Education Planning

A solid education is the foundation for a great career. We help you plan ahead.

We  know how important college is for your kids and/or grandkids. We also know  just how expensive it's become to pay for a college education, and so making  a sound savings and investment plan to cover these fees is essential. It's  never too early to start planning for college, and there are several avenues  open to you aside from financial aid (which can leave students with decades  of crippling debt).

The most traditional way of building up a college fund is through savings  accounts (CDs, money market funds), tax-free municipal bonds, U.S. Treasury  securities, or mutual funds. There are also 529 tuition plans, and tax  advantaged methods, and if this is all starting to sound overwhelming...we  get it. So, get in touch and talk to us about understanding the savings and  investment strategies available to you. We're here to help.

Education Planning


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Frequently asked questions.

How do I save for my child’s education?

Starting and regularly funding a 529 can help tremendously with your child’s education expenses. A 529 is a tax-advantaged plan designed to encourage saving for future education expenses. There are two types: prepaid tuition plans and education savings plans. Give us a call today to discuss the best option for you and your family.

How much money should I have in savings?

Most agree that saving six months’ worth of living expenses is sufficient, but there are certainly exceptions. Give one of our advisors a call to discuss curating a personal, comprehensive financial plan.

What’s the best way to invest money for my child?

A savings account, opening a 529, or utilizing a UGMA or UTMA account can start your child off on the right foot. Give one of our advisors a call to further discuss saving for your child’s future.

Is a 529 better than a savings account?

While a 529 does count against your child’s potential financial aid, the tax savings of a 529 are significant. Depending on your financial situation, either a 529 or savings account may be appropriate. Just call us for advice.

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