Earning revenue.

Ad Revenue | Conversion Tracking | Affiliate Marketing | Referral Program

When it comes to your earning potential, you’re in the driver’s seat. Whether you opt to join FeedBlitz’s one-click advertising program, send affiliate or commissionable offers, or even refer your friends our way — the choice is all yours.

With the flexible revenue opportunities available through FeedBlitz, the earning potential is truly unlimited as it all comes down to your preferences and efforts. And if you’re already generating revenue from your site, it’s an excellent next step to bring those efforts into your email marketing.

Growing a passive income from the email campaigns you’re sending is about to get even easier.

Earning revenue.

Ad Revenue | Conversion Tracking | Affiliate Marketing | Referral Program

When it comes to your earning potential, you’re in the driver’s seat. Whether you opt to join FeedBlitz’s one-click advertising program, send affiliate or commissionable offers, or even refer your friends our way — the choice is all yours.

With the flexible revenue opportunities available through FeedBlitz, the earning potential is truly unlimited as it all comes down to your preferences and efforts. And if you’re already generating revenue from your site, it’s an excellent next step to bring those efforts into your email marketing.

Growing a passive income from the email campaigns you’re sending is about to get even easier.

Track your conversions and build on them.

With conversion tracking you can set the goals most valuable to your project and link your site activity to a particular email subscriber.

Identify and set your goals, track their success and ROI with real-time data, then build on your wins with targeted campaigns to further increase conversions and revenue.

*Available only through FeedBlitz Accel and FeedBlitz Enterprise plans.

Affiliates welcome.

Knock your affiliate marketing goals out of the park with maximum emailing flexibility. As long as you’re in line with the terms of your affiliate and partnership agreements — and our TOS, of course — the sky’s the limit on how and when you send your offers and links.

Handle suppression lists with ease by working with FeedBlitz’s groups and automated audience filtering.

In a matter of minutes, send (or schedule!) follow-up campaigns to anyone on your list who didn’t open or click the initial offer.

Email your list as often as you would like with your offers or affiliate and commissionable links

Referrals really are the best form of compliment.

And referrals that offer earning potential are even better. The FeedBlitz referral program is designed to reward your loyalty to our service by paying a recurring revenue share each month.

No signup or list minimums are required. Your unique referral link is available the moment you start your FeedBlitz account.

Maximize your earnings with two-tier commission opportunities for accounts in good standing.

Unlimited earning potential while the referred client is in good standing. Meaning, no time limits. No dollar limits. No problem.

Have questions about your project or specific goals you’d like to meet?

Chat directly with a member of our team of email experts by contacting Support.
We’d love to hear your ideas and walk you through them.

Start earning, your way.