Prior to a launch, U.S. government agencies review information regarding satellites and other “payloads” onboard the launch vehicle, including assessing whether the satellites have all necessary licensing and approvals, such as an FCC license. 
As part of its Transparency Initiative, the Space Bureau hosted an event on May 9th, 2024 that featured speakers from across the U.S. government to discuss the respective roles of those agencies during this process, describe challenges for both government and industry, and identify ways to alleviate burdens throughout the process so satellite operators can prepare for successful and timely reviews.

Interagency Payload Review Event Presentations:

  • Interagency Payload Review Event Presentations:
    • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST) -- Overview Presentation
    • Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Overview Presentation
  • Interagency Payload Review Event May 9, 2024 - Recording
  • Interagency Payload Review Event – Public Notice
  • Additional Materials
Thursday, September 26, 2024