EESC President

Conference at the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action emphasises the importance of social climate policy

Exchange on shaping a ‘Just Transition’ with Climate Action Minister Leonore Gewessler and Oliver Röpke, President of the European Economic and Social Committee

Today, Friday September 13th, the Just Transition Conference of the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action took place in Vienna. The central theme: successfully shaping a socially just climate policy.

The training and further education of skilled workers in climate-friendly professions, so-called ‘green jobs’, play an important role in this. With the “Environmental Foundation”, the Austrian government created an instrument back in 2022 to provide long-term unemployed people with skills that are fit for the future. To date, a budget of 17.5 million euros has been made available for this purpose. At the conference, Climate Action Minister Leonore Gewessler announced that the Ministry for Climate Action would be increasing the budget by 7.5 million euros to 25 million euros. The aim is to enroll 1,000 people in the foundation by 2025.

Another topic at the conference was the social design of climate protection measures and an energy transition that leaves no one behind. Good examples of this include the ‘Clean Heating for All’ programme, which provides up to 100 percent funding for switching to clean heating systems in low-income households, and the ‘Energy Saving in the Home’ programme, which fully finances the replacement of inefficient appliances such as refrigerators. This helps to combat energy poverty in Austria and protects the climate at the same time.

The social design of climate policy is also of immense importance at EU level. Instruments such as the Just Transition Fund and the Social Climate Fund are important steps that must be built upon in the next legislative period. The European Economic and Social Committee is also in favour of this.

Climate Action Minister Leonore Gewessler: “Good climate policy is also social policy. We can only achieve a climate-friendly future if we leave no one behind. At the same time, climate protection measures such as the refurbishment of buildings or the expansion of public transport are an investment in the quality of life of all of us, which also creates secure and well-paid jobs. Whether it's Clean Heating for All or the climate bonus - we are supporting those who need it most.”

EESC President Oliver Röpke: "As we navigate the profound transformations of the green transition, it is essential that we ensure no one is left behind. The European Green Deal presents a tremendous opportunity, but its success depends on our commitment to a fair and inclusive approach. The Just Transition must go beyond climate action – it must address the social and economic impacts to safeguard vulnerable communities and workers. By working together at the EU, national, and local levels, we can build a sustainable future that prioritizes both environmental progress and social justice. The EESC therefore proposes a binding EU directive on the Just Transition."

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