Excel vba convert range html table työt


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  • excel vba convert range html table
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2,000 excel vba convert range html table löydetyt työt

FIN... Excel-tiedosto sisältää satoja rivejä eri tuotteita, joista on esimerkiksi seuraavat tuotetiedot: positio, tuotepyyntö, tuotevaatimus, tuotenimi, tuotenumero, tuotekuvaus, hinta ja kuvakuvalinkki. Näistä tiedoista pitäisi saada atomatisoitua tuotekortteja. Tuotekortti on käytännössä A4-kokoinen PDF-dokumentti, jonka yksi sivu on yhden tuotteen tuotekortti. Mainitsen tässä InDesignin, koska sitä osaan käyttää ja ajattelin, että jos voin määrittää InDesigniin kenttien paikat, niin olisiko mahdollista, että Excel-tiedot tippuisivat jonkin scriptin avulla näihin kenttiin ja ikään kuin visuaalinen ulkoasu pysyisi koko ajan omissa hyppysiss&a...

€74 / hr Average bid
€74 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
15 tarjoukset

Hei, Olen tuore asfalttialan yrittäjä (yrityksessä neljä henkilöä) ja tarvitsen seuraavia palveluita: myyntilaskujen luominen työkirjanpidosta (kilometrien laskeminen, eri työkohteiden erittely ja eri työtyyppien erittely). Osaat käyttää sujuvasti exceliä ja muita perustoimisto-ohjelmistoja. Laskut kootaan viikon loppupuolella, kun viikon työt on tehty. Mahdollisesti muuta toimistotyötä tarjolla myöhemmin, jos osaava henkilö löytyy.

€11 - €17 / hr
€11 - €17 / hr
0 tarjoukset

Asiakkaalle valmiille sivuille sivujen muokkausta. Jos homma hoituu hyvin niin lisää hommia luvassa! Tarvittavat taidot: WordPress, CSS, HTML. Ota pikaisesti yhteyttä!

€160 Average bid
€160 Keskimäär. tarjous
22 tarjoukset

Excel Add-In that retrieves and uploads table-data from and to Azure SQL database . Add-In also modifies the Excel sheets and controls user interaction. For mosts of the sheet mofdification there is available VBA script that need to be traslated to C#-code. Initial Visual Studio 2015 Project code is available and the Project needs to be done using Visual Studio. Azure SQL database management and required SQL queries are not in the scope of the Project.

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
4 tarjoukset

Excel Add-In that retrieves and uploads table-data from and to Azure SQL database . Add-In also modifies andthe Excel sheets and controls user interaction. For mosts of the sheet mofdification there is available VBA script that need to be traslated to C#-code. Initial Visual Studio 2015 Project code is avaiable and the Project needs to be done using Visual Studio. Azure SQL database and required SQL queries are and database management is not in the scope of the Project.

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
3 tarjoukset
Laadi ohjelmisto
Loppunut left

Excel Add-In joka hakee ja tallentaa taulukkomuodossa olevaa dataa Azure SQL-kannasta/-taan. Lisäksi ohjelmallista Excel muokkausta ja hallintaa C#-koodilla. Osaan Excel muokkauksista valmis VBA-script, joka muutettava C#-kielelle. Visual Studio 2015 alkukoodi, SQL Azure tietokanta ja kyselyt valmiina.

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
2 tarjoukset

Java, J2EE, JDBC, SQL, java Threading,GWT,Html,CSS

€572 Average bid
€572 Keskimäär. tarjous
3 tarjoukset

Task 1. Take these pages away from the HTML- sitemap: Al – käyttöehdot Al – Kiinteistönvälittäjän kilpailutus Al – kiitos Al – rekisteriseloste Al – tulos Al – Välityspalkkiovertailu Task 2. Enable our text-logo () to all affiliate pages. It is not enabled on our affiliate templates now.

