Cookie Policy

Our Cookies Policy applies to all applications accessed or used via our websites or webpages (the “Websites”) in connection with the trademarks (“Trademarks”) used by the entities of the Encevo Group (the “Group”) irrespective of whether these applications are managed (i) on platforms operated by or on behalf of entities of the Group or (ii) on third party platforms such as Facebook or YouTube.

Our Websites are designed to be responsive to the needs and expectations of our customers.

If you consent to the use of cookies, you consent to browse our Websites in accordance with this Cookie Policy (the “Cookie Policy”). If you reject cookies or set your preferences or your browser’s preferences to disable cookies, your user experience on our Websites may be affected or reduced and the Websites may have limited functionality.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file or piece of data that may be stored in your computer’s or device’s web browser when you visit our Websites and that allows us to analyse your use of that website. A cookie usually contains the name of the website it comes from, the “lifespan” of the cookie (i.e. how long it will remain on your device) and a value, which is usually a randomly generated unique number.

How do we use cookies?

Our cookies

These are the first level cookies set by the Website publisher and/or the service provider selected by the Website publisher.

We use cookies to enable you to browse our Websites, secure your connection and access restricted and personal areas of our websites using user details that you have previously provided to us. These are cookies that are essential for browsing our Websites. Without these cookies, our Websites cannot function properly. Deleting them is not recommended.

We also use cookies that are not essential for browsing our Websites, but which enable us to optimise their operation and to improve your user experience in general. Cookies can tell us, for example, whether you have visited our Website before or if you are a new visitor. They can also help to ensure that the information displayed is more relevant to you (remembering services or offers, language used, etc.)

We also use audience measurement or analytical cookies to create anonymous statistics enabling us to understand how visitors use our Websites and to improve their structure and content. No information collected is used by the Group to identify a unique user on our Websites.

Third party cookies

We work with third party companies (advertising companies or partners) who may also place cookies on your device when you visit our Websites or third-party sites accessible through our Websites. These third-party cookies make it possible to identify your primary interests from the content consulted and to personalise the advertising offer that is displayed to you.

These cookies are necessary for suppliers to provide their services. For more information on these cookies, as well as information on how to opt out of receiving these cookies, please see the additional information below.

We identify these cookies before they are used so that you can decide if you want to accept them. More information about these cookies can also be found on the third party’s website.


The cookies we use on our Websites can also be categorised according to their lifespan:

  • Session cookies: session cookies are temporary cookies that remain on your device until you leave the Website. They are automatically deleted at the end of your visit.
  • Persistent cookies: persistent cookies generally stay on your device longer or until you manually delete them. The length of time the cookie remains on your device will depend on the “lifespan” of the specific cookie and your browser settings. One of the persistent cookies enables us, for example, to count you as a recurring visitor to our Website if you have visited the Website in the past.

Cookies used on the Encevo Group websites

The table below summarises the categories of cookies we use on our Websites grouped into 4 categories with their respective purpose and lifespan (i.e. how long each cookie will remain on your device).

Cookies "Essential/necessary for the functioning of the Website"

What do these cookies do?

They enable you to browse the pages of our Websites and to use their functionalities, such as access to secure areas, remembering previous actions (for example, confirmation of your subscription, remembering your customer area).

They enable us to take into account your consent to the use of cookies.

Do these cookies collect my personal data / identify me?

These cookies do not identify you as an individual.

If you do not accept these cookies, it may affect the performance of the Website or reduce its functionality.

The operator of the Internet site may have a legitimate interest in storing cookies in order to optimise its services and to ensure that they work smoothly.

Cookies "Performance or Statistics"

What do these cookies do?

By collecting and reporting information anonymously, these cookies help us to understand how visitors interact with our Websites by providing statistics on traffic to and the use of our Websites, such as information on areas visited, time spent on the Website and any problems encountered, such as error messages.

This helps us to improve the performance of our Websites (services and content).

Do these cookies collect my personal data / identify me?

