 (Windows sql server). Mikäli työn suoritus vaatii jonkin tietyn ympäristön niin kysele. Haluaisimme ajoitettuina tehtävinä ajaa allamainitut skriptit jotka muodostavat CSV tiedostot jotka on tarkoitus lähettää sähköpostina eteenpäin. Skriptin asetusten muokkaus skriptin alussa. Muuttujat ja funktiot kommentoituna. Lisätyönä voi tarjota näiden tiedostojen automaattista lähettämistä (Tiedosto liitteenä + leipätekstissä luettavasti muotoltuna). --------------...
Työn kuvaus: Online markkinointi yritys etsii työkokemuksen omaavaa ja suomenkielistä online markkinoinnin ammattilaista auttamaan yrityksen pelialaan liittyvän sivuston mainonnassa. Annamme kuitenkin enemmän painoarvoa työkokemuksen sijaan oikeanlaiselle asenteelle ja suhtautumiselle työhön (työhön tarjotaan koulutus). Kyseessä on pitkäkestoinen projekti ja toivomme löytävämme työtehtävään luotettavan ja omistautuneen henkilön osaksi markkinointi tiimiämme. Vaatimukset: - Kokemus blogiyhteistyöstä ja vierasbloggaamisesta - Suomi äidinkielenä - Sujuva englannin kielen taito (kirjoittaminen sekä kommunikaatio) - SEO:n/ sisältömarkkinoinnin/ sosi...
Hei, Tahdotko lähteä mukaan mielenkiintoiseen seikkailuun, jossa pääset kehittämään ja kehittymään? Juuri tällä hetkellä etsimme sopivaa henkilöä mukaan kaupallistamaan suomalaista vauva-, lapsi- ja perheaiheista sivustoamme. Sivustollamme on jo kymmeniätuhansia kävijöitä kuukausittain, joten alkuvuodesta on tarkoitus ottaa seuraava askel sivuston kehityksessä. Teemme hommia tosissamme, mutta pilke silmäkulmassa. Meille on tärkeää, että viihdyt projektissa, ja koet sen omaksesi. Tunnistatko itsesi? - Olet ennakkoluuloton, rohkea ja kunnianhimoinen henkilö, jolla on kova halu tehdä ja kehittyä - Sinua ei tarvitse vetää eikä ty&...
PSD file should be encoded in HTML5 as a page, where the game area is a canvas area and the game has three different colored coins that come down along a predetermined path. The database is a MySQL database, which is pre-coded. Player makes bitcoin transfer us, and the transfer is calculated to 20-digit binary number which determines a coin shop. 0 = right and 1 = left. Binary and This would be good to manage HTML5, Canvas Advanced Animation Toolkit, jQuery, Windows animateframe, maybe socket open. Mysql database is complete, 20-digit binary number and the database is ready, but the game on the site is not yet as a PSD file. The coin must looking good when it comes down to. The coin must move a the same way as site and the end of the multiplier must be the final effect...
Periodista y fotoperiodista freelance para barcelona y badalona
...meidän uutta ja mielenkiintoista projektia. Tehtäviisi kuuluu tuotenäytteiden jakamista, kertoa asiakkaille eri tuotemerkeistä ja osallistua myyntikampanjoihin mitä ko. liikkeet kulloinkin tekevät (esim. tuotemyyntiä tai näytejakeluja tai asiakkaiden kannustamista ottaa osaa kilpailuihin). Työajat ovat joustavat mikä tekee työstä houkuttelevan esimerkiksi niille, jotka hakevat lisätienestiä freelance-tuloihin tai opiskelijabudjettiin tai joilla on jo yksi työ. Kuukausipalkkasi tulee olemaan 1100-1200€ riippuen viikonloppuvuoroista (13€-15€/tunti n. 20h per vko) + kannustimet. Työ alkaa tammikuun puolessa välissä. Työskentely Helsinki-Vantaa lentokent&au...
your final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyour final design is re...
Haussa osaaja! Osaat tyylitellä taitavasti CSS:n ohjeistuksen mukaiseksi, ja tunnet jokaisen Wordpressin haasteen ja mahdollisuuden tarkkaan. Apua tarvitaan ensin vain yhteen projektiin, johon suurin osa CSS-tyylittelyistä on jo tehty, mutta muutama ongelmakohta kaipaa vielä kokeneempaa tyylittelijää. Jos sopiva freelance-tekijä löytyy, tarjolla on tulevaisuudessa niin Wordpressiin kuin muihinkin CMS-järjestelmiin liittyvää työtä. Hinnoittelumalli sovittavissa.
