Upcoming events

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  • The European Commission is organising the third Civil Society Forum of the EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement (TCA) on 20 September 2024, at EESC premises, in Brussels.

    Participation is open to civil society organisations representing employers' organisations, workers' representatives, NGOs and academics.

    The agenda for this third meeting of the CSF includes trade in goods, level playing field, regulatory cooperation, trade in services & energy.

  • Conference on Housing

  • On 24 September, the CCMI will adopt an own-initiative opinion on "Industry 5.0: how to make it happen". On that occasion, a debate will take place with the participation of the European Commission (DG RTD) as well relevant stakeholders representing academia, businesses and trade unions. As part of the EESC pilot to involve Enlargement Candidate Members (ECM) in the preparation of opinions, the debate will count with representatives from the Turkish organised civil society. 

  • Strengthening the European Semester to support reforms and investment in Member States in order to enhance competitive sustainability and growth

    With the revision of the EU economic governance framework, which is built around the European Semester, the latter has also been adapted and strengthened in its coordination of the economic, budgetary, employment and social policies of the Member States. From 2024, national medium-term fiscal structural plans will replace the former national reform programmes and stability/convergence programmes. These plans, which have to be submitted by 20 September, should detail the reforms and investment that countries intend to adopt in order to strengthen sustainable growth, and should address the main challenges (digital, green and social) identified in the context of the European Semester (and in particular the country-specific recommendations (CSRs). The EESC sees a number of opportunities in this review and calls in particular for greater transparency in the Semester, for appropriate involvement of organised civil society and for proper monitoring of the implementation of medium-term fiscal structural plans. 

  • Hearing

    The Territorial Agenda (TA) 2030 is an inter-governmental declaration with no direct legal, financial or institutional implementation instrument. The application of the Territorial Agenda 2030 relies on informal multilevel cooperation between Member States, sub-national authorities, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Investment Bank and other relevant players.

    The TA 2030 envisages a stocktaking in 2024 including a review of the governance system and implementation progress. This review has slowly started during the Spanish EU Presidency in 2023 and  continues with the Belgian Presidency. As the focus is expected to be on governance and implementation, civil society organisations and the EESC have to play a more active role in the governance of the TA 2030 and contribute to the priorities that have been set. 

  • Competitiveness and convergence: Can we ensure them both?  How civil society can contribute?"

    Convergence and competitiveness are key for the next EC mandate. Convergence via cohesion policy is developing constantly. Europe must become highly competitive compared to its counterparts and cohesion policy can help towards this direction. Civil society can be a catalyst in these twin challenges. Chambers, SMEs, businesses, universities, unions and NGOs need to make the transition and become more competitive, effective and productive. They will help the European economy and help eliminate economic and social disparities.

  • The event will be held in-person only and will be webstreamed. For in-person participation prior registration is required. Please register by 8 October noon via our registration page.

  • The EESC's Permanent Group on disability Rights is organising a hybrid public hearing on "Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Reponses" on 15 October 2024 from 9:30 am to 1 pm.

    During the event, we will discuss with relevant stakeholders existing good practices as well as obstacles to guarantee inclusive practices both in the EU and on a global level.

    #DisabilityRights #DiDRR

  • Joint policy conference of the EESC Workers' Group and FEPS

    AI is affecting the world of work in many ways and becoming a prominent feature in many people's jobs.  

    To understand the challenges in terms of job quality, employment, working conditions, health and safety, as well as concerns regarding the strong potential for worker surveillance, the EESC’s Workers’ Group and FEPS jointly is organising a conference entitled “Computer in Command: Do the Consequences of Algorithmic Management for Workers Require EU Policy Action?” on 16 October from 14.30 to 18.30.