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Legislation and Directives


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Regulations require that "the head of the agency shall designate … such Special Emphasis Program managers … as may be necessary to carry out the functions described in Part 1614 in all organizational units of the agency and at all agency installations” (29 C.F.R. § 1614.102(b)(4)).

EEOC Rule 82 F.R. 654, published 1/3/2017, effective 3/6/2017 - Requiring agencies to engage in affirmative action for individuals with disabilities and clarifies the obligations that the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 imposes on federal agencies.

Presidential Executive Orders:

Executive Order (EO) 13548, issued on July 26, 2010 –– Recommitted the efforts detailed in EO 13163 and established the Federal Government as the model employer for individuals with disabilities by emphasizing greater compliance and accountability. This includes performance targets, numerical goals, and sub-goals for individuals that have targeted disabilities.

EO 13187, issued on January 10, 2001 –– Established the President's Disability Employment Partnership Board. The Board was tasked with providing advice and information to the President, Vice President, Secretary of Labor, and other appropriate federal officials with respect to facilitating the employment of people with disabilities. The Board also assisted with other activities that promoted employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

EO 13163, issued on July 26, 2000 –– Stimulated an increase in the opportunities for individuals with disabilities to be employed at all levels and occupations of the federal government, and to support the goals articulated in Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 791). This Executive Order promoted the addition of 100,000 employees with disabilities to the federal workforce within five years. Each agency was directed to prepare a plan to increase employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities at all levels and occupations within the federal government. This included utilizing available hiring authorities, expanding outreach efforts, and accommodating individuals with disabilities.

EO 13078, issued on March 13, 1998 –– Established the National Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities to reduce employment barriers for persons with disabilities.