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Mixing Engineering is a technical process that involves manipulating and controlling audio recordings, which creates a kind of sonic portrait; the mixing engineer is responsible for a production's overall sound, whether that be for a film, television program, or album. Mixing engineers can do everything from basic track balancing and EQ to the more creative aspects of remixing, so you should have an idea of what you need your mixing engineer to do before you hire them.
When interviewing potential mixing engineers, make sure to discuss their experience in the industry and any specific credits they’ve earned. Ask them if they have experience working with any particular genres of music, as well as how they would approach a project you are working on. Lastly, get an estimate of their hourly rate; typically, professional mixing engineers will charge $50-$100 an hour, but this varies depending on experience.
Hiring a freelance Mixing Engineer through Freelancer.com will give you access to talented professionals with diverse experience and expertise at an affordable rate. Research each candidate thoroughly and compare their feedback ratings before making your decision so you can be sure to get the best engineer for the job. Make your decisions quickly and start remixing today!