These cookies do not identify you as an individual. All data is collected and processed anonymously.

Cookies "Content Personalisation or Preferences"

What do these cookies do?

These cookies enable our Websites to remember the choices you make on our Websites (such as your username, your language or region) to provide a more personalised user experience.

They can also enable visitors to watch videos, play games and interact with social media such as blogs, chat rooms, and forums.

Do these cookies collect my personal data / identify me?

The information collected by these cookies may include personal information that you have disclosed, such as your username or profile picture.

We will always be transparent with you about what information we collect, what we do with it and who we share it with.

If you do not accept these cookies, it may affect the performance and functionality of the Website and may restrict access to the content of the Website.

Cookies "Personalised advertising or marketing "

What do these cookies do?

These cookies are used to provide you with more relevant and interesting content based on your interactions on our Websites.

They may be used to deliver targeted advertising to limit the number of times you see an ad. They also help us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns on the Encevo Group Websites and on partner sites.

We may use these cookies to remember which sites you have visited, and we may share the information with other parties, including advertisers and our agencies.

Do these cookies collect my personal data / identify me?

Most of these types of cookies track consumers via their IP address, which can collect personal information which is likely to identify you.

For more information about these cookies, including the information they collect and how it is used, click here.

Managing my cookies

The cookies placed by our Websites are subject to the user's consent, with the exception of certain "Essential" cookies that are exempt from consent.

By clicking on this link, you can choose to activate or disable the different families of cookies (Content Personalisation/Preferences - Personalised Advertising/Marketing).

Click here to configure your cookie consent level

We remind you that the settings you choose may affect the way you can access our services and your browsing experience on our Websites.

The user's consent can be withdrawn at any time from the link in our Cookie Policy.

How can I control or delete cookies?

Most web browsers offer options for configuring cookies. Through your browser, you can directly change the settings to allow or block cookies at any time or to alert you when cookies are placed on your device.

Each browser is configured differently. Please refer to your browser's instructions or options to learn more about how to change your browser settings.

If your browser is set to reject all cookies, you will not be able to take advantage of essential features of our Websites such as receiving personalised recommendations. In order to manage the cookies to as close to your expectations as possible, please set your browser bearing in mind the purpose of the cookies as mentioned above.

If you use different devices to view and access our Websites (for example, your computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), you should ensure that each browser on each device is tailored to your cookie options. For more information click here.

We use the Google Tag Manager tool to inform you of the Cookies used on our Websites and to enable you to give/withdraw your consent to the storage of Cookies during your visit to our Websites. Google Tag Manager will also place its own cookies to save your preferences.]

* Find out more about Cookies

Price Cookie

The price cookie is a cookie used primarily to transmit your settings and the price of the simulators on our Websites on the following pages. This is a first level session cookie that is immediately deleted from your browser after the session.

Your personal data is neither transferred nor stored by the cookie. It simply provides product information, pricing and settings on the following pages, to give you the best user experience.

Storing this cookie can be prevented by your browser settings. For more information on these settings and how to block the cookie, please see your browser provider’s pages. Disabling this cookie may restrict certain features of the Encevo Websites. More information can be found in our Privacy Policy.

Contact Form Cookie

The cookie on our contact form is a cookie used to secure the form and the process of submitting a request.

This is a first level session cookie that is immediately deleted from your browser after the session. Your personal data is neither transferred nor stored by the cookie. It simply guarantees secure use of the contact form.

Storing this cookie can be prevented by your browser settings. For more information on these settings and how to block the cookie, please see your browser provider’s pages. Disabling this cookie may restrict certain features of the Encevo Websites. More information can be found in our Privacy Policy.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a technical solution enabling us to easily manage tags and JavaScript on our Websites without requiring coding skills. Google Tag Manager itself does not collect data or share it with other Google applications or third parties.

The operating company of Google Tag Manager is Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, California 94043-1351, USA. For more information, see Google's privacy policy at

Google Analytics

Google Analytics cookies help us to better understand visitors to our Websites and tailor our web presence to their needs. Specifically, this web analytics service helps us to optimise our Websites and tailor our advertising to the needs of our users to provide the best possible user experience.