Mencari freelancer 3D modelling on project basis.
I'm looking for a photo editor who can retouch and enhance 3 photos of human subjects. The main tasks will include: - Skin retouching: I need the skin on the body to be smoothed out, blemishes removed and overall skin tone adjusted to create a more polished look. - Body reshaping: I would like the body shape and muscle definition to be altered slightly to create a more aesthetically pleasing image. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in photo editing and retouching, particularly with human subjects. A keen eye for detail and ability to enhance images while maintaining a natural look is crucial. Familiarity with advanced photo-editing software is essential.
As discussed, i am waiting for the final notes and the exe file! Thank you!
...stacked, icon-only, and reversed/white versions Inspiration: - Luxury brands - Modern gaming and entertainment logos - Sophisticated typography and color schemes Deliverables: - Vector files (AI, EPS, SVG) - Raster files (JPEG, PNG) - Color palette with hex codes - Design concept explanation Timeline: - Initial design concepts: 3-5 business days - Revisions and feedback: 2-3 business days - Final delivery: 5-7 business days Agreement: By participating in this project, you acknowledge agreement with our terms, including ownership transfer and non-disclosure. Please confirm your understanding and acceptance of these requirements. Best regards, Alphonse Create an entirely new design without incorporating any existing logos or branding elements. Focus primarily on the ele...
I'm looking to enhance my website's URL structure for SEO and user-friendliness. The task involves converting certain query parameters into path segments and maintaining a consistent URL format. Key Requirements: - Replace query parameters with path segments. For example, converting geo_address=Delhi+India to /delhi-India. - Replace all spaces in location or category names with hyphens. For instance, Delhi India should be converted to delhi-india. - Implement a consistent URL structure using the format /ads/[category]/[location]. Additional Aspects: - I need professional advice on whether to implement 301 redirects from old URLs to the new ones or if the old URLs can be discarded. - There are other query parameters that need to be converted to path s...
...dynamic variables to prevent data exposure. • Scalability: • Support multiple businesses managing multiple phone numbers within the same CRM. • Intuitive Interface: • Simple design for non-technical users. Technical Specifications Frontend • Framework: React. • Key Components: • Template Management Module: • Dynamic form for creating and previewing templates. • Messaging Module: • Text editor with multimedia support. • Interface simulation similar to WhatsApp. • Embedded Signup Module: • Integration with Meta for onboarding and verification. • Recommended Libraries: • react-hook-form or Formik for forms. • react-query for managing API state. Backend • WhatsApp Business API (Me...
I'm seeking a consultant to help navigate the legal landscape of selling cigarettes through an online food delivery app from my shop in Tamil Nadu. Key Areas of Concern: - Licensing for online sales: I need clarity on wha...obtain them if I don't have them already. - Compliance: Understanding the legal requirements to ensure that my business is compliant with state and national laws. Current Licensing: - I currently possess a Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (COTP) license, as well as a trade license and GST registration. Ideal Candidate: - A legal professional with experience in e-commerce and tobacco sales in India. - Understanding of health regulations and age verification requirements for online tobacco sales. - Skills in simplifying complex legal jargon into u...
Necesito que el logo de mi empresa sea el inicio de la pagina web (sin menu arriba ni abajo) y que cada una de las secciones del circulo (los triangulos que son 6 en total) al pasar el cursor se agranden un poco y aparezca una pequeña descripción de esa sección, y que al hacer click en uno de los triangulos lleve a una nueva página. También al pasar el cursor sobre las letra...abajo) y que cada una de las secciones del circulo (los triangulos que son 6 en total) al pasar el cursor se agranden un poco y aparezca una pequeña descripción de esa sección, y que al hacer click en uno de los triangulos lleve a una nueva página. También al pasar el cursor sobre las letras que se agranden y diga contáctanos y al hacer cli...
I'm looking for a professional video editor who can create 100 short form videos for me. These videos will be sourced from my google sheet or other popular videos. Each video needs to include a 5 second ad break featuring my brand, using clips from my Google Drive. Example videos: & If you can automate the creation so it's easier for your to create that is fine. I'm looking for a long term editor. Key Requirements: - Experience with editing short form videos - Ability to seamlessly integrate a 5 second ad break into each video - Skill in using a smooth fade transition between the main video and the ad break The videos to be used can be found in the following links: - Google
Title: Need Organization App Store Account to Publish My Application in India Description: Hello, I am looking for a company or organization with an active Apple Developer Program membership that includes an Organization App Store account to help publish my iOS application on the Indian App Store. Requirements: The account must be a verified organization account (not an individual account). Assistance in uploading my app to the App Store, including meeting Apple’s submission guidelines. The ability to publish the app for availability in India. What I Will Provide: Complete application files (IPA file and related assets). App description, screenshots, and any other required metadata. Support for any adjustments needed during the submission process. Expectations: Confid...
