Information Technology & People: Volume 21 Issue 3


Table of contents - Special Issue: Living and functioning in the e‐society: issues of inclusion and exclusion

Guest Editors: Mike Cushman, Rachel McLean

Exclusion, inclusion and changing the face of information systems research

Mike Cushman, Rachel McLean

The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the issues of social and digital exclusion and inclusion arising from the development of a digitalised society. It aims to highlight the…


Inequality of what? Social exclusion in the e‐society as capability deprivation

Yingqin Zheng, Geoff Walsham

The purpose of this paper is to engage with the debate on social exclusion in the e‐society from the human development perspective, which goes beyond inequality in distribution of…


Older people and internet engagement: Acknowledging social moderators of internet adoption, access and use

Rebecca Hill, Paul Beynon‐Davies, Michael D. Williams

This paper seeks to describe a deep investigation of the phenomenon of internet engagement amongst older people. The likelihood of internet engagement has been shown in previous…


Bringing lost sheep into the fold: questioning the discourse of the digital divide

Ela Klecun

The purpose of this paper is to critique the discourse of the digital divide and to propose ways of responding to digital inequalities.


Excluded again: implications of integrated e‐government systems for those at the margins

Nick Letch, Jennie Carroll

This paper seeks to highlight a poorly‐understood dimension of digital exclusion that is not related to access to information and communication technologies (ICTs), but rather to…


Gay men, Gaydar and the commodification of difference

Ben Light, Gordon Fletcher, Alison Adam

The purpose of this paper is to investigate information communications technologies (ICT)‐mediated inclusion and exclusion in terms of sexuality through a study of a commercial…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Edgar Whitley
  • Prof Kevin Crowston
  • Prof Yulin Fang
  • Prof Jyoti Choudrie