
Grow your business and start delivering measurable results as a Dynamic Yield Partner.

The Dynamic Yield partner ecosystem

Our partners offer a broad range of services, solutions, and integrations to help companies tailor digital experiences for each and every consumer.

Unlock additional revenue streams

Maximize customer growth by incorporating personalization into your suite of services and acquiring new, innovative brands.

Amplify your global reach

Tap into our network of 450+ brands from around the world who are forging meaningful relationships with today’s consumers.

Access best-in-class technology

Quickly onboard or integrate with our open architecture and take advantage of 8+ years of expertise in the field.

A 2023 Gartner MQ
Leader for the 6th
consecutive year

A G2 Leader in
Personalization Engines
from 2019-2023

A G2 Leader in
A/B testing in 2023

2023 Most Loved
Award by TrustRadius

Our partner program

Dynamic Yield is home to a robust partner network, with three distinct types of partnerships currently available, each outfitted with a unique set of benefits.

Solutions Partners

Provide strategic guidance, campaign design and development, as well as execution to their clients with support from our team of experts.

Receive industry best practices, methodologies, and proven strategies to improve conversion rates.

An operating system for quickly creating and testing personalized, optimized, and synchronized digital experiences.

Access to ongoing training on system functionality and newly-developed features.

Step-by-step implementation instructions validated by Dynamic Yield developers.

Technology Partners

Enable businesses to optimize experiences and touchpoints throughout the customer lifecycle with greater agility.

Development of quality integrations for increased orchestration and time-to-value.

Ability to extend personalization across the entire technology stack.

Potential to leverage Dynamic Yield’s rich audience data for more relevant experiences.

Referral Partners

Join our partner network when seeking out a trusted personalization solution provider for their clients.

Potential to create new and meaningful revenue streams by incorporating experience optimization into the larger CX strategy.

Assurance from an award-winning personalization vendor with nearly a decade of experience in the global market.

Commitment to scale clients’ digital investments with regular support from our Customer Success team.

“We highly value our partnership with Dynamic Yield. Our business and our clients’ businesses heavily rely on their tech to effectively and measurably grow through testing and personalization.”
Laura Stude

Co-founder, surefoot

Partners Logos
Partners Logos

The scale of our partner network

We’ve developed a true community of partners from more than 25 countries across the globe who are passionate about personalization and devoted to investing in knowledge sharing, talent, and technology.
“This global alliance is offering our clients game-changing personalization offerings.”
Brian Elliott

Managing Partner of Periscope By McKinsey

Building the experiences of tomorrow, together

Partners in our network experience shared wins and witness tangible success. With a program built on successful collaboration, your team can rely on us to be there every step of the way, helping you build best-in-class experiences for leading brands.
“Dynamic Yield allowed us to have the flexibility to create different experiences based on the type of user, and with the expertise and knowledge from the Stellar Labs team, we were able to increase conversions by 63%.”
Alexander Fadeev

Head of Analytics Department, KUPIVIP.RU

Ongoing partner collaboration

Members of our partner program also enjoy exclusive access to additional opportunities for increased brand exposure, including:

  • Participation in virtual or in-person events
  • Article submissions to our XP2 Learning Center
  • Use case of the month spotlight
  • Sponsorship of an out-of-the-box Experience OS template

Ready to become a partner?

If your team is looking for more than a solution provider, but a true partner to better support your customers, get in touch.