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Post Wisely | about us | du™

If it were your pain, would you share it?

We live in a strange time governed by social media. A time where people are consumed by getting likes, shares and fans in pursuit of making their social media profiles more interesting. Unfortunately, this has led to a trend and a pattern of behaviour that is irresponsible and shocking.

2018 stories

In order to boost their online presence, people have started posting videos and photos of accidents, fights, and other unfortunate incidences, online.
What is being recorded to post is directly affecting another human being’s life whether it is the victim himself or the people close to him. It’s real and it is happening while conscious decision has been made to record rather than doing something to help.

We believe that it is our social responsibility to shed light on concerning online behaviours that appear in our community, and it becomes our duty to promote awareness about the hidden endangerments of technology and social media if used inappropriately.
So, we urge you. The next time you chance upon someone who is in an unfortunate situation, however big or small, ask yourself first, if it were your pain, would you share it? Please be sensitive and think carefully before sharing anything on social media. If you are able to, find a way to help.


2016 stories


We live in a world where social media has become an integral means of communication. These channels have opened the doors to reunite with old friends and share our updates and happy moments with them.

Today, people have taken social media usage to a new level, where they tend to overshare their personal information and details of their daily routine – not realizing how much information is too much. For example, they’ve got a vacation coming up, a new car, a new born child and other moments they’d like to share with everyone - everyone including people they don’t know very well. The problem is, we really don’t know who is monitoring our lives on social media and who might take advantage of the collected information that could harm us. Most of the social media users in the UAE rarely think about the risks involved when sharing sensitive personal details online. Recent statistics reveal that 2 in 5 people in the UAE are victims of cybercrimes.


What is considered over-sharing?

  • If you do post the below information publically on social media, then consider yourself an over sharer:
  • Posting your complete date of birth
  • Announcing vacations or when you’re away from home
  • Posting your every move including what you had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Posting your home phone number or location
  • Posting about your financial situation
  • Sharing every little accomplishment your children have achieved
  • Posting personal information or pictures about your family & friends
  • Posting a picture of your boarding pass
  • Tagging your current location
  • Posting about your expensive and precious jewelry
  • Posting details about your layout of your home
  • Posting details about your personal identity and surroundings