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Feng Shui is a practice that explores how the presentation and placement of objects within any living space can affect and alter the energy flow within it. This in turn influences your personal energy flow and that affects the way you perform and how successful you are at your personal as well as professional fronts.
You are influenced by Feng Shui without even being aware of it, in your everyday life. This is because very matter has energy, and anything impeding or facilitating the energy flow determines the “vibe” or the net positive or negative influence. The most crucial factor to bear in mind in case you are thinking of implementing Feng Shui practises is to keep an open mind about it and to go ahead only with those you are personally comfortable with.
Principle behind Feng Shui
The word Feng Shui is derived from two Chinese words, ‘Feng’ meaning wind and ‘Shui’ meaning water. These two elements of nature move, circulate and flow all over earth and are needed for survival, as it is impossible to survive without air or water. These two elements are determinants of climatic changes, which in turn influences our food supply. Therefore, the essence of these vital elements is the life force or chi. Essentially the universal principle of chi is applied to your personal environment and alterations in the design of the same are brought about to enhance your personal chi and make its flow smooth.
Facts and Fables
# Feng Shui offers ways to become rich quickly and easily – Fable
# Involves magical and superstitious ways – Fable
# Basically Feng Shui implies a home make over – Fable
# The ways of Feng Shui are expensive and can be afforded only by the rich and the elite – Fable
# Feng Shui is the art of placement of objects and furniture to bring positive energy flow in your life and environment creating a balance and harmony in the relationship – Fact
# Feng Shui is a science that deals with the study of relationship between human lives and the environments - Fact
How will you hire a Feng Shui expert?
If you’re looking for a solution for your Feng Shui needs or if you are looking to trial a freelancer to see if they provide the levels of expertise you are looking for, using a platform such as Freelancer.com is a fantastic option.
Simply log onto the Freelancer.com website and search through a bank of talented freelancers who are willing and able to provide their services to you for your project.