Websites store small pieces of data, called cookies, on computers and mobile devices. They remember information about your visit and make the site more useful to you.

There are essential cookies and non-essential cookies.

This website uses both kinds:

  • Essential cookies enable the website to work properly and are crucial in supporting its basic functions
  • Non-essential cookies collect anonymous information on your browsing experience which help us improve our services

These cookies are all first-party cookies, which means that:

  • this website places the cookies on your device;
  • only this website can read them.

This website enables these cookies by default until you manage your cookie preferences. None of the cookies store personal data. 

This website also uses Europa Analytics to monitor the user behaviour and experience on this website.

For more information about Europa Analytics:

Cookies on this website

The European Commission (EC) develops and maintains the cookies for this and other European Union (EU) institution websites.

This website uses session cookies and persistent cookies. They are both first-party cookies.

This website:

  • deletes session cookies automatically when you close your browser, or 30 minutes after you start a session;
  • stores persistent cookies on your browser after you close it.

Our essential persistent cookies expire after six months, while non-essential persistent cookies expire after thirteen months.

The table below provides information on the different kinds of cookies this website uses:

Name and typeService PurposeStorage
Consent needed?
eu_cookie_consent - essential cookieCookie Consent Kit (Webtools)Stores your cookie preferences, so the website will not ask you again Removed when
you close your browser
- session cookie
- essential cookie  
Cookie Consent Kit (Webtools) Stores your preferences for first-party cookies, so the website will not ask you again 6 months
- persistent cookie
- essential cookie
Cookie Consent Kit (Webtools) Stores your preferences for third-party cookies, so the services will not ask you again during a session Removed when
you close your browser
- session cookie
- non-essential cookie
(Europa Analytics / Piwik) 
Recognises website visitors, so that the website can monitor the number of visitors 13 months
- persistent cookie
- non-essential cookie
(Europa Analytics / Piwik) 
Identifies the web pages that an individual user views during one visit, so that the website can monitor how users move around the website 30 minutes
- session cookie

This website uses authentication cookies for authorised EMA and EC staff, and for contractors. We store these cookies using the EC’s authentication service (EU Login). They do not apply to external users.

For more information on cookies on this website:

Managing cookies

You can manage your cookie preferences for this website yourself. There are three ways to do this.

1. Cookie consent banner

When you visit this website for the first time, a banner appears that gives you two options:

  • Accept all cookies
  • Accept only essential cookies

If you do not select an option, the website will continue to store all cookies. This helps track user behaviour on your device. 

For more information on how we track user behaviour, see: 

2. Opt in and out

To see your current status and manage your consent, you can use the box below. 

In this box, 'opting in' means accepting all cookies while 'opting out' means accepting only essential cookies:

3. Browser settings

Most web browsers allow you to set your cookie preferences. This includes:

  • Blocking cookies
  • Cookie exceptions for specific websites
  • Clearing cookies
  • 'Do Not Track' settings

These preferences apply when you use a browser to visit a website.

For instructions, check the support pages for the browser you use.

Third-party cookies

Websites other than this one also place cookies on your device. We call them third-party cookies and do not control them.

Embedded services like videos place third-party cookies.

External providers place third-party cookies only if you interact with their content. In that case, you can choose to accept or decline the third-party cookies with the help of a 'cookie consent banner'. You can do this without leaving our website.

This website also includes links to other services, which you can access if you accept their terms and conditions. You can find a list of our external content providers at the bottom of this page, under 'External content'.

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