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Writing Tutoring is an invaluable help for those looking to improve their written works. Writing Tutors are knowledgeable in grammar, spelling, and structure amongst other topics, and can assist with a wide range of writing needs including creative writing, academic papers, resumes, business proposals and more.
When hiring a freelance Writing Tutoring expert, you should be sure to be specific about the type of tasks they will be carrying out. This could range from copy editing to proofreading and grammar tutoring. You should also mention any stylistic or subjective requirements you may have for the project such as the desiredtone or style of text.
Interviews are key in order to find a Writing Tutor who is right for the job. You should ask questions that allow you to assess their experience in different writing styles as well as their general knowledge and critical thinking skills. Hourly rates will vary depending on the experience level of your chosen freelancer but typically range from $15-50 per hour.
When hiring through Freelancer.com, you can easily filter results with different skill-levels and pricing to match your project requirements. With access to over 10 million professionals from around the world complete with verified reviews, you’re sure to find the perfect Writing Tutor for your project. Hire now on Freelancer and improve your writing with an experienced professional!