A/B Testing & Optimization

Everything about A/B Testing & Optimization
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Unlocking Gen AI’s Potential: 3 Essential Strategies for Personalization Success

An image of a brain, lightbulb and a checkmark

Here’s Why Your Customers Are Tuning You Out

Why A/B Testing and Personalization Are More Powerful Together

Personalization and A/B testing with single page application frameworks

The evolution of artificial intelligence in marketing and personalization

High-impact eCommerce navigation optimization ideas to improve product discovery

The rise of headless commerce – a comprehensive technical guide

Prioritization Template for Personalization Program Management

There are no failed A/B tests: How to ensure every experiment yields meaningful results

Guidelines for running effective Bayesian A/B tests

A/A testing and decision making in experimentation

Server-side testing and personalization explained

client-side vs server-side

Client-side vs server-side A/B testing and personalization

client-side A/B testing

Client-side testing and personalization explained

Frequentist approach

The Frequentist Approach to A/B Testing

bayesian approach

The Bayesian Approach to A/B Testing

a/b tests

The impact of A/B tests and personalization on SEO

eCommerce Visual Merchandising: 7 In-Store Tactics to Use Online

outlier detection

Outliers detection in A/B testing

ecommerce terminology

Become fluent in eCommerce metrics and terminology

Gated Content vs. Ungated Content

It’s personal — why it’s time to deflate the great gated content debate

a/b testing

How to analyze and interpret A/B testing results

segmented A/B tests

Segmented A/B tests: Avoiding average experiences

Machine Learning Based Optimization vs. A/B Testing

Machine Learning Based Optimization vs. A/B Testing

50 eCommerce Segmentation Recipes

50 eCommerce segmentation recipes you can start using today

multivariate test

The complex nature of running multivariate tests

Mobile Retail Apps: Designing a Better Experience

omnichannel retail

The promise and pitfalls of omnichannel retailing

growth hacking

Ex-Head of Site Optimization at Staples on Growth hacking in eCommerce

ecommerce experience optimization

A primer on eCommerce one-to-one marketing

optimization KPI

Choosing the right optimization KPI for your A/B tests


Why ARPU is your most important eCommerce metric

Building an experimentation growth plan: A Kopari Beauty case study

Bayesian a/b testing calculator

Introducing our Bayesian A/B Testing Calculators

ecommerce conversion

The economics of eCommerce conversion rate optimization

dynamic personas

Building dynamic personas for personalization

conversion attribution

Understanding conversion attribution scoping in A/B testing

session based attribution

Why session-based attribution is flawed in A/B tests

traffic allocation

Choosing the right traffic allocation in A/B testing

One Segmentation Secret to Influence 98% of Prospective Travelers

frequentist vs bayesian

Frequentist vs. Bayesian approach in A/B testing


Optimizing SEM traffic with personalization: A Juniqe.de case study

Patience: the Holy Grail of Optimization Success

Challenges Publishers Are Facing Today with A/B Testing

Digital customer experience optimization: A holistic approach

shopping cart abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment recovery strategy, with real-world examples

Balancing the Needs of Performance Marketing and Branding

Facebook Instant Articles: A New Monetization Opportunity for Publishers

Facebook Instant Articles: A New Monetization Opportunity for Publishers?

How Brands Should Build their Digital Marketing Optimization Stacks

40 Step On-Page SEO Checklist

40 Step SEO Checklist (Updated to 2021)

optimization objective

Choosing the right conversion optimization objective

Multi-armed bandit

Beyond A/B testing: Multi-armed bandit experiments

Holiday Shopping Product Page Checklist

Holiday Shopping Product Page Optimization Checklist

Buyer Legends Interview

Buyer Legends Book Interview: Best-selling Authors Jeffrey & Bryan Eisenberg with Anthony Garcia

Infographic: The Difference Between CTR and Revenue Based Tests

The Difference Between CTR and Revenue Based Tests

5 Reasons Why I Stopped Following A/B Testing Case Studies

5 Reasons Why I Stopped Following A/B Testing Case Studies

Landing Page Optimization Checklist

A King’s Landing: Claim Your Landing Page Optimization Throne

Google Analytics - Part 1

Don’t Trust Your Google Analytics Data Just yet, Perform a Tag Audit


15 Great Quotes That Will Inspire You to Start Optimizing

statistical significance

Why reaching and protecting statistical significance is so important in A/B tests

a/b testing

An introduction to A/B testing and optimization

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