Project Managers Palkattavana paikassa New Zealand

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  • New Zealand
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Näytetään 1 tulosta
  • Palkkaa     stufleming
Palkkaa     stufleming

    stufleming stufleming

    New Zealand $40 USD / tunti
    Network & Cloud Engineer | Delivery Coach
    New Zealand
    0 arvostelua 0 arvostelua $40 USD / tunti
    I am an experienced and certified agile coach and agile team facilitator, expert in Jira and Confluence administration. I am also a certified Cloud engineer with Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure expertise. I am also an experienced network engineer (wired and wireless) with expertise on Mikrotik and Ubiquiti...
    I am an experienced and certified agile coach and agile team facilitator, expert in Jira and Confluence administration. I am also a certified Cloud engineer with Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure expertise. I am also an experienced network engineer (wired and wireless) with expertise on Mikrotik and Ubiquiti hardware. vähemmän
  • Palkkaa stufleming

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