I need a freelance who has created before a csv for facebook feed catalog for destinations that is abble to help me understand and create the csv for facebook, we need to be able to make alot of ads for same destination
I'm in need of a talented german speaker video editor who can enhance my footage for Instagram Reels. The job involves editing videos in a variety of styles, from fast-paced clips with quick cuts to simpler edits with minimal transitions. FLUENCY IN GERMAN IS ESSENTIAL. Key Responsibilities: - Editing videos to a fast-paced style with quick cuts, and simple edits with minimal transitions. - Adding text overlays, background music (which I will provide), and sound effects. - Ensuring captions are accurately translated and placed in German. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software. - Experience editing for Instagram Reels or similar platforms. - Fluency in German is essential for accurate captioning. - Attention to detail to ensure consistency in fo...
I need a professional editor to revise my book's text in French, focusing on grammar, spelling, content accuracy, and the functionality of the table of content links. Once the text is revised, I need the document to be formatted for Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing as a Word document (DOCX). The formatting should include chapter headings and page numbers. Ideal skills and experience: - Native or fluent French speaker with excellent command of grammar and spelling - Experienced book editor or proofreader - Familiar with KDP formatting requirements - Proficient in Microsoft Word
...carrier!" - "Not just another IT company, we are your innovation partner!" - Emphasize services like Website Pro, Brand Creation, Digital Marketing, Web Applications, Mobile App Development, and Learning Management Systems (LMS). - Include a compelling "Get Started Now" section for user engagement. 2. **About Us Page:** - Introduce S3A Technologies as a leading IT solutions company offering scalable, innovative services. - Highlight the vision to empower businesses with digital success. - Mention the core principles: Observe, Create, Shape, and Shine. 3. **Services Pages:** - Detail specific services, including: - **Website Pro:** Responsive web design with cutting-edge animations. - **Digital Ma...
We need a creative and professional logo for our SaaS business, Gosuite. About Gosuite: Gosuite is an all-in-one and sales software that simplifies business operations by integrating multiple tools into one platform for an affordable price. Instead of juggling multiple subscriptions, Gosuite provides everything in one place. Requirements: The logo should reflect innovation, simplicity, and affordability. It must align with the SaaS industry and communicate the idea of integration and value. Final files should include high-resolution vector formats (AI, EPS, PNG, and JPG). We are leaving this open to your creativity! Bring your best ideas to life, and let’s see how you envision Gosuite as a brand. We’re excited to see your creative de...
I have recorded videos from all my wedding functions and I need a talented video editor to help me. - Your task will be to review my footage and create a fun and energetic highlight and reel. - You have full creative freedom to capture the moments you think are the most beautiful. - I would appreciate your expertise in selecting key moments that will translate well into a highlight and reel. - Your final deliverables will be a highlight video and a reel. Skills and experience I am looking for: - Proficiency in video editing software - Previous experience editing wedding videos or similar content - Ability to create engaging, energetic content - Creative in selecting beautiful moments from the footage - Good communication skills for discussing edits and changes. I&rsqu...
Read the project carefully before applying – Textile Design & Clothing "I'm looking for an expert freelance designer to apply patterns to dresses, kimonos, and other garments. Over 500 designs to complete. I will provide the garment model (dress, kimono, etc.) and the pattern to apply. "Attached is a photo of a pattern and a blue dress. Please show me an example by applying the red rose pattern to the blue dress. If you cannot do this, do not apply." its Pay 1 euro per photo ⚠️ Please read before applying: Specify which software you will use for this work. Show an example of your work or create a simple test to demonstrate your skills. Do not apply if you don’t have the expertise to handle this project. I need professional, high-quality resul...
I am looking for an experienced resume editor who can help tailor my resume for general job hunting in the technology sector. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in the tech industry, understanding its trends and requirements. - Proficient in resume editing and formatting. - Excellent command over English grammar and spelling. - Ability to tailor content to specific industries and job roles. The primary purpose of this project is to enhance my chances of standing out in the competitive tech job market.
