Press releases

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    In its effort to lead global climate action, the European Union should set an ambitious target for 2040, aiming to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 90%, in line with its broader goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. This target, endorsed by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) at its September plenary session, aligns with the scientific consensus on the need to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has adopted a resolution tracking democratic progress in the European Union and calling for a stronger EU with a new six-fold concept of security.

  • Exchange on shaping a ‘Just Transition’ with Climate Action Minister Leonore Gewessler and Oliver Röpke, President of the European Economic and Social Committee

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    The names of the finalists for the 2024 EU Organic Awards have been revealed today. For each of the eight categories, the top three projects have been selected, representing 24 finalists from 12 EU countries. The winners of the eight awards will be unveiled at the official ceremony in Brussels on 23 September, as part of a series of events and activities celebrating the annual EU Organic Day.

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    On 17 July, the President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Oliver Röpke, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) represented by its Presiding Officer, Khalid Boudali. The memorandum aims to formalise the partnership between the two institutions and enhance economic and social stakeholder involvement in the Africa-EU partnership. 

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is calling for the Commission's proposal on making EU traineeships fairer and more inclusive to be reinforced. Nearly half of the EU’s more than three million trainees are unpaid and almost a third have no access to social protection. All young people should have the chance to benefit from the traineeship experience - not just those who can afford it

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted a resolution during its July plenary session rejecting the idea of transforming cohesion policy into a mechanism similar to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The EESC calls for cohesion policy to be strengthened and for civil society to be involved, just as it was for the 2021-2027 programming period. 

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    The European elections proved that the pro-European majority still holds, but also showed that voters across the EU demand urgent political and legislative responses to the challenges raised in the electoral campaign. Otherwise, the pro-European majority may risk losing support as citizens may increasingly turn their backs on the mainstream political forces.

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    La sesiunea plenară din iulie a Comitetului Economic și Social European (CESE), președintele Comitetului, dl Oliver Röpke, a moderat o dezbatere cu ministrul ungar pentru afaceri europene, János Bóka, care a prezentat prioritățile principalele ale Președinției ungare a Consiliului UE.

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    În cadrul conferinței sale anuale privind sărăcia energetică, Comitetul Economic și Social European (CESE) a făcut bilanțul în ce privește creșterea alarmantă a numărului de persoane afectate de sărăcie energetică în ultimul an. CESE transmite un mesaj puternic liderilor UE și prezintă propuneri concrete pentru a asigura o aprovizionare cu energie stabilă și la prețuri accesibile, sprijinind în același timp persoanele vulnerabile, gospodăriile și IMM-urile.