Borrowing against inventory and accounts receivable allows U.S. businesses to turn assets into much-needed cash flow. U.S. exporters face special challenges when it comes to securing asset-based loans. Private lenders can be hesitant to lend against export-related assets, creating cash flow problems for exporters.

EXIM offers two types of support that enable businesses to borrow against their export-related assets and access cash flow to grow their sales worldwide:

  1. Export Credit Insurance - An insurance policy for exporters' foreign accounts receivable, providing protection against the risk of buyer nonpayment.
  2. Working Capital Loan Guarantee - EXIM can work with private lenders to help unlock the vital funds needed to capture international sales for US based exporters who’s goods have at least 50% US content; have been in business for at least a year and are adequately capitalized relative to the requested loan amount.  

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A Basic Guide to Exporting

It's easier than ever to sell internationally. Do you know everything you need to compete?

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Export Credit Insurance

Learn what export credit insurance can do to help your business compete in a global market.

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Free Guide:

Working Capital Loan Guarantee

Do you lack the cash flow needed to take on bigger projects of fulfill orders, preventing you from growing your export business?

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