I have an image that needs to be extended on top and bottom since partly cut off and needs to have different dimension
I'm looking for a designer who can help me to improve my current business logo. I'm open to suggestions and would love to see what you can come up with. NAME: JUMPSTART KETO ****Sorry, for those asking what we do, we produce a keto-friendly drink mix. Energy, fuel, workout drink that works with the keto diet. ****Please make sure final files are compatible with Photoshop as Layers. ****Current design uses "ITC Zipper" font but it is not required for entries. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe - Creativity - Good communication skills
I am seeking a dedicated full-time e-commerce manager seeking a dedicated full-time e-commerce manager for my luxury eyewear brand in India. The candidate should be capable of handling end-to-end Shopify product uploads, SEO, and performance marketing. Key Responsibilities: - Manage Shopify product uploads from start to finish - Implement effective SEO strategies to boost brand visibility - Develop and execute performance marketing strategies to drive sales Ideal Candidate: - Mid-level professional with 3-5 years of experience - Proficient in Shopify product management, SEO, and Performance marketing - Experience with e-commerce platforms and digital marketing - Prior experience in the luxury retail industry is a plus Please note, bids from outside of India will n...
I'm looking for a realistic pencil or charcoal drawing of a specific horse. I have multiple reference photos available. Ideal Skills: - Expert in pencil or charcoal drawing - Experience in creating realistic artwork - Good communication skills for understanding specific requirements What You'll Get: - A meticulously crafted pencil or charcoal drawing of my horse - Open communicati...drawing of a specific horse. I have multiple reference photos available. Ideal Skills: - Expert in pencil or charcoal drawing - Experience in creating realistic artwork - Good communication skills for understanding specific requirements What You'll Get: - A meticulously crafted pencil or charcoal drawing of my horse - Open communication for any clarifications or updates - Timely delivery of...
I need an advanced level photo editor to remove two individuals from a JPEG image taken on a front porch and seamlessly blend the background. Could you please remove the two people on the right seamlessly, leaving only the two because on the left and the dog? - The photo is a complex scene as it has multiple elements (the front porch) that need to be meticulously matched. - The final output must be flawless, with no visible signs of editing. - The ideal candidate will have extensive experience with Photoshop and similar software, with a portfolio demonstrating previous work of this nature. Please note: I am looking for someone with a keen eye for detail, patience, and a commitment to producing high-quality work.
Graphic Designer for Carousel Image Creation Job Description: We are looking for a talented and creative graphic designer to...banners, carousel images, etc.). Proficiency with design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or similar. Ability to create elegant, modern designs that will grab attention and enhance user engagement. Understanding of typography and layout to ensure readability and visual appeal. Deliverables: 5 carousel images, each with the specific content and focus outlined in the attached descriptions. Final designs should be mobile-responsive and optimized for web use. If you are creative, detail-oriented, and experienced in designing marketing visuals, we'd love to see your portfolio and work with you! We will supply the background image/Background thes...
Bonjour, Je cherche un freelance afin de développer une application pour la gestion d évènements
I'm in need of a video editor to teach me making better youtube videos. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Experience with YouTube content - Ability to deliver a creative and experimental editing style - Strong understanding of pacing, transitions, and visual storytelling - Ability to meet deadlines and work on a consistent basis
I'm looking for a text-based database-like list of daily job openings, specifically focused on remote tech positions in India and the United States. Key Requirements: - Each job listing should include the job title, company, and location, as well as the application link or contact information. - The job listings need to be updated on a daily basis. - The focus is solely on the tech industry. Ideal Skills: - Data collection and curation - Familiarity with the tech job market - Attention to detail - Ability to provide data in a clean, text-based format
We are seeking...Ads campaigns. - Analyze campaign performance and optimize strategies to maximize ROI. - Provide detailed reports on campaign results and recommendations for improvement. Requirements: - Proven experience managing successful YouTube Ads campaigns. - Strong ability to work independently and meet deadlines. - Payment is per client and will be issued after the work is delivered and approved. Compensation: You will be paid a percentage of the client fee. It Will be discussed later ! Why Join Us? -Flexible workload with a focus on quality over quantity. -Opportunity to work on high-value projects and grow with the agency. We are looking for dedicated professionals who deliver results and are passionate about YouTube Ads. If this sounds like you, we’d love to ...
...Effects to create striking visual content. By using the photo i added make changes on it such as delete the 45 numbers on the photo, remove the cat and use the one we have sent the white one ore you can use a much realistic white cat also cat will be walking around but we only see his face, cat's collar will have evil eye bead. and the final project needs to be have size as phone screen 9:16 . cups in the tables will have steam and steam will be moving. the final project doesn't need to be exact same as photo you can use ai but the scene needs to be much nearer the one we sent. We will try to use it in the background for the attached game and those who can deliver it within the day can send an offer. What I need: - A professional who can use After Effects pr...
