
When testing at core 10.2 we get

Passing null to the $typedConfigManager parameter of ConfigFormBase::__construct() is deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and must be an instance of \Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManagerInterface in drupal:11.0.0.

Change record

The tests fail at 8.x-1.x because drupalCI.yml has suppress-deprecations: false

The 2.x branch does not fail, but only because it has suppress-deprecations: true, added recently because of #3413015: Tests fail with "Using a translatable string as a category for field type is deprecated"

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jonathan1055 created an issue. See original summary.

jonathan1055’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Testing on 8.x-1.x first because that branch is not affected by the 3rd-party deprecations for Address and Commerce #3413015: Tests fail with "Using a translatable string as a category for field type is deprecated" so it is easier to see if the actual $typedConfigManager deprecation has been fixed.

The CronForm is fixed by the first commit. Gitlab pipeline for 'next minor' did fail for @group "scheduler"
But now it passes

Unfortunately the deprecation for AdminForm that we see on Scheduler 2.x is not produced by the tests at 8.x-1.x

On DrupalCI the test failures reduced from 4 to 3. The three failiures are deprecations in Rules tests, regarding how the rules config is created. This is probably something in Rules, not under our control.

  • jonathan1055 committed a81571dd on 8.x-1.x
    Issue #3417444 by jonathan1055: Passing null to $typedConfigManager in...

  • jonathan1055 committed 5e74bb87 on 8.x-1.x
    Issue #3417444 by jonathan1055: Suppress deprecations on DrupalCI until...

  • jonathan1055 committed 37e8552f on 2.x
    Issue #3417444 by jonathan1055: Passing null to $typedConfigManager in...
jonathan1055’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed

Fixed in 2.x and 8.x-1.x

The deprecations are suppressed now in both branches on DrupalCI, due to the deprecations in other modules making it look like this module is failing.

In the gitlab pipeline, the phpunit running current core has no override for variable SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER so it defaults to 'weak' and hides all deprecations.

But now we also have the option to run phpunit at the next minor core version (which is currently the same 10.2.3-dev as in the current core (but will be updated to 10.3 dev). These tests do not have deprecations suppressed so we can see everything that needs attention.

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.