The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a privacy measure taking effect January 1, 2020, enabling California residents to exercise much greater control and transparency about how their information is collected, and used. In many ways it is very similar to the European GDPR regulations, particularly in how it affects email marketing.

From FeedBlitz’s perspective, the most significant piece of the CCPA that differs from the GDPR is the CCPA’s “Do not sell my info” provision. This provision enables those covered by the CCPA to require vendors not to sell their personal information to third parties.

FeedBlitz has not ever sold, and will not ever sell, personally identifiable information (PII) about our clients, users, visitors or subscribers. So from that perspective, we have nothing to change at all in order to be compliant with the CCPA.

However, because we do sometimes share and generate revenue from anonymized information with third parties and ad networks, we have extended our existing approach to enable anyone, whether covered by the CCPA or not, to opt out of de-identified (i.e. anonymous) data sharing.

Our partners may link these hashes to a cookie stored on your browser or device, and as part of that process they may collect information such as your IP address, browser or operating system type and version, and demographic or inferred-interest information. They may use this information to recognize you across different channels and platforms. Anonymized data about you collected by our partners may be transferred outside of the country from which it was originally collected.

CCPA – Do Not Sell My Info

To opt-out of anonymized data sharing by FeedBlitz, you may use the privacy link here to set your cookie and other privacy preferences. You may also contact FeedBlitz technical support via phone, email or chat, or submit the form on the contact page here. We will contact you to verify your identity for support and contact requests.

If you are not logged in to FeedBlitz when you set your privacy, cookie and sharing preferences, all those preferences are saved as an essential cookie, which take effect when you use the same browser and device that you set your preferences with. In other words, if you use a different device or app, FeedBlitz will not be able to “remember” that preference.

To make your choice persistent, regardless of device, you need to be logged into the FeedBlitz app before saving your privacy settings, or contact to make the change.

Understanding the Scope of Your Opt-Out

Finally, a disclaimer. Opting out of anonymized third party data sharing at FeedBlitz only affects what FeedBlitz does with your information. FeedBlitz does not control how a list owner uses your information, for example, and so you will need to contact them – or any other relevant third party – to ensure that they too are aware of your decision to opt in or out under the CCPA, if you wish to do so.