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Boosting employability by engaging business partners

The European Training Foundation (ETF) cooperates with and complements the work of the European Commission and the European External Action Service, including responding to requests from the Delegation of the European Union to Algeria, in its support to the country. This includes input to EU policy monitoring mechanisms and wider human capital developments reported in the Torino Process.

The ETF’s work is focusing on closer cooperation with the Ministry of Vocational Education and Training (VET), mainly through its Institut national de Formation et d'Enseignement professionnels (INFEP), the national institute of vocational education and training. The VET ministry also coordinates the survey on the continuing professional development of VET teachers and the implementation of the Torino process. In support of the European Union Delegation to Algeria, the ETF has been involved in different stages of implementation of EU programmes addressing issues linked to human capital development and skills development. It is currently involved in providing content and methodological advice to the Programme d’Appui à l’Adéquation Formation-Emploi-Qualification (AFEQ).