€14 Average bid
€14 Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset
Fix html issue
Loppunut left

fix footer html in

€37 Average bid
€37 Keskimäär. tarjous
10 tarjoukset
HTML Work on site
Loppunut left

HTML Work on site

€37 Average bid
€37 Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset

Toimitamme tuotetietokannat excel-tiedostoina, tuotteiden valokuvat ja tuotteiden avainsanat yms. ja ne syötetään csv-tiedoston avulla hakukoneystävällisesti (esim. Woothemes Product CSV Import Suite + Yoast Woocommerce) wordpress-sivustolle, jolle on jo asennettu woocommerce ja jossa on jo tuotteita. Tuotteita tulisi lisää noin 200-400. Woocommercea käytetään Catalogue-modessa, eli sivusto ei ole varsinaisesti automatisoitu verkkokauppa.

€225 Average bid
€225 Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset
Do some Excel Work
Loppunut left

lojnjg gyguuuuuuuu gg jbjiiihhtft kiyoio

€231 - €692
€231 - €692
0 tarjoukset

2200 kuvausta, excel. referenssitiedosto sekä kuvia ja englanninkielinen käännös käytössä. paljon toistoa. laadukas käännös.

€27 - €226
€27 - €226
0 tarjoukset

2200 kuvausta, excel. referenssitiedosto sekä kuvia ja englanninkielinen käännös käytössä. paljon toistoa. laadukas käännös.

€108 Average bid
€108 Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset
Do some Excel Work
Loppunut left

Offline typing job,data entry job

€472 Average bid
€472 Keskimäär. tarjous
11 tarjoukset

Minulla on jatkuvaa työtä, joka liittyy aikaisempaan projektiimme 'Facebook Like gadget | HTML & Javascript coding'

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset

Minulla on jatkuvaa työtä, joka liittyy aikaisempaan projektiimme 'Facebook Like gadget | HTML & Javascript coding'

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset

Minulla on jatkuvaa työtä, joka liittyy aikaisempaan projektiimme 'HTML- AND SEOEXPERT GET´S THE JOB!'

€32 / hr Average bid
€32 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset

Etsimme pitkäaikaiseen yhteistyöhön suomenkiltä osaavan koodarin. Tarvittavia taitoja on php, mysql, html ja wordpress osaaminen.

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
4 tarjoukset

I am in the process of building some sales funnels and I am seeking a freelancer to enhance the graphics and page layout. ... Additionally, I would like you to liaise with the system support teams at to resolve any issues that may arise. This is an initial proposal to identify a dependable freelancer for ongoing collaboration over the next year as we increase our marketing initiatives. Key Responsibilities: - Improve the imagery and layout of the sales funnels - Ensure deliverability through lightweight HTML - Assist with funnel building and troubleshooting on Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in graphic design and web page development - Proven track record with - Highly dependable and consistent - 5-star rated with over 100 reviews on freelancer.com

€92 Average bid
21 työtä
Figma to Responsive HTML with Animations
6 päivää left

I need a professional developer who can convert my Figma design into responsive HTML optimized for all device types - Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile. The project requires the implementation of specific animations that I have in mind. Key Requirements: - Convert Figma designs to responsive HTML - Implement specified animations, including: - Hover effects - Scroll animations - Loading animations Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Experience with responsive web design - Familiarity with Figma - Able to implement complex animations and transitions

€379 Average bid
€379 Keskimäär. tarjous
137 tarjoukset

I need reliable freelancers to help with my CPA offers across various platforms. This includes tasks such as email submits, PIN submits, ZIP submits, and other lead generation activities. The ideal audience spans North America, Europe, Asia (specifical...genuine. Absolutely no fake clicks, bots, spam, VPN, or proxy traffic is permitted. - No fraudulent activity. Each lead must be organic and of high quality. - Clean traffic sources are a must. No incentivized, black-hat, or illegal methods are accepted. - All leads must originate from the specified target countries. ? How to Apply: If you have the capability to generate high-quality leads that convert, don't hesitate to apply! Let's collaborate and profit together through a fair revenue-sharing model. ? Only serious appl...

