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PHPUnit is an open-source unit testing framework for PHP, designed to help developers create automated tests to check whether their code is working as expected. A skilled PHPUnit freelancer can help your organization create comprehensive test suites to ensure the quality of your custom software and applications. They can help you establish a test-driven development (TDD) workflow and create custom assertions that can be reused across your codebase.
When hiring a PHPUnit freelancer, you should look for individuals who have a proven track record in developing automated unit tests, as well as an understanding of TDD principles. When meeting with potential candidates, it will be important to ask questions about their experience and past projects to ensure they have a solid understanding of the tools and techniques used in unit testing. Additionally, assess their communication and collaboration skills to uncover any potential challenges in working with them. Typical hourly rates for this type of work range between $50 - $150 per hour, with the rate depending on their experience level and the scope and complexity of the project.
Freelancer is a great platform to quickly tap into a global pool of talented PHPUnit experts. With a wide range of ratings, feedbacks and portfolios available for each candidate, it's easy for organizations to vet potential remote contractors based on cost and capabilities. Hire now on Freelancer for access to the best PHPUnit developers available and get started on your project quickly.