ROS Meeting - Webex Only

February 01, 2024
09:30 AM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 2550 117 6030
Meeting password: Mx#36


ROS Standing Representatives are asked to do the following: 


An email with a unique validation code will be sent to all ROS Standing Representatives and their designated Alternative Representatives

  • If you are participating by Webex, please copy and paste your login given in the email when logging into Webex to allow validation of your login and ensure your ability to vote in the meeting as a representative of your company   
    • If you are using a phone for audio, please associate your phone to your name by using the "Call me" option (easiest) or the "Call in" option and enter your assigned Attendee ID when prompted
    • Log in to Webex 15 minutes prior to the meeting start so that quorum can be established and log ins can be validated
    • Use the Chat function to queue for comments/motions – reply to Everyone


Validation for ROS Standing Representatives

Suzy Clifton

    9:15 a.m.


Antitrust Admonition

Suzy Clifton

    9:30 a.m.


Election of 2024 ROS Chair (Vote)

Suzy Clifton


Agenda Review

ROS Chair


Approval of ROS Meeting Minutes (Possible Vote)

ROS Chair

  • January 8, 2024


Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Update

ROS Chair


2024 ROS Working Group Leadership (Vote)

ROS Chair


2024 ROS Goals (Possible Vote)

ROS Chair


ERCOT Reports

    9:40 a.m.

  • Operations Report   

Alex Lee

  • System Planning Report   

Ping Yan

  • Generic Transmission Constraint (GTC) Update

Yunzhi Cheng


ROS Revision Requests (Vote)

ROS Chair

    9:50 a.m.

Impact Analysis

  • NOGRR261, Move OBD to Section 8 – Procedure for Calculating RRS Limits for Individual Resources


Revision Requests Tabled at ROS (Possible Vote)

ROS Chair

    9:55 a.m.

  • PGRR073, Related to NPRR956, Designation of Providers of Transmission Additions 

  • RRGRR036, Related to NPRR1191, Registration, Interconnection, and Operation of Customers with Large Loads; Information Required of Customers with Loads 25 MW or Greater

  • NOGRR256, Related to NPRR1191, Registration, Interconnection, and Operation of Customers with Large Loads; Information Required of Customers with Loads 25 MW or Greater

  • PGRR111, Related to NPRR1191, Registration, Interconnection, and Operation of Customers with Large Loads; Information Required of Customers with Loads 25 MW or Greater

  • PGRR114, Related to NPRR1212, Clarification of Distribution Service Provider’s Obligation to Provide an ESI ID


Network Data Support Working Group (NDSWG)


  10:10 a.m.


Operations Working Group (OWG) 

OWG Chair

  10:25 a.m.

  • NPRR1070, Planning Criteria for GTC Exit Solutions (OWG, PLWG) (Possible Vote) 

  • NPRR1198, Congestion Mitigation Using Topology Reconfigurations (OWG, NDSWG) (Possible Vote) 

  • NOGRR258, Related to NPRR1198, Congestion Mitigation Using Topology Reconfigurations (OWG, NDSWG) (Possible Vote) 


  10:40 a.m.


Steady State Working Group (SSWG)

SSWG Chair 

  10:50 a.m.

  • PGRR106, Clarify Projects Included in Transmission Project Information and Tracking (TPIT) Report (SSWG) (Possible Vote)


Planning Working Group (PLWG)

PLWG Chair

  11:05 a.m.

  • PGRR107, Related to NPRR1180, Inclusion of Forecasted Load in Planning Analyses (PLWG) (Possible Vote)

  • PGRR112, Dynamic Data Model and Full Interconnection Study (FIS) Deadline for Quarterly Stability Assessment (PLWG) (DWG) (Possible Vote)

  • PGRR113, Related to NPRR1198, Congestion Mitigation Using Topology Reconfigurations (PLWG) (Possible Vote)


Inverter Based Resources Working Group (IBRWG)

IBRWG Chair  

  11:25 a.m.

  • NOGRR255, High Resolution Data Requirements (DWG) (IBRWG) (SPWG) (Possible Vote)


Dynamics Working Group (DWG)

DWG Chair

  12:05 p.m.


System Protection Working Group (SPWG)

SPWG Chair

  12:15 p.m.


Operations Training Working Group (OTWG)

OTWG Chair

  12:25 p.m.

  • OTWG Scope (Vote)


Combo Ballot (Vote)

ROS Chair

  12:35 p.m.


Performance Disturbance Compliance Working Group (PDCWG)


  12:40 p.m.


Other Business

ROS Chair

  12:50 p.m.

  • Review Open Action Items List

  • No Report

  • Black Start Working Group (BSWG)

  • Voltage Profile Working Group (VPWG)


ROS Chair

   1:00 p.m.

Scheduled ROS Meetings

Mar 19, 2024 - doc - 240.5 KB
Feb 1, 2024 - xls - 140.5 KB
Feb 1, 2024 - xls - 137 KB
Jan 29, 2024 - docx - 14.8 KB
Jan 29, 2024 - doc - 50.5 KB
Jan 25, 2024 - docx - 52.1 KB
Jan 25, 2024 - doc - 288.5 KB
Jan 26, 2024 - docx - 379.8 KB
Jan 25, 2024 - docx - 423.7 KB
Jan 25, 2024 - docx - 20.7 KB
Jan 26, 2024 - doc - 29.5 KB
Jan 30, 2024 - docx - 31.5 KB
Jan 25, 2024 - pptx - 39 KB
Jan 31, 2024 - pptx - 44.8 KB
Jan 25, 2024 - pptx - 43.1 KB
Jan 25, 2024 - pptx - 33 KB
Jan 25, 2024 - pptx - 47.4 KB
Jan 29, 2024 - pptx - 1.9 MB
Jan 31, 2024 - zip - 6.1 MB
Jan 30, 2024 - zip - 3.6 MB

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