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Symbian OS is an operating system developed specifically for mobile devices. It is essentially a platform for computing built for use in smart phones. Presently it is closed source and is not free to access. It has a multilingual support.
It was originally designed and developed by the Symbian Foundation in the year 2009, with the intention of making it an open source that is freely accessible to all.
Brands using Symbian include Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and Sony Ericsson. Nokia built the S60 platform and launched it in the year 2002 for Symbian, thereby causing an assent in its fame and popularity. During this period Nokia ruled the world of smart phones single handed. At a time when the use of smart phones was very limited, till the end of 2010, Nokia became the number one phone to initiate the use of OS thereby initiating and establishing the smart phone industry. After that, the use of OS became more common and by the beginning of 2011, it became worldwide when the throne occupied by Nokia was usurped by the Androids, as Google took over the market with its partners.
The new software that is based on Symbian was then developed and supported by Accenture for Nokia. The last model of smart phone with Symbian from Nokia officially is Nokia 808 Pure View. Nokia has completely ceased to order new Symbian software as of 2014.
The three key principles on which the Symbian design is based are
Security and integrity of the user data should never be compromised
Proper and scarce use of the resources
Wastage of user time must be curtailed
Operating System
The services are in 5 layers
User Interface (default) – Avkon
OS - has multimedia/graphics, connectivity and communication
Application – Java ME
Kernel - EKA2
Base – user library, framework to manage the plug-ins, services providing cryptography and central repository
What are the qualifications and skills expected of a Symbian developer?
A basic bachelors or Master’s degree in Information Technology or Computer Science is reccomended. Sufficient experience in software development is expected. Advanced knowledge in C and C++, with certification and good knowledge of Python, Java ME, QML and Ruby is expected. Knowledge of Windows is desirable. Excellent understanding and understanding of object oriented programming language is appreciated.
How will you hire a Symbian developer?
If you’re looking for a solution for your Symbian needs or if you are looking to trial a freelancer to see if they provide the levels of expertise you are looking for, using a platform such as Freelancer.com is a fantastic option.
Simply log onto the Freelancer.com website and search through a bank of talented freelancers who are willing and able to provide their services to you for your project.