eBook Background and Margin Adjustment

  • Tila: Closed
  • Palkinto: $21
  • Vastaanotetut työt: 6
  • Voittaja: graphicshomepk

Kilpailun tehtävänanto

My eBook, currently in PDF format, needs a white transparent background and adjusted margins for better readability. The page size is 8.5 x 11 inches (custom size).

Specific Requirements:
- Increase the inside margin to 0.7 inches
- Set the outside margin to 0.4 inches

Ideal Skills:
- PDF Manipulation
- eBook Formatting
- Attention to Detail

Suositellut taidot

Työnantajan palaute

“Inam is one of the greatest professionals I've worked with on Freelancer.com. He knows his subject, and is always available to make the required changes if needed.”

Profiilikuva David1R, United States.

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