€6 - €16
€6 - €16
0 tarjoukset

I need a comprehensive cashflow forecast model built in Excel for my service-oriented business. This model should encompass three different forecasts: optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely scenarios. It should also be tailored to reflect the cash flow dynamics of a service-based business, with particular emphasis on our revenue from one-time sales and service & repair fees. We will provide balance sheet an profit & loss projections for 10 months for period ending dec 2025. We would like to be able to use the model as a predictive tool which we can update each month based on the actual position and changes to our P&L forecast.

€180 Average bid
€180 Keskimäär. tarjous
33 tarjoukset

I'm seeking a proficient translator to convert my creative English writing into Malayalam. The ideal candidate should have: - Native-level command of Malayalam and English - Proven experience in translating creative content - Ability to maintain the original tone, style and emotional resonance of the source material - Strong understanding of cultural nuances in both languages Your task will be to ensure the translated work reads naturally in Malayalam and captivates readers just as the original does.

€42 Average bid
€42 Keskimäär. tarjous
7 tarjoukset

I'm looking for a reliable freelancer to help with an Excel data entry project. Here's what you need to know: - Required Data: The data you need to input is a mix of numbers and text. - Sheet Size: The Excel sheet is medium-sized, with around 100-500 rows and columns. You don't need to worry about applying complex formulas here. All that's required are some basic formulas like SUM and AVERAGE. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in Excel, an eye for detail, and the ability to work efficiently with numerical and textual data.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
57 tarjoukset
Simple Product Showcase Landing Page
6 päivää left

I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a simple yet effective landing page for showcasing a product. The design style is flexible, allowing for a range of interpretations from minimalist to modern and sleek. Key Features: - Product-focused design: The landing page should effectively highlight the product's unique features and benefits. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design. - Experience in creating product showcase landing pages. - Ability to deliver a simple, user-friendly design.

€36 Average bid
€36 Keskimäär. tarjous
50 tarjoukset

I'm looking for an experienced web developer to fix some visual glitches on my case opening website. The site is primarily built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ect and these visual issues are occurring when a case is opened. The glitches are experienced across multiple browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Experienced in debugging visual issues on websites - Familiar with cross-browser compatibility issues - Able to work efficiently and effectively to resolve the glitches - Strong attention to detail to ensure the website functions smoothly

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
35 tarjoukset

...3000-5000 words. 21. Heterogeneity test will be performed. 22. Statistical analysis method subgroup sensitivity analyses will be written 23. At least 3 tables and 3 figures 23. The characteristics of the studies included in Table 1 will be included In this table, the author of the study, the year of the study, the name of the journal, the age, gender, ability, BMI, whether there is diabetes, the number of CPAP/BPAP users and non-users, the number of cardiac complications will be specified separately. 24. table 2 will be mould evaluation and table 3 will be data analysis 25. Table 4 will have meta-analysis results 26 .at least 3 figures describing the tables will be made 27. references and plagiarism report will be attached. 28. Please let us know if...

€1733 Average bid
€1733 Keskimäär. tarjous
24 tarjoukset

...crypto) with the ability to filter, search, and export. Card Management Section: Ability to activate/deactivate cards, check balance, set limits, and view recent transactions. Crypto Integration: Wallet Management: Allow users to manage their crypto wallet, including sending/receiving crypto, viewing transaction history, etc. Buy/Sell Crypto: Interfaces to purchase/sell cryptocurrencies and convert between fiat and crypto. Crypto Price Tracking: Real-time tracking of popular cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum). APIs like CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap can be used to get price data. Security Features: Login/Registration: Implement a secure sign-up process (email, phone, social login, etc.), with a two-factor authentication (2FA) system. Can use services like Auth0...

