Although we’re in the middle of August, many organisers will be in full swing planning for their Autumn events, and of course with the change in season comes a change in menu.

Certain foods will be in season come Autumn, meaning a higher volume of produce, which ultimately means they’re cheaper (not to mention fresher and tastier too). With this in mind we’ve picked some amazing autumn food and drink ideas for you to use at your next event. We hope you like pumpkins!

Pumpkin Pie

autumn food and drinkStarting with a classic! This can be a luxurious dessert as part of a 3-course meal, or can be made into bite-size pieces for a buffet or dessert canapés . However you serve it, it’s a classic autumnal dessert.

Found on via Jo Williamson

Squash Coconut Curry

autumn food and drinkAutumn means squash is in season, so why not make use of it and make this modish squash coconut curry. This can be served as a starter or a main, or served in little bowls for canapés or you could create a huge batch for people to serve themselves as part of the buffet.

Found on via Tina Hughes

Pumpkin Spiced Latte

autumn food and drinkWhat kind of list would this be without featuring the pumpkin spiced latte?! You may enjoy the Starbucks equivalent, but there is nothing stopping you making your own delicious version. This would be a great accompaniment to a dessert, an after dessert drink, or a dessert in it’s own right! However and whenever you decide to serve it, it’s a popular drink and the right season for it.

 Found on via Jamie’s Health

Pumpkin Spiced Doughnuts

autumn food and drinkIt may be overkill but these pumpkin spice doughnuts would go with a pumpkin spiced latte rather well. Serve these with the latte as dessert, make smaller ones for people to take as they go around the room, or create a batch to sit near the coffees and teas as part of a buffet or even at a conference.

Found on via Ronnie Busby

Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats

autumn food and drinkOn a budget? Why not create these seasonal styled rice krispie treats. They’re simple to make and they look great. You may even get a few tweets and Instagram posts out of these!

Found on via Chelsea Willis

Hot Spiced Cider

autumn food and drinkWant to utilise some outdoor space but wondering if people would get too cold? Why not have a outdoor bar serving hot spiced cider? A cup of this will warm people up and will entice people outside so they can try this delicious drink.

Found on via Kathryn O’Sullivan-brown


Maple Cookies

autumn food and drinkWhat says autumn more than leaves? It also helps that these are a delicious treat that can be used in all different ways. Serve them with coffees and teas at the end of the night, add them to the side of a dessert, or have them by the hot drinks table at your conference to add that autumnal twist.

Found on via Tin & Thyme 


Sweet Potato or Pumpkin Gnocci

autumn food and drink

Not your traditional dish but a good way to utilise the seasonal produce. Whether you choose sweet potato or pumpkin gnocchi, this dish is extremely versatile. It can be a starter, a main, a canapé, or a large batch can be made for a buffet.

Found on via Jamie’s Health


Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate

autumn food and drink

A decadent drink that could easily be a dessert on its own! For those colder Autumn months, sometimes you just need something hot and sickly sweet to help. You could create your own hot chocolate stand, giving guests options of toppings to add on top of their cream, making it highly customisable, interactive, and let’s face it, a lot of fun!

Found on via Lori~


Apple Pie Pops

autumn food and drink

We’ve saved the best till last! These little apple pie pops look amazing and will sure to get some social media love! Creating little pops means they can be eaten buffet style, at the end of a conference or placed in the middle of the table at the end of a meal alongside other small dishes. It’s a classic dessert, served in a way that makes it highly versatile for any event you throw.

Found on via Tabby collins

For more Autumn food and drink ideas visit our Pinterest Board!