As of 14 August 2024, you can find a table that includes information on authorised medicines, withdrawn applications, and pending opinions in the 'Medicines' section. A table with information on post-authorisation procedures is available in the 'Post-authorisation procedures for medicines' section.

You can download data related to medicines published on EMA's website in table format. The website automatically updates these data tables overnight.

To stay up-to-date with new and updated information on this website, see:

All relevant information and documents on medicines authorised at a European Union (EU) level are available on medicine pages. This includes:

  • Full scientific assessment reports
  • Public-friendly overviews in question-and-answer format
  • Package leaflets

These pages also contain information on medicines for which the European Commission has refused a marketing authorisation, or has suspended or withdrawn the marketing authorisation after approval.

For more information, see:

During the post-authorisation stage of a medicine life-cycle, marketing authorisation holders can submit an application to change the terms of marketing authorisation. This is known as a variation.

At any stage of the assessment process, applicants can withdraw the application to EMA.

Information on approved post-authorisation procedures is available on medicine pages.

For more information, see:

For more information, see:

Marketing authorisation holders periodically submit PSURs following a medicine's authorisation. EMA and national competent authorities carry out a single joint assessment of all medicines containing the same active substance or combination of active substances to determine if there is a need to update marketing authorisations.

For more information, see:

Medicine shortages

Find information that EMA publishes on medicines shortages in the table below. EMA expects to provide a daily updated table in the coming months.

EMA publishes information on specific shortages and provides recommendations to patients and healthcare professionals across the EU following its own assessment

For each type of shortage, additional information about the situation in a specific country may be available from its national competent authority.

For more information, see:

For more information, see:

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