3D Model & Design Ideas for Garage-ADU
- Tila: Closed
- Palkinto: $30
- Vastaanotetut työt: 7
- Voittaja: ART3DART
Kilpailun tehtävänanto
Converting my garage into a modern Studio . Need a detailed 3D model with the design of a small bedroom area ,small half bathroom, small stand up half shower, and small kitchenette. The interior design should follow a modern style with textures and materials
The water heater , Washer , and dryer area are existing, conditions can be framed into a common area that shares the door entering the home.
Must Include:
1. Standup Shower, small toielt.
2. Bed furniture
3. Small kitchen counter, with a small refrigerator underneath/kictchenette
4. add a tv on the wall if possible.
Please see the attached sketch for details : Please use standard assumptions for dimensions of , Furniture and appliances. This will design should be in the intent with the Florida Building Code.
Also the existing window needs to be converted into a exterior door (see attached)
Area 16'W x 28L
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“Great work!”
awill397, United States.
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khurramz1 Pakistan
mds0500 Bangladesh
mds0500 Bangladesh
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