Role Expire is a simple module that allows administrators to set and control expiry dates of user roles. A common use case for this module is to implement magazine style subscriptions where somebody purchases or receives access for a fixed period of time.

At the moment it implements the following functionality:

  • Selecting a role (or roles) on user_profile_form triggers a textfield (or textfields) where admins can enter expiry date for selected items.
  • Defined expiry dates are displayed on user's profile (visible only for owners of the profile or users with proper permissions). This can be altered using standard theme_ or hook_user() functions.
  • Role expiry dates are controlled by Cron, so it automatically removes any expired roles.
  • Simple API is provided to set, clear or retrieve expiry dates for given roles and users.
  • Views module handlers are provided for displaying, sorting and filtering expiry dates inside views (per role).
  • Set default expiry duration (12 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 4 weeks, 3 months, 1 year) for each role in the edit role screen, so that on receiving a role a user will keep it for the stored time span. The expiry duration can be a strtotime-compatible string (like "last day of this month"). Handy for Subscriptions or temporary access.
  • Migrate module support for migrating roles into your Drupal site.
  • If you want to keep role history alongside look at role watchdog module
  • Rules module integration
  • Support for Role Delegation module.
  • Support for RoleAssign modules.
  • You can set a default role when each role expires.
  • End sessions when expiring roles
  • Provide an option to disable RE for selected roles [not available on D7]


  1. Branch 4.x: Drupal 11 compatible. Using Rules version 4.0.0 or greater is recommended if you use the Rules integration that is now under "Role Expire Rules" submodule.
  2. Branch 3.x: Drupal 10 compatible. Requires a Rules version 8.x-3.0-alpha8 or greater if you use the Rules integration. No further development.
  3. Branch 2.x: Drupal 8 and 9 compatible. Requires a Rules version 8.x-3.0-alpha7 or lower if you use the Rules integration. No further development.
Supporting organizations: 
ported Drupal 7 version to Drupal 8, 9, 10 and 11, maintains Drupal 7 version

Project information
