"Silver Maple Forge" Logo Design

  • Tila: Open
  • Palkinto: $101
  • Vastaanotetut työt: 152

Kilpailun tehtävänanto

I'm looking for a logo design for my hobbyist blacksmith forge. I live in Manitoba Canada and operate a forge that creates mostly knives but also other blacksmith projects. The name of my forge is "Silver Maple Forge". I have chosen this name because there is a large Silver Maple tree in my backyard and because of what the maple leaf means to Canada. I also have grey "silver" hair :). My initial thoughts for a logo is the top half of a maple leaf above an anvil although I am open to other ideas. Other possible ideas for the logo is the use of a knife, hammer, tongs, etc. The use of this logo will be for fun marketing stickers and to be made into a makers mark tool so that I can stamp it into hot metal to show that I made this knife, etc. I'm thinking that the logo may need 2 variations. One could be as intricate as needed for print advertising and the other logo would need to be a little more simple so that the makers mark on material shows up clearly (if the makers mark is to elaborate, the fine details probably wouldn't show correctly on the small stamp). I require different electronic formats of the logos to appease different printing companies, etc.

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