€18741 Average bid
€18741 Keskimäär. tarjous
50 tarjoukset

I need a freelancer who can convert a text-only PDF file into a Google Docs format. The main purpose of this conversion is to allow for easier text editing. Key Requirements: - Conversion of PDF into Google Docs - Ensuring the document is easy to read, without a need to match the PDF formatting exactly - Previous experience with PDF to Google Docs conversion is preferred The document should be converted to a format that is easy to edit and read, without the necessity of matching the PDF's formatting exactly. The ideal freelancer for this project will be detail-oriented, able to maintain the integrity of the text while ensuring the final document is user-friendly.

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
56 tarjoukset
Creatives' Job and Portfolio Portal
6 päivää left

I'm looking for ...creatives, primarily focused on showcasing portfolios. Key Features: - Portfolio Showcase: The primary purpose of the portal is for creatives to display their work and for potential employers to scout talent. - Private Messaging: To facilitate communication and networking among users, the portal should include a private messaging feature. Target Audience: The portal should cater to a diverse range of creatives, with a specific focus on graphic designers, writers, and photographers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in web development, particularly in creating job portals or similar platforms. - Experience in implementing secure private messaging systems. - Understanding of the needs and expectations of the creative industry will be a signifi...

€79 Average bid
€79 Keskimäär. tarjous
27 tarjoukset

----------------------------------------IMPORTANT : PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORD BIDDING----------------------------------- We Urgently need to convert 7 module pages from our old codeigniter web app to our new laravel web app management module, each page has his own config page to convert too, 7 Pages to convert and integrate in new web app : Files Tasks Documents infractions Requests Notifications Messages PS : 1-convert from codeigniter in old web app to laravel new web app 2-integrate them to the new web app, management modules tabs, 3-Respect our new admin web app pages and fields and bgs and buttons design style, 4-connect pages to translation and notifications modules of new web app, 5-make them working, the view, add, edit delete, filters, export fun...

€83 Average bid
€83 Keskimäär. tarjous
15 tarjoukset

I'm seeking a web developer who can build a modern and minimalistic website for me. I have a logo and color scheme that need to be incorporated into the site. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in modern web development technologies - Experience in creating minimalistic designs - Ability to incorporate existing branding elements seamlessly Ideal Skills: - HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Familiarity with modern design principles - Prior experience in e-commerce or portfolio sites preferred

€88 Average bid
€88 Keskimäär. tarjous
35 tarjoukset

I'm looking for a creative professional who can help enhance my brand's visibility and convert views into sales through strategic social media advertising on Facebook and TikTok. Key responsibilities: - Develop and implement an advertising strategy focused on sales conversion - Design engaging image-based content for the advertisements - Monitor, assess, and report on the effectiveness of the campaign Ideal skills: - Expertise in Facebook and TikTok advertising - Proficiency in image design and content creation - Experience in driving sales through social media

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
39 tarjoukset

...finalize submission, and deliver. Budget Range: $300–$500 (lowest-cost model leveraging automation). Payment Terms: 50% upfront. 50% upon Google Play submission and delivery. Freelancer Requirements Experience: Familiarity with Android development and automated testing tools. Prior Google Play submissions (not necessarily manual). Skills: Basic Kotlin/Java for fixes. Expertise with automation tools (Firebase Test Lab, Appium, Fastlane, etc.). Scripting (e.g., Python, Bash) for automation workflows. Communication: Minimal updates required (e.g., one report post-testing). Email-only contact. How to Apply Submit a proposal including: Experience with automated testing tools and Android apps. Estimated cost within $300–$500 range. Plan to u...