I'm looking for a talented video editor and animator to create a joyful and festive holiday reel for my brand's social media. The reel should feature: - Animated graphics that complement the holiday theme and add visual interest. The ideal freelancer for this project will have experience in creating engaging social media content, particularly around holiday themes. They should be able to deliver a high-quality, professional reel that captures the festive spirit and engages my audience.
...Funktionen wie Berichte, Filter und das Dashboard werden demonstriert. Option für Test-Uploads zur Simulation realer Workflows. 10. Benutzerverwaltung Anforderungen: Nutzung der WooCommerce-Benutzerverwaltung mit rollenbasierten Berechtigungen (Admin, Kunde). Verknüpfung von gekauften Modulen mit Benutzerrollen und Freischaltungen. 11. Reporting-Modul Anforderungen: Standardisierte Berichte pro Branche. Individuelle Konfiguration und automatischer Versand von Berichten. Download in verschiedenen Formaten (PDF, CSV). Optimierter Entwicklungsansatz Kostenoptimiert: Fokus auf essenzielle Funktionen für die erste Version. Modular: Aufbau für einfache und kosteneffiziente Erweiterungen. SEO: Fertige Inhalte sind fester Bestandteil der Projektüber...
Dear customer, it is a pleasure to send you the following quote for the Realistic digital coloring drawing work that you request. The graphic work according to your requirements will have a price of 35USD that will be paid immediately upon delivery of the final files approved by you.
Estoy buscando un profesional que hable portugues con experiencia en edició...los textos traducidos en su lugar o cubrir con imagen o animacion. Revisión del Audio en Portugués: Verificar que el audio en portugués generado previamente con una herramienta de inteligencia artificial esté correctamente traducido y se ajuste al contexto del contenido. Si hay errores en la traducción del audio, proporcionar sugerencias de corrección o informar los cambios necesarios. Entrega Final: Los videos deben estar listos para su publicación, con textos traducidos o reemplazados según corresponda. Detalles Adicionales: Cantidad de Videos: Varios videos de 5 a 10minutos. Conforman 3 horas de video en total. Formato de Entrega: MP4 ...
I have 4 initial sketches of a solar panel mounting system that I need converted into a basic CAD file. The CAD file will be used primarily for presentation purposes. Ideal Skills: - Experience with converting sketches to CAD Please note that the CAD file does not need to contain high levels of detail or all specifications, just the basic structure. The final CAD file should be in DWG format.
...cartoonish graphics of me and my wife. The animation should be soft pastel in color and evoke a romantic theme. Key Requirements: - High-quality animation that includes simple character movements - Incorporation of wedding details (date, location, RSVP) - Optional: A creative static design for printing Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in animation tools such as After Effects, PowerPoint, Premiere Pro, or InDesign - Experience in creating personalized animations - Strong understanding of romantic themes and soft pastel color schemes Deliverables: - High-quality animation in formats such as MP4, GIF, etc. - Source files (AE, PPT, or INDD) - Optional: Static printable design (PDF/JPEG) Please note, my preference is for a romantic, cartoonish style with a soft pastel color scheme. If...
I need a mobile application "android and ios" with the following specifications: It will be a platform for online live streaming sessions for teaching people a certain material. It will be divided into six levels The app will connect students with pre-registered teachers Teachers should be able to write their resume and students w...can start live streaming with Teachers Subscription will be hours purchase that allows me "the owner" to change prices and hours as i need. Subscription will be hours for a certain time., and the application should inform students before Subscription ends Payment integration with the app is required for my payment processor. Modifications after delivery should be allowed for two months to reach final revision. Source should be deliv...
I'm looking for a skilled designer to create a minimalist style T-shirt design for me. The design should incorporate text, as I want the design to be simple yet impactful. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software, specifically Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles. - Experience with T-shirt should incorporate text, as I want the design to be simple yet impactful. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software, specifically Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles. - Experience with T-shirt design. Requirements: - Incorporate text into a minimalist design. - Ensure the design is suitable for screen printing. - Provide the final design in a prin...
I'm seeking a professional editor and translator to assist with a biography project. The English portion is approximately 250 pages, already written, and requires comprehensive editing and content restructuring. The ideal candidate will: - Enhance grammar, style and tone to ensure a polished and professional final product. - Restructure content for clarity and coherence. - Edit for a narrative and storytelling style, making the text engaging and accessible. The project also involves translating the improved English text into Russian. Historical and cultural references are included in the source materials, so the freelancer will not need to conduct extensive research. However, a keen understanding of these references and their importance to the narrative will be benef...