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Current Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 0929-8673
ISSN (Online): 1875-533X

Review Article

Sleep, Dietary Melatonin Supplementation, and COVID-19

Author(s): Amin Gasmi, Yuliya Semenova, Sadaf Noor, Asma Gasmi Benahmed and Geir Bjørklund*

Volume 31, Issue 11, 2024

Published on: 22 May, 2023

Page: [1298 - 1314] Pages: 17

DOI: 10.2174/0929867330666230224093849

Price: $65


Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, people suffered from major mental health problems. These include stress, anxiety, and confusion about the existing situation of home confinement. Melatonin is a popular anti-inflammatory and antioxidant molecule sold as an over-the-counter dietary supplement.

Objective: This review discusses the indications for using melatonin in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, including treatment.

Methods: A comprehensive search of publications was conducted in electronic databases focusing on the administration of melatonin in COVID-19.

Results: Stress has a huge negative impact on sleep routines and the quality of life of individuals. Sleep is considered an important modulator of the immune response. Thus, a lack of sleep can weaken immunity, increasing organism susceptibility to infection. For instance, shorter sleep durations are associated with a rise in suffering from the common cold. The administration of melatonin protects against viral and other pathogens and speeds clinical recovery.

Conclusion: In patients admitted to intensive care units, melatonin decreases the risks of severe complications, such as thrombosis and sepsis, and mortality rates. In addition, it is efficacious in lowering vessel permeability, depression, and sedation, and improving the quality of sleep, which could also help COVID-19 patients achieve better clinical outcomes.

Keywords: COVID-19, melatonin, dietary supplement, sleep quality, antioxidant, stress.

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