€291 Average bid
€291 Keskimäär. tarjous
31 tarjoukset

I'm looking for a skilled spreadsheet expert who can create a well-structured spreadsheet equipped with formulas to analyze transport compliance data. The primary use of this spreadsheet will be for data analysis, specifically to calculate our compliance rate. Key Requirements: - Expertise in spreadsheet software (Excel, Google Sheets, etc.) - Proficient in writing complex formulas - Experience in data analysis - Understanding of transport compliance data is a plus Specific Tasks: - Create a spreadsheet that can track and analyze transport compliance - Implement formulas to calculate the compliance rate Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

€152 Average bid
€152 Keskimäär. tarjous
47 tarjoukset

Dasa Bukthi Antaram Sookshuma pranan calculation Dasa total 9 in particular order. Every Dasa has 9 Bukthi in the same order so 9*9 = 81 bukthi Every Bukthi has 9 Antaram in the same order so 81*9 = 729 Antaram Every Antaram has 9 Sookshuma in the same order so 729*8 = 6561 ...pranan calculation Dasa total 9 in particular order. Every Dasa has 9 Bukthi in the same order so 9*9 = 81 bukthi Every Bukthi has 9 Antaram in the same order so 81*9 = 729 Antaram Every Antaram has 9 Sookshuma in the same order so 729*8 = 6561 Sookshuma Every Sookshuma has 9 Pranan in the same order so 6561*9 = 59049 pranan Dasa lords have different contribution in 120 years and it is given in the Excel sheet. What i need is to calculate which Dasa / Bukthi / Antaram / Sookshumam/ Pranan is running in the gi...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
1 tarjoukset

I need a few minor adjustments made to my HTML theme. Tasks: 1) Make a YouTube embed responsive for both desktop PCs and smartphones. 2) Adjust a link button via the CSS file to accommodate a double row of text. 3) Change the text color in the link button from black to blue. 4) Darken the almost-white background color a bit. I will provide the FTP username and password. Please leave HTML comments in the code for clarity. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML and CSS - Experience with responsive design - Attention to detail for visual consistency and accuracy - Ability to leave clear, helpful comments in the code

€119 Average bid
€119 Keskimäär. tarjous
77 tarjoukset

I'm seeking a skilled designer to create images of my products for a flyer and Shopify. The job inc...skilled designer to create images of my products for a flyer and Shopify. The job includes: - Product shots - i have images of the label and the bottle we would use. need someone to digital create the product image - Lifestyle shots demonstrating the product’s usage (e.g., a person spraying the product on their knees and elbows, a fit, healthy man in his 30s-40s holding a nasal bottle) - A diverse range of product shots with different backgrounds Ideal candidates would have a keen eye for detail, experience with creating product shots without having the physical product with them and the ability to create engaging lifestyle images. Please provide a portfolio of similar...

€66 Average bid
€66 Keskimäär. tarjous
36 tarjoukset
POS Cuci Mobil
6 päivää left

Fitur - POS Cuci Mobil dan Warung seperti pada umumnya - Managemen Stok Warung - Integrasi Absensi Telegram melalui BOT - Kirim Nota pelanggan melalui WA - Perhitungan Jumlah mobil yang karyawan kerjakan dalam 1 shift dan lembur berdasarkan absensi - Rekap Keuangan Dapat di setting Harian , Mingguan , Bulanan (Export Excel) - Rekap Gaji - Tampilan sederhana yang mudah dimengerti - Dapat berjalan di Hosting Linux

€439 Average bid
€439 Keskimäär. tarjous
9 tarjoukset

I'm in need of an accountant who can extract specific transaction details from my bank statements and organize them into an Excel spreadsheet. The information is primarily for personal tracking and budgeting. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in financial analysis - Experience with bank statement reviews - Excellent Excel skills - Attention to detail Specific Requirements: - The extracted data should only include the transaction descriptions.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
45 tarjoukset

...supersede the company constitution, unless otherwise, where is no mention of the clause within the shareholder agreement, the clause set forth in the company constitution shall prevail. Key components to include: - Director Provisions: Detail the appointment and removal processes, director responsibilities and duties, decision-making authority, and considerations for foreign directors. - Cap Table: Clearly outline the capital structure and share distribution. - Shareholder Rights and Responsibilities: Define voting rights, dividends distribution, and the right to information. - Share Transfer Provisions: Incorporate transfer restrictions, buyback clauses, and clawback provisions. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in corporate law, specifically in drafting sh...

