
If you want to export your flagged items in Outlook to Org Mode, you can use this macro.

This macro only feeds data into Org Mode: Completing a task in Org Mode won’t complete it in Outlook, you still need to do that by hand.

Usage Instructions

0. This only works on messages flagged for follow up that are in your Inbox folder. If you want Org Mode to see a message, make sure it’s in your Inbox.

1. Add this macro as a button on your toolbar. You should use it every morning.

2. Select your Inbox folder and then select a message in your Inbox. Now, click the tool bar button and wait a few minutes as Outlook chugs through every message in the folder.

Common Errors

Run-time error -2147221233

You probably forgot to set your “iAm” variable if you see an error like:

Run-time error '-2147221233 (8004010f)':

The attempted operation failed.  An object could not be found.


Sub OrgTasks()
    Dim T As Variant
    Dim Outlook As New Outlook.Application
    Dim orgtext As Variant
    Dim Pos As Integer
    Dim taskf As Object
    Dim outfile As Variant
    Dim mylen As Integer
    Dim scheduled As Date
    Dim due As Date
    Dim future As Date
    Dim past As Date
    Dim diff As Integer
    Dim state As String
    Dim tags As String
    Dim iAm As String
    Dim prioritiy As String
    ' Change Settings In this Block Only '
    ' Don't Touch Above this Line        '
    ' Days to look back for incomplete tasks:
    diff = 30
    ' Tags to apply to each exported task:
    tags = ":mail:external:"
    ' Path to your GTD Org File:
    orgfilepath = "f:\personal\me\org\mail.org"
    ' Your email address:
    iAm = "me@company.com"
    ' Org Mode errors when dates are too far in the future.
    future = DateSerial(2050, 1, 1)
    ' Don't Touch Below this Line '
    Set taskf = Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders.item(iAm).Folders.item("Inbox")
    outlookfuture = DateSerial(4501, 1, 1)
    past = Date - diff
    outfile = FreeFile()
    Open orgfilepath For Output As outfile
    For Each objMail In taskf.Items
        If objMail.Class = olMail Then
            If objMail.FlagStatus <> olNoFlag Then
                scheduled = objMail.TaskStartDate

                If scheduled > past And scheduled < future Then
                    done = objMail.TaskCompletedDate
                    due = IIf(objMail.TaskDueDate < future, objMail.TaskDueDate, future)
                    state = IIf(done = outlookfuture, "TODO", "DONE")
                    mylen = IIf(Len(objMail.body) <= 1024, Len(objMail.body), 1024)
                    Priority = getPriority(objMail.importance)

                    T = T + "* " + state + Priority + " " + objMail.Subject + " " + tags + " " + vbCrLf
                    If scheduled < due Then
                        T = T + "  SCHEDULED: <" + Format(DateTime.DateValue(Str(scheduled)), "yyyy-MM-DD") + " +" + Str(diff) + "d>" + vbCrLf
                        T = T + "  DEADLINE: <" + Format(DateTime.DateValue(Str(due)), "yyyy-MM-DD") + " +" + Str(diff) + "d>" + vbCrLf
                        T = T + "  SCHEDULED: <" + Format(DateTime.DateValue(Str(scheduled)), "yyyy-MM-DD") + " +" + Str(diff) + "d>" + vbCrLf
                    End If
                    If done <> outlookfuture Then
                        T = T + "  CLOSED: [" + Format(DateTime.DateValue(Str(done)), "yyyy-MM-DD") + "]"
                    End If
                    T = T + vbCrLf
                    T = T + "  MESSAGE: " + objMail.Subject + " (" + objMail.SenderName + ")"
                    T = T + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
                    T = T + "  #+begin_src text" + vbCrLf
                    T = T + "    ," + Replace(Mid(objMail.body, 1, mylen), vbCrLf, vbCrLf + "    ,") + vbCrLf
                    T = T + "  #+end_src" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
                End If
            End If
        End If
    ' Now that we have the org-mode tasks, add to org-mode file
    orgtext = "# -*- mode: org -*-" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
    orgtext = orgtext + "#+COLUMNS: %25ITEM %TODO %SCHEDULED %3PRIORITY %TAGS" + vbCrLf
    orgtext = orgtext + T
    orgtext = Replace(orgtext, vbCrLf, Chr(10)) ' Change to unix line endings.
    Print #outfile, orgtext
    Close #outfile
End Sub

Function getPriority(importance)
    Select Case importance
        Case olImportanceHigh
            getPriority = " [#A] "
        Case olImportanceLow
            getPriority = " [#C] "
    End Select
End Function