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Unity is a cross-platform real-time game engine created by Unity Technologies. It is used for creating 3D, 2D and VR/AR games, simulations, visualizations, interactive experiences and more. With Unity, you can create projects ranging from simple 2D games to complex virtual reality and augmented reality applications.
A freelance Unity expert can help you create a complete game or interactive 3D experience. Depending on your needs, you might find a specialist in developing AI and mathematical simulations, audio and optimization, animation scripting or user experience design. You could also find an expert to build characters and levels, integrate physics engines or create build pipelines.
When selecting a freelance Unity expert it is important to evaluate their technical experience as well as their interpersonal skills. Ask questions about their previous projects, their approach to problem-solving and discuss your project expectations at length to make sure they understand the scope of the project. While rates vary depending on the skill level of the expert, typically an experienced Unity developer charges between $20 - $100 hourly depending on their expertise.
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