Technical Cooperation Programme

The Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) was created to enable FAO to make its know-how and technical expertise available to member countries upon request. TCP projects are subject to approval criteria that ensure relevance and sustainability of the assistance provided, while catalyzing results towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

TCP Results since 2018

An updated monthly record of individual results from TCP Projects. For information on how the results are collected see TCP Results & Indicators 

1 944

Projects Completed (USD 374 Million)

4.8 Billion USD

Resources Mobilized

790 420

Beneficiary Households

1 862 353

Non-Government Staff Trained

141 783

Government Staff Trained

3 478

Outreach Products Created

6 725

Technical Products Delivered

5 857

Technical Facilities Upgraded

In focus
TCP and Gender

Persisting inequalities between women and men are a major obstacle to agricultural and rural development. Eliminating these disparities are essential to building sustainable, inclusive food systems and resilient, peaceful societies. All projects approved under FAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme...


Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are a group of low-lying island nations that are home to approximately 65 million people. Climate change, natural disasters and the distance from global markets make these nations particularly vulnerable.

TCP and Emergencies

Emergency TCP projects support both anticipatory action and immediate responses to disasters and early rehabilitation measures through the timely delivery of essential agricultural inputs, services and training...(more)

TCP and Covid 19

FAO's comprehensive and holistic COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme is designed to proactively and sustainably address the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. In line with the UN approach to “build back better,” and in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals...(more)

TCP and Fall Armyworm                                                                   

Examples of completed projects

The crisis in Ukraine reached alarming proportions. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimated a staggering 4.5 million people requiring urgent agricultural livelihoods support and food assistance, which represents a 2 000 percent increase since the onset of the crisis in February 2022.


La dégradation des sols, notamment des terres agricoles et pastorales, fait peser une sérieuse menace sur la région du Proche-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord, en particulier dans le domaine de la production alimentaire.


Bolivia reconoce a 36 pueblos y naciones indígenas originarias que ostentan sistemas tradicionales de producción de alimentos, característicos por el desarrollo de prácticas de uso no consuntivo como la recolección de productos del bosque, la realización de actividades agroecológicas, pecuarias y pesca, entre otros.


As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, inflation in China increased, particularly in the food sector, impacting significantly upon the cost of living for vulnerable households.


L’élevage santoméen est principalement un élevage de basse-cour qui ne couvre actuellement qu’environ la moitié de la demande locale en produits animaux...


The effective management of natural resources, and forest ecosystems and resources specifically, is considered crucial for the Government of South Sudan. It can help to safeguard rural livelihoods and foster sustainable development...


Nepal is highly vulnerable to climate change, hydrometeorological hazards and extreme events such as storms, floods, landslides and debris flow, and soil erosion...


En la Costa Caribe, el 30 por ciento de la fuerza laboral depende de la agricultura y aproximadamente el 42 por ciento de la pesca para su sustento. La actividad de extracción de recursos naturales sujeta a explotación en las lagunas y en el mar, es el principal eje económico del territorio.


Climate change has intensified over the past 80 years in Mongolia, with the average air temperature increasing by 2 25 degrees Celsius, which is twice the global average ...