We closely monitor community feedback and work in partnership with industry bodies to promote publishing industry standards. Some of the steps we have taken include:
- Using Crossref and DOIs (digital object identifiers) to provide reference linking services
- Introducing OpenAthens software so users can authenticate subscription access to our databases
- Following OpenURL industry standards
- Complying with COUNTER 5 requirements
- Ensuring databases are compatible with reference management software such as EndNote and RefWorks
- Supporting the principles of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
- Supplying book industry-standard metadata by ONIX (V2.1 and V3.0)
- Active membership of organisations like BIC (Book Industry Communication) and IPG (Independent Publishers’ Guild)
And, we ensure compliance with...
- OpenURL
- ProCite
- Zotero
- Conneta
- CiteULike
- Innovative Interface
- Ingenta Connect
- The ERIC Project
- Getinfo TIB
- InformIndia – J Gate Database
- LexisNexis
- Lund
- Minerva
- OhioLink
- ProQuest
- SilverPlatter
We welcome all developments designed to support librarians in their mission to serve the needs of their users. If there is a library system you’d like to see added to the list above, please get in touch.