The operating company of Google Analytics is Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, California 94043-1351, USA. These cookies are a mixture of session cookies and persistent cookies from a first-tier vendor. The lifespan of the cookies is as follows:

Cookie nameConsent categoryLifespanExperience
_gaEssential365 daysIncognito experience
_ga_gtag_<property_id>Performance1minIncognito experience
_gidEssential24hoursIncognito experience
cookieconsentEssential1yearIncognito experience
_gat_<property_id>Performance1minComplete experience
defaultLangEssential1yearIncognito experience
authorization.sidEssential8hr45minIncognito experience
wp-wpml_current_languageEssential1minIncognito experience
PHPSESSIDEssentialend of browsing sessionIncognito experience
woocommerce_items_in_cartEssentialend of browsing sessionIncognito experience
woocommerce_cart_hashEssentialend of browsing sessionIncognito experience
wp_woocommerce_session_<id>Essential2daysIncognito experience

Cookies send information such as browser type, operating system used, originating page, IP address and session time to a server, where the information is stored. They data may be transferred to third parties to the extent that this is provided for by law of if the third parties process the data.

Storing these cookies can be prevented by your browser settings. To find out exactly how you can make these settings, please refer to your Internet browser’s instructions.

In addition, in the cookies options you can select how many cookies you wish to allow.

For more information, see Google's privacy policy at

Google AdWords

Google AdWords helps us to market our products and services in the Google search engine and on the Google Display network.

Google AdWords is an advertising tool. Google AdWords cookies on our sites are used to measure the success of our advertising campaigns, to tailor them to individual needs and to optimise them.

The operating company of Google AdWords is Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043-1351, USA.

Google AdWords uses a cookie that allows us to launch so-called remarketing campaigns or to optimise their conversions. This means that if you have visited certain pages on our websites, we will be able to show you targeted advertising in the following days. The conversion tracking cookie enables us to tailor our campaigns to pre-defined goals and to display ads that interest you. During this process, personal data is collected and stored. Each time you visit our Website, personal data is transmitted to Google. However, the data collected by Google to optimise these campaigns is not available to us or any other Google advertising client.

Google AdWords cookies are only stored in your browser if you have chosen option (3) of our cookie options.

Furthermore, Google offers you the option to block targeted advertising by Google. You can do this by disabling it on

The personalisation of the ads is activated". For more information, see Google's privacy policy at

Hotjar: Retention 365 days

Hotjar is a web service that allows us to create heatmaps on the pages of our various websites and collect feedback directly from our visitors.

The operator of Hotjar is Hotjar Ltd, Level 2, St Julians Business Center, 3 Elia Zammit Street, St Julians STJ 1000, Malta, Europe.

With Hotjar, the following data will be collected:

  • Anonymised IP address
  • Email address
  • Reference area
  • Pages visited on our site
  • Country
  • Date and time of the visit
  • Information on the device and browser

The data will be transmitted to Hotjar servers in Ireland.

Hotjar enables us to understand which links or other buttons are actually clicked or used and which are completely ignored by our users or at least largely ignored. Forms or other data entry where personal information is provided are hidden directly and cannot be tracked by anyone.

You can be tracked on our websites only by Hotjar if you have chosen option (3) of our cookie options.

Cookie nameConsent categoryLifespanExperience
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgressPerformance30minComplete experience
_hjFirstSeenPerformance30minComplete experience
_hjTLDTestPerformanceend of browsing sessionComplete experience
_hjidPerformance1yearComplete experience

Another way to avoid sending your data to Hotjar is to use the "Do not Track" setting in your browser. For more information about these settings and how to activate them, please consult your Internet browser's information or go to Hotjar

You can find more details on this at

Facebook Custom Audiences - Retention to be seen on Facebook website

On our Websites, we have installed the Facebook Pixel. This pixel enables us to evaluate our social media campaigns, show you exclusive ads on Facebook and other social media, and create target groups.

