Other Binding Documents List

The following are links to pages containing Other Binding Documents.

Block Load Transfer Registration
This form is used to register Block Load Transfers. Any entity blocking load into or out of ERCOT for reliability reasons needs to complete a BLT.
Commercial Operations Market Guide
The Commercial Operations Market Guide supplements the ERCOT protocols and describes the process through which ERCOT market data is translated into financial settlements in the ERCOT market.
Counter-Party Credit Application
Form used by QSEs and CRRAHs to update, amend or correct information previously submitted to ERCOT.
Demand Response Data Definitions and Technical Specifications
This document provides specific definitions and technical requirements necessary to conduct the annual ERCOT Demand response data collection process
Nov 1, 2023 - zip - 1.2 MB
Emergency Response Service Procurement Methodology
This document describes the mechanism for procuring Emergency Response Service (ERS).
Sep 15, 2023 - zip - 1.2 MB
EPS Site Certification Form
This is the form that the TDSP submits to ERCOT to document that the TDSP has certified an EPS Metering Facility in compliance with Protocols.
ERCOT Polled Settlement MDAS Configuration Form
This is the form that the TDSP submits to ERCOT to document the information ERCOT needs to set the meter up in the ERCOT Data Acquisition System so that the EPS meter data can be retrieved and processed for the metering point.
ERO Fee Guide
The ERO Fee Assessment and Collection Guide is a document that describes the calculation of Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) Fee for NERC's statutory functions among interconnections and regional entities.
ERS Technical Requirements & Scope of Work
Detailed procedures and requirements for QSEs and Loads providing ERS, specific to an ERS Contract Period.
Load Profiling Guide
The Load Profiling Guide, a reference document used by market participants and ERCOT, expands upon and details the responsibilities and processes listed in the ERCOT protocols.
Load Resource Asset Registration Form (LRARF)
This form is used to register all required data for a Load Resource in the ERCOT Market.
Methodologies for Determining Ancillary Service Requirements
Find the methodology used to determine the minimum monthly Ancillary Service requirements.
Methodology for Implementing ORDC to Calculate Real-Time Reserve Price Adder
This document contains the ERCOT Board-approved methodology for determining the Real-Time reserve price adders based on the Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC), and the ERCOT Board-approved parameters for determining the Real-Time reserve price adders.
Oct 1, 2024 - zip - 9.6 MB
Nodal Non-Spinning Reserve Service Deployment Procedures
View TAC approved high level ERCOT process for the deployment and recall of Non-Spinning Reserve Service.
Operating Guides
The Operating Guides, which supplement the ERCOT protocols, describe the working relationship between ERCOT and the entities within the ERCOT system that interact with ERCOT on a minute-to-minute basis to ensure reliability and security.
Operating Procedures
Operating Procedures document the processes and procedures for reliable daily grid operation and emergency actions.
Planning Guide
The Planning Guide, which supplements the ERCOT protocols, provides ERCOT stakeholders and market participants with information and documentation concerning the ERCOT transmission planning process.
Procedure for Identifying Resource Nodes
This procedure is the guiding document for ERCOT and Market Participants with Generation Resources to identify Resource Nodes and manage the life-cycle of the Resource Node.
Mar 31, 2022 - zip - 262.4 KB
Requirements for Aggregate Load Resource Participation
Requirements for aggregations of loads to qualify as ALRs and maintain such qualification, thus becoming eligible to provide Ancillary Services. This initial version of the document is limited to ALR qualification for provision of Non-Spin.
Resource Asset Registration Form (RARF)
This form is used for collecting all required information for registering a Resource in the ERCOT Market.
Resource Registration Glossary
Provides the name, description and supporting information for any data field that may be required from Resources as part of the Resource Registration process.
Retail Market Guide
The Retail Market Guide is a reference document for rules affecting the competitive retail electric market in Texas.
Settlement Metering Operating Guide
The Settlement Metering Operating Guide describes the standards, specifications, procedures and practices for EPS metering.
TDSP Access to EPS Metering Facility Notification Form
Form submitted by the TDSP to provide notification to ERCOT of access to EPS Metering Facilities.
TDSP Cutover Form for EPS Metering Points
This form shall be submitted by the TDSP to facilitate the transfer of information required to add or remove an EPS meter point in Lodestar for generation facilities, NOIE boundary metering points, or other qualified metering points.
TDSP EPS Meter Test Report
This is the form that the TDSP submits to ERCOT to document that the TDSP has tested an EPS Meter.
TDSP Read Generation Registration Form
Form to register with ERCOT as a TSP, DSP or both.
Texas Data Transport Guides
These guides provide information on secure data transport utilized by the Retail Electric Market and enabled by the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Electronic Delivery Mechanism (EDM), ebXML and digital certificates.
Texas Market Test Plan
This document defines the market plan for testing retail commercial operations systems and business processes to support the Texas Electric Choice Market.
Texas SET Implementation Guides
The Texas Standard Electronic Transaction (SET) Guides provide details of information contained within the electronic transactions used in the competitive retail electric market in Texas.
Transmission Element Naming Convention
This Transmission Element Naming Convention standard document includes Electrical Bus Name Standard; Naming Convention for Lines, Breakers and Switches; and Naming Convention for CIM Station ID Names.
Oct 21, 2011 - doc - 30 KB
Verifiable Cost Manual
This manual describes the process for Resources to create and submit verifiable costs to ERCOT. The Manual has all of the rules and guidelines of how these costs must be developed.