• In this issue:

    • No longer invisible: how the Seoul and London Olympics made history by Pietro Barbieri
    • What I see at the Olympics by Pyrros Dimas
    • The Revived – Ukraine's first ever digital Olympic team
    • Children with disabilities: we can do everything, we just might do some things a little differently
    • 24 projects shortlisted for 2024 EU Organic Awards
  • In this issue: 

    • Clamping down on exploitation of trainees by Nicoletta Merlo 
    • Spotlight on youth in the EU: the Committee's pioneering Youth Test initiative is gaining momentum 
    • How the Rassemblement national capitalises on the youth vote in France by Christophe PrĂ©ault,
    • How to stay in touch with Generation TikTok? by Rieke Smit, Social News Daily/ #UseTheNews 
    • Making European elections a role-model for accessible voting: this time it is too late
    • Enlargement: the EU’s most powerful and successful policy tool, by Pat Cox
    • North Macedonia’s EU accession: challenges, promises and the way forward
    • Jaroslaw Pietras: The EU’s great enlargement – 20 years on
    • Danuta HĂĽbner: The vote matters
    • Cast your ballots in June 2024: the EESC is calling on Europeans to vote for a united and democratic Europe
    • RĂ©gis GentĂ©: Disinformation will be successful if its target is weak
    • Housing crisis – the EESC calls on the EU to act
    • Civil Society Week: European civil society sets agenda for next EU leaders
    • Ireland's Third Age Foundation wins EESC Civil Society Prize for mental health
    • Christian Moos: Defence of Democracy package – Commission should withdraw the directive
    • Bruno Kaufmann: Why the European Citizens' Initiative is much more decisive than we may think
  • In this issue:

    • #CivSocWeek is coming on 4-7 March
    • Emilie Prouzet: Long-term competitiveness, mapping factors and actors to chart a way forward
    • Ana Gomes: Rising above the far right in Europe – causes, and the remedies needed
    • Ukraine, two years on
  • In this issue:

    • In memory of Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission. Tribute given by Sebastien Maillard, Director of the Jacques Delors Institute and Lorenzo Consoli, EU Correspondent
    • COP28: Civil society to push for more action to save climate
    • European Disability Card – one step closer to achieving free movement for people with disabilities in the EU
    • EESC demands political efforts to eradicate homelessness be stepped up
  • In this issue:

    • Willem Vriesendorp: "COP28: The time for action is now"
    • Connecting EU 2023 seminar: Disinformation and lack of interest are the main reasons for poor voter turnout in European elections
    • Robert Sermek: Why you shouldn't miss voting in the 2024 European elections
  • In this issue:

    • EESC celebrates the success of the Fur Free Europe Citizens' Initiative
    • 2023 EESC winners in the EU organic awards: from Ireland, Germany and Austria
    • Ewa Ewart: "We must join forces to protect our most precious resource: life-giving, fresh, clean water"
    • Maria Nikolopoulou: We call for an overarching strategy to implement the Sustainable Development Goals
  • In this issue:

    • Stop ageism: EESC urges EU and Member States to create new strategy for older persons
    • EESC puts water on the EU agenda with first concrete Blue Deal proposals
    • Georgia – Another front for Russia
    • EU Organic Awards 2023: EESC announces finalists
    • Influencer advertising: EESC proposes EU regulation to draw red line