The operating company is Facebook Inc, 16001 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

With these "pixel tags" or "clear gifs", Facebook receives information that our website has been viewed. If you are registered with Facebook, Facebook may also associate your visit to our website with your Facebook account. However, we cannot give exact information on the exact extent of the data transmitted.

You can only be tracked on our Websites by Facebook Custom Audiences if you have selected option (3) in our cookie options.

Furthermore, you can disable Facebook Custom Audiences by logging into your Facebook account at

More details on this can also be found at

Facebook Connect

We use Facebook Connect to give you the option to easily connect to our customer portal with your Facebook account.

The operating company is Facebook Inc, 16001 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

When you use Facebook Connect, Facebook receives information that our Website has been visited and that you wish to connect to it. Our Website does not receive any information about your account, except that you have a Facebook account.

You will be tracked on our websites by Facebook Connect if, and only if, you have selected option (3) in our cookie options.

Cookie nameConsent categoryLifespanExperience
_fbpTargeting/Advertising3monthsComplete experience

More details on this can also be found at


We use YouTube to display videos shot or produced by Enovos, which the customer can also view directly via YouTube.

The operating company is YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, California.

Viewing the material on YouTube requires a connection to YouTube servers in the United States, a country which does not offer adequate and satisfactory protection of personal data under European rules and standards. During this procedure, certain information is transmitted to YouTube to measure the behaviour of YouTube users. Enovos does not specify the means or purposes for such collection, storage or use of information by YouTube and has no access to the information collected. We recommend that you read YouTube’s privacy policies carefully before using any of these features.

You can find more information about how data is collected and used by YouTube and your rights in the matter in the YouTube Privacy Policy at


On our websites, we have installed the Outbrain Pixel. This pixel allows us to evaluate the performance of our media campaigns on this network and to offer you content tailored to your interests.

The operating company is Outbrain Inc, 111 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA.

Outbrain uses interest-based behavioral technology to power its content recommendations.

Outbrain uses a cookie to track a user's journey through its network using a unique identifier. In this way, Outbrain's algorithms can help readers discover the content that interests them most through personalised recommendations. The recommendations are mainly based on :

  • Your browsing history.
  • Similar browsing habits to others.
  • Recommendations that are generally popular at the time.
  • Targeting requirements that may be provided or requested by our advertising partners.

You will be tracked on our websites by Outbrain if, and only if, you have chosen the "Full Experience" option in our cookie options.

More details on this topic can also be found at Our Commitment to Education, Trust & Transparency | Outbrain's Trust Center.

Microsoft CLARITY

On our websites, we have installed MS Clarity. This tool allows us to analyse how people use our websites in order to improve the user experience.

For example, MS Clarity allows us to analyse various types of data (click areas, session logging, scrolling, navigation, etc.) to enable us to identify what works and what needs to be fixed in order to provide you with the best possible experience on our websites.

The operating company is Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052, USA.

You will be tracked on our websites by MS Clarity if, and only if, you have chosen the "Full Experience" option in our cookie options.

More details on this topic can also be found at Microsoft Privacy Statement - Microsoft Personal Data Protection.

For more information about our cookie policy and other technologies, please contact us at the following address: 

Enovos Website:

New customer?

You are not yet an Enovos customer but you would like to take out a contract? Follow this link.

Already a customer?

Are you already an Enovos customer? Take all the necessary steps in your customer area.

New customer?

You are not yet an Enovos customer but you would like to take out a contract? Follow this link.

Already a customer?

Are you already an Enovos customer? Take all the necessary steps in your customer area.

You are a individual? Find an answer to your needs:

How can I find out about my consumption?

If you have a account, you can consult the evolution and details of your consumption at any time by going to the “Consumption” tab of the customer portal.

If you do not have an account and you receive your bills in paper format, you will find information on your consumption on the second page, and on the third page the historical evolution of your consumption. This trend is also shown on the statement of account that you receive in paper format once a year.