This module allows overriding views contextual arguments and exposing sort from the block setting form.
General usage
When adding a new views display for your block, choose 'Block with overrides'.
Additional checkboxes for overriding contextual filter, exposing sort and pager ID will be available at 'override settings'.
If you add a validation criteria on an entity type on the contextual argument, that will trigger an autocomplete field on the block form.
Multiple contextual filters
When configuring multiple contextual filters, the grouping of these filters is
done by an AND condition. If you want to change the condition to OR, we suggest
you use the Views Contextual Filters OR module.
Usage with Paragraphs
Used in combination with a block field, this gives a lot of flexibility for usage with Paragraphs.
Usage with Layout Builder
This gives a lot of flexibility for usage with Layout Builder.
Project information
- 463 sites report using this module
- Created by svdhout on , updated
- Stable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
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