Role of CAT

Evaluating ATMPs

The committee's main responsibility is to prepare a draft opinion on each ATMP application submitted to EMA, before the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) adopts a final opinion on the marketing authorisation of the medicine concerned.

At the request of EMA's Executive Director or the European Commission, CAT can also draw up an opinion on any scientific matter relating to advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs).

Classification and certification of ATMPs and expert support

CAT also:

  • participates in certifying quality and non-clinical data for small and medium-sized enterprises developing ATMPs;
  • participates in providing scientific recommendations on the classification of ATMPs;
  • contributes to scientific advice, in cooperation with the Scientific Advice Working Party (SAWP);
  • takes part in any procedure delivering advice on the conduct of efficacy follow-up, pharmacovigilance or risk-management systems for ATMPs;
  • advises the CHMP on any medicinal product that may require expertise in ATMPs for the evaluation of its quality, safety or efficacy;
  • assists scientifically in developing any documents relating to the objectives of the Regulation on ATMPs;
  • provides scientific expertise and advice for any Community initiative related to the development of innovative medicines and therapies that requires expertise on ATMPs;
  • supports the work programmes of the CHMP working parties.

CAT was established in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1394/2007 on ATMPs as a multidisciplinary committee, gathering some of the best available experts in Europe. 

Its work plan includes developing guidance documents, contributing to cross-committee projects, work on simplification of procedures and requirements for ATMPs, training for assessors and organising scientific workshops.

 For full details, see the CAT rule of procedure and work plan.

Publication of CAT agendas, minutes and reports

EMA's Committee for Advanced Therapies meets once a month. EMA publishes the agendas, minutes and meeting reports of its plenary meetings. 

CAT has been producing meeting reports summarising the main outcomes of its meetings since it was established.

CAT publication times


Before start of Committee plenary. EMA has been publishing agendas for CAT since its December 2013 meeting.


After Committee plenary where minutes are adopted. EMA has been publishing minutes for CAT since its December 2013 meeting.

Meeting reports

After Committee plenary. As of 2022, CAT quarterly highlights and approved ATMPs replaced its monthly reports.

Useful information

Upcoming CAT meetings


CAT agendas

CAT minutes

CAT meeting reports

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