€296 Average bid
€296 Keskimäär. tarjous
13 tarjoukset
Trophy icon Brochure PDF Conversion & Minor Edits
2 päivää left

I need assistance converting a 16-page PDF brochure from blue and white to black and white with a new logo. The task includes minor text adjustments and requires the black and white version to incorporate an additional red subtle color. Removing all Developing Elite Professional reference and replace with THE STRONG LIFE LOGO attached Key Requirements: - Convert the existing color scheme to black, white, and one specified additional color. - Replace the current logo with a new one that will be provided. - Implement minor text adjustments throughout the brochure. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PDF editing software - Graphic design skills for logo placement and color conversion - Attention to detail for text adjustments - Ability to adhere to specific color schemes

€29 Average bid
30 työtä

I'm looking for someone to help me with a one-time update of transaction records in my financial system. The records are currently in an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Excel - Attention to detail - Previous experience with financial data preferred

€93 Average bid
€93 Keskimäär. tarjous
30 tarjoukset

I need assistance exporting specific reports from my PLS CADD .BAK files using PLS CADD software. The reports needed are the Sag-Tension Report, Structure_Lat_Long , , , and Staking_Table.xlsx. The i...PLS CADD .BAK files using PLS CADD software. The reports needed are the Sag-Tension Report, Structure_Lat_Long , , , and Staking_Table.xlsx. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in using PLS CADD software. - Experience in exporting and formatting reports. - Skills in Excel (XLSX) to ensure the reports are properly formatted for analysis. All reports need to be exported in Excel (XLSX) format. There are no specific filters or criteria to apply when generating the reports.

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
8 tarjoukset

I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create an e-commerce website for selling physical prod...should be user-friendly, secure, and optimized for mobile devices. Key Requirements: - Integration of payment gateways: PayPal, Stripe, and Credit Card - Implementation of various shipping options: Standard shipping, Express shipping, and Free shipping - Knowledge of SEO best practices for e-commerce - Experience with responsive design Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) - Familiarity with e-commerce platforms (Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento) - Previous experience in developing e-commerce sites - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Please provide examples of previous e-commerce websites you have developed in...

€248 Average bid
€248 Keskimäär. tarjous
76 tarjoukset

I'm looking for a skilled web developer to build a complete replicate - with the following crucial improvements and additions: Core Functionality (Must Replicate): Comprehensive File Conversion: Ability to convert to and from PDF various file formats (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, PNG, etc.) precisely like FreePDFConvert.com. Accuracy and speed are paramount. User-Friendly Interface: Simple drag-and-drop or file selection for uploads. Secure Encryption: 256-bit SSL encryption for all file uploads and downloads. Automatic File Deletion: Files must be automatically deleted from the server after a specified time (e.g., 3 hours). This is crucial for user privacy. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Website must function perfectly on all major operating systems (Windows, mac...

€107 Average bid
€107 Keskimäär. tarjous
29 tarjoukset

I need a translator to convert my 200-page English health book into Hindi and French. Key requirements: - Proficiency in English, Hindi, and French - Previous experience in translating health-related content - Ability to maintain the original tone and style of the book - Familiarity with health-related terminology - Attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality work

€18 Average bid
€18 Keskimäär. tarjous
27 tarjoukset

I have some initial plans for a residential tiny home that need to be transformed into professional, full-scale construction plans. The final documents should include detailed specifications with materials and structural details. Key Responsibilities: - Review the initial plans and convert them into comprehensive construction documents - Ensure all plans meet modern architectural standards - Ask diligent questions to clarify any uncertainties and ensure accuracy Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in architectural design and construction planning - Strong understanding of modern architectural styles - Excellent attention to detail - Able to work under tight deadlines I need this done as soon as possible. Please only apply if you can start immediately and are able ...

€410 Average bid
€410 Keskimäär. tarjous
2 tarjoukset