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    The EU for Ukraine Fund (EU4U) was established in 2023 as part of a larger EU for Ukraine initiative. The fund aims to accelerate EIB Global’s support for Ukraine’s most urgent infrastructure needs and help sustain its economy. The Fund facilitates deployment of both public and private sector projects for the reconstruction of critical municipal infrastructure and improves access to finance for entrepreneurs.

    The EIB stands with Ukraine

    Since the beginning of Russia’s invasion, our support for Ukraine is unwavering as we continue to mobilise relief to help rebuild the country.

    At a glance

    EU4U Fund’s donor contributions focus on priority investments for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction.


    Priority sectors

    Schools and hospitals

    Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs)

    Digital and cybersecurity

    Transport networks

    Our donors

    On 13 July 2023, 16 Member States pledged their support to the fund. 

    EU for Ukraine Fund operations are currently financed by 14 donors, namely:

    More countries are expected to contribute to the fund.


    Sustainable Development Goals

    Donor-financed operations, through our trust funds, make a direct contribution to several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our collective actions unlock billions of euros in investment to combat climate change, eradicate poverty and fight inequality.

    These are some of the global goals targeted by our trust fund.

    United Nations

    How we use donor funds

    We enhance the development impact of investment projects by offering:

    • credit enhancement to facilitate EIB's lending to Ukrainian counterparts,
    • interest rate subsidies, and
    • financial instruments, such as investments in equity funds.


    The EU for Ukraine Fund supports the reconstruction of municipal infrastructure and better access to finance for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in Ukraine.

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