Real-Time Market

During real-time, ERCOT dispatches resources based on economics and reliability to meet the system demand while observing resource and transmission constraints. Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) is the real-time market evaluation of offers to produce a least-cost dispatch of online resources. SCED calculates Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) using a two-step methodology that applies mitigation to resolve non-competitive constraints.

Real-Time Prices Displays

Real-Time LMPs for Latest SCED Run Display
View the Locational Marginal Prices per Settlement Point from the real-time market for the latest SCED run which is normally within the last five minutes.
Real-Time LMPs for Load Zones and Trading Hubs Display
View the Locational Marginal Prices per Load Zone and Trading Hub from the real-time market for the latest SCED run which is normally within the last five minutes.
Real-Time Settlement Point Prices Display
View the Settlement Point Prices for the Load Zones and Trading Hubs from the real-time market for the current day as well as the previous five days.
RTD Indicative LMPs by Load Zones or Hubs Display
This view is updated after every Real-Time dispatch (RTD) run and includes indicative LMPs for Hubs and Load Zones as well as the latest actual LMP values from SCED for each interval in the SCED-RTD Study Period.

Real-Time Prices Reports

LMPs by Electrical Bus
View the Locational Marginal Price for each Electrical Bus, normally produced by SCED every five minutes.
LMPs by Resource Nodes, Load Zones and Trading Hubs
View the Locational Marginal Price for each Settlement Point, normally produced by SCED every five minutes.
LMP By SOG Including Price Adders
View the prices for Settlement Only Distribution Generators (SODGs) and Settlement Only Transmission Generators (SOTGs) for each SCED interval. The final prices also include Real-Time Reserve Price Adders for On-Line Reserves and Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price Adder.
Real-Time Price for SOG
View the Real-Time price for each Settlement Only Distribution Generators (SODGs) and Settlement Only Transmission Generators (SOTGs) for each 15-min Settlement Interval.
RTD Indicative LMPs by Resource Nodes, Load Zones and Hubs
This report is posted after every Look Ahead RTD run and includes indicative LMPs at Resource Nodes, Hub LMPs and Load Zone for each interval in the Look Ahead SCED-RTD Study Period.
SCED Shadow Prices and Binding Transmission Constraints
The report for Shadow Prices of binding/violated constraints in SCED. The report shows the contingency name, overloaded element details (element name, from/to station name and kV level), Shadow Price ( price for resolving one MW of the constraint), Penalty for violating the constraint (MaxShadow Price), overloaded element limit and flow (value)pairs that caused such constraint.
SCED System Lambda
This report shows the System Lambda of each successful SCED.
Settlement Point Prices at Resource Nodes, Hubs and Load Zones
View the Settlement Point Price for each Settlement Point, produced from SCED LMPs every 15 minutes.

Real-Time Supporting Information

Approved AS Capacity Compliance Performance Criteria Variables
Contains the historic and currently approved AS Capacity Compliance Performance Criteria variables.
Approved GREDP Performance Criteria Variables
This spreadsheet contains historic and current approved GREDP performance criteria variables.
CLREDP Acceptable Performance Criteria and PRC Variables
This spreadsheet contains historic and current approved CLREDP performance criteria variables.
Controllable Load Resource Base Point Deviation Charge for Over-Consumption Variables
The Controllable Load Resource Base Point Deviation Charge for over-consumption variables XO and YO.
Controllable Load Resource Base Point Deviation Charge for Under-Consumption Variables
The Controllable Load Resource Base Point Deviation Charge for under-consumption variables XU and YU.
Electrical Bus Mapping for Heuristic Pricing
This report shows the heuristic pricing associations on a daily basis that are used in the market solutions for Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and Real-Time Market (RTM). This posting helps the market's understanding of the methodology and values of the published prices.
Reserve Discount Factors
Currently approved Reserve Discount Factors (RDFs) used in the calculation of Physical Responsive Capability (PRC).

Real-Time Wind Production

Wind Power Production - Actual 5-Minute Averaged Values
This report is posted every 5 minutes and includes System-wide and Regional actual 5-min averaged wind power production for a rolling historical 60-minute period.
Wind Power Production - Hourly Averaged Actual and Forecasted Values
This report is posted every hour and includes System-wide and Regional actual hourly averaged wind power production, STWPF, WGRPP and COP HSLs for On-Line WGRs for a rolling historical 48-hour period as well as the System-wide and Regional STWPF, WGRPP and COP HSLs for On-Line WGRs for the rolling future 168-hour period.


SASM Aggregated Ancillary Service Offer Curve
View the aggregated AS offers for each hour and AS type used by SASM.
SASM MCPC by Ancillary Service Type
View the Market Clearing Price for Capacity for each hour and AS type procured in SASM.
Total Ancillary Service Procured in SASM
View the total capacity in MW for each hour and AS type procured in SASM.

Scarcity Pricing Mechanism

Historical Real-Time ORDC and Reliability Deployment Price Adders and Reserves
This report updates every week for the previous week and shows the sum of each type of available reserves, including total Real-Time reserve amount for On-Line reserves and, total Real-Time reserve amount for Off-Line reserves, and the Real-Time Reserve Price Adders for On-Line Reserves and Real-Time Reserve Price Adders for Off-Line Reserves for all the SCED intervals in the previous week. The report also shows the total RUC/RMR LDL relaxed, total Load Resource MW deployed that is added to the Demand, total ERS MW deployed that is added to the Demand, total LASL, total HASL, and the Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price Adder for all the SCED intervals in the previous week.
Historical Real-Time ORDC and Reliability Deployment Prices for 15-Minute Settlement Interval
This report updates each week and shows historical Real-Time Reserve Price for On-Line Reserves,Real-Time Reserve Price for Off-Line Reserves and the Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price for each 15-minute Settlement Interval beginning 6/01/2014 or the current year to the previous week.
LOLP Distribution by Season and TOD Block
This report updates twenty days after the end of each season and shows the mean and standard deviation for the Loss of Load Probability (LOLP) distribution by Time-of-Day (TOD) block for the same season of the upcoming year based on historic data.
Peaker Net Margin
View the cumulative Peaker Net Margin in dollars per MW since the start of the annual resource adequacy cycle, posted daily.
Real-Time ORDC and Reliability Deployment Price Adders and Reserves by SCED Interval
This report updates immediately following each SCED run and shows the sum of each type of available reserves, including total Real-Time reserve amount for On-Line reserves and, total Real-Time reserve amount for Off-Line reserves, and the Real-Time Reserve Price Adders for On-Line Reserves and Real-Time Reserve Price Adders for Off-Line Reserves for each SCED interval. The report also shows the total RUC/RMR LDL relaxed, total Load Resource MW deployed that is added to the Demand, total ERS MW deployed that is added to the Demand, total LASL, total HASL, and the Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price Adder for each SCED interval.
Real-Time ORDC and Reliability Deployment Prices for 15-minute Settlement Interval
This report updates immediately following the end of each 15-minute Settlement Interval and shows the Real-Time Reserve Price for On-Line Reserves and the Real-Time Reserve Price for Off-Line Reserves for each 15-minute Settlement Interval. The report also shows the Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price for each 15-minute Settlement Interval.
RTD Indicative ORDC and Reliability Deployment Price Adders and Reserves
This report updates immediately following each RTD run and shows the projected total Real-Time reserve amount for On-Line reserves and Off-Line reserves and the projected Real-Time On-Line Reserve Price Adders and Real-Time Off-Line Reserve Price Adders for all the future intervals of the RTD run.
System-Wide Offer Cap
View the System-wide Offer Cap in place for Ancillary Services and Energy for the last thirty days on a daily basis.

Scarcity Pricing Mechanism -- Interim Prior to June 1st 2014

Indicative Real-Time Reserve ORDC Price Adder
This report contains October 17 through November 20 historical files.

Key Documents

Methodology for Implementing ORDC to Calculate Real-Time Reserve Price Adder
This document contains the ERCOT Board-approved methodology for determining the Real-Time reserve price adders based on the Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC), and the ERCOT Board-approved parameters for determining the Real-Time reserve price adders.
Oct 1, 2024 - zip - 9.6 MB
Methodology for Setting Maximum Shadow Prices for Network and Power Balance Constraints
View the methodology for setting maximum Shadow Prices for network constraints and for the power balance constraint.
Mar 31, 2022 - zip